
  1. 时评有新闻时效性和舆论引导性的特点,可以作为思想政治教育的创新载体。

    Featuring timeliness and argumentativeness , commentary can serve an innovative carrier of ideological and political education .

  2. 另外,邸报与宋代小报相比较而言,二者的传播内容和读者对象、新闻时效性大多相同,但在性质上小报属于民间报纸。

    Dibao in Song Dynasty was a small newspaper with the characteristics of official newspaper but different from official newspapers in many aspects .

  3. 在当今数字时代,新闻时效性与读者相关性决定了该课程的网络化以及学生自主学习的必要性。

    At the present digital age , timeliness and reader relevance make it imperative for the course to be Web-assisted and the student to apply autonomous learning to the course .

  4. 高校校报新闻报道时效性分析

    Time-lag of News Reports in College Paper

  5. 由于硬新闻的时效性,其还被称为现场新闻或即时新闻。

    Hard news is also known as spot news or immediate news for its timeliness .

  6. 如同新闻对时效性的要求很强一样,新闻传播的理论研究也应根据新闻传播现状和新形势的发展而不断变化、更新。

    As the strong requirements of the news to timeliness , the theory of news and communication should also ever-changing and update according to the news media status under the new situation .

  7. 新闻的时效性保证了当事件有重大发展时,往往会出现密集的跟踪报道,于是新闻在时间轴上的聚集分布便代表事件的重大发展阶段。

    The timeliness of news to ensures that when there is a significant development , often intensive follow-up reports will appear , then news reports on the timeline of events aggregated distribution would represent a significant stage of development .

  8. 新闻编辑增强时效观念的途径

    Ways to Strengthen Time Sense for News Editors

  9. 新闻翻译强调时效性,准确性,灵活性以及符合译语新闻规范。

    It stresses on the timeliness , accuracy , flexibility and conformity to the journalistic conventions of the target text .

  10. 由于新闻作品的时效性,维基新闻中每一条信息都必须引证并且可以核实。

    Due to the time-limited nature of news articles , every piece of information in a Wikinews article must be referenced and verifiable .

  11. 严禁在运营新闻时追求时效而牺牲真实性,严禁直接引用社交网络平台上的内容作为新闻报道。

    It forbids running news that sacrifices truthfulness for the purpose of being first , or directly quoting content on social networking platforms as news .

  12. 利用远程节目传输系统,可极大提高电视台新闻报道的时效性,并利用传输系统所获得的丰富节目资源,全面提升电视台各类节目的数量和质量。

    With the help of this system , the time-effectiveness of TV news reporting can be improved , and the quantity and quality of TV programmes in various styles can also be promoted through the full use of abundant programme resources .

  13. 因此,新闻报导的这种时效性要求新闻英语除了准确和浅显易读以外,还必须具备简练、信息含量大的特点。

    Therefore , news English should be brief and laden with information besides being accurate and clear .

  14. 随着广播电视事业的迅猛发展,电视新闻以它的时效性、直观性,一直在三大传播媒体中占有主要的地位。

    With the rapid development of the broadcasting cause , TV news , with its promptness and visualization , has been occupying the important position of the three major media .

  15. 时下,隐性采访已成为新闻记者挖掘深度新闻和时效新闻的常用手段。

    At present , hidden interviewed by journalists digging depth and timely information has become common practice .

  16. 论文认为:新闻频道将电视新闻的时效性和现场性推向极致,并将电视新闻全面性、深度性推进到新的高度。

    The paper argues that news channels extremely improves the timeliness , effectiveness and spot feature of TV news , and increases the horizon and depth of TV news contents .

  17. 相对传统新闻媒体,网络新闻在时效性与互动性上的优势使它对于社会重大事件的报道具有更为深远的影响力,成为人们获取新闻信息的主要来源。

    Comparing to the traditional news media , the advantages of network news on the timeliness and interactivity make it has more far-reaching influence in reporting on major social events and become the main source for people to get news information .

  18. 新闻报道的自发布使得新闻报道呈现出时效性强、数量大、增量快、范围广等特点。

    The news posting makes it presents features of strong time-bound , large quantities , fast incremental and large scale .

  19. 第三,一般现在时在两类新闻中占主导,这体现了新闻的时效性。

    Thirdly , simple present tense mostly used in both kinds of news , which is in accordance with the up to date and quick character of news .

  20. 新闻是媒体之本,媒体传播新闻的时效如何,是大众在获取信息时取舍的标准之一。

    News is the nature of media . The timely news transmission via media is one of the criteria for the mass to decide whether the information should be taken .

  21. 由于新闻领域所固有的特性,如新闻的时效性、倾向性以及大量存在于新闻翻译实践中的跨媒介翻译及编译现象,功能主义原则及观点应用于新闻作品的翻译中有独到的解释力。

    Given the peculiarities of the area of journalism , including timeliness and tendentiousness of news as well as the common practice of cross-media and edited translation in reality , functionalist principles and ideas may be very effectively applied in the translation of journalistic writings .

  22. 新闻评论的特性应该是:依托新闻事实、时效性、评论性、大众性。

    The special characteristics of the news comments should rely on news fact , time efficiency , comment and mass .

  23. 本系统能够节省新闻发布的成本,提高新闻发布的效率,体现新闻的时效性,因此具有很高的实用价值。

    The system can save the cost of press releases , improve the efficiency of press releases , and reflect the timeliness of news . Therefore , it is of high practical value .

  24. 在个性化新闻推荐系统相似度计算阶段和最终推荐阶段融入了时间因素,保证了所推荐新闻的时效性。

    Combines time factor in the stage of similarity calculation and final recommendation in the personalized news recommendation system , and ensures the time feature of news recommended . 4 .

  25. 新闻采编系统既能使编辑部工作告别笔和纸,减少工作环节,提高工作效率,缩短出报时间,又能加强新闻的时效性与交互性。

    News gathering system , both makes the editorial department of " Farewell to pen and paper " to reduce the work areas , improve efficiency , shorten the reported time , but also to enhance the timeliness of news and interactivity .