
xīn xī lán
  • New Zealand;Aotearoa
新西兰[xīn xī lán]
  1. 他们在决赛中以22:6大败新西兰队。

    They demolished New Zealand 22 – 6 in the final .

  2. 库克于1768年绘制了新西兰的海岸图。

    Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768 .

  3. 英格兰队在一场势不两立的比赛中打败了新西兰队。

    England beat New Zealand in a grudge match .

  4. 在上周的比赛中,威尔逊是新西兰队的替补队员。

    Wilson was a second string for New Zealand in last week 's match .

  5. 我们去年冬天去了新西兰。

    We went to New Zealand last winter .

  6. 新西兰在橄榄球国家中首屈一指。

    New Zealand is at the top of the pecking order of rugby nations .

  7. 新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。

    Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel

  8. 澳大利亚橄榄球联盟在新西兰有众多支持者。

    Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand .

  9. 这家新西兰酿酒厂出产一些最好的澳新葡萄酒。

    This New Zealand winery produces some of the best antipodean wines .

  10. 7月24日:澳大利亚对阵新西兰(比赛地点待定)

    July 24 : Australia v New Zealand ( venue TBA ) .

  11. 西班牙人卡洛斯·赛恩斯在新西兰摩托车公路大赛中夺冠。

    Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the New Zealand Motor Rally .

  12. 整个11月,我们都在新西兰、澳大利亚和日本巡回演出。

    We 're playing in New Zealand , Australia and Japan through November

  13. 在克赖斯特彻奇遭遇惨败后,新西兰的投球手们还有还手之力吗?

    Can the New Zealand bowlers fight back after their thrashing at Christchurch ?

  14. 在新西兰,毛利人保持着深厚的文化传统。

    In New Zealand , the Maori people maintain a strong cultural tradition .

  15. 新西兰队领先了不到5分钟。

    New Zealand were ahead inside five minutes .

  16. 法国和新西兰重修旧好。

    France patched things up with New Zealand

  17. 就澳新地区而言,夏季滑雪的最佳去处是新西兰。

    For summer skiing down under , there is no better place than New Zealand .

  18. 有时,在新西兰演出的时候,我表现得很出彩。

    Sometimes when I performed in New Zealand , I was doing a very presentable job .

  19. 他给新西兰政府去函,索取介绍新西兰生活的宣传册。

    He wrote off to the New Zealand Government for these pamphlets about life in New Zealand .

  20. 澳大利亚、新西兰和加拿大跟它们的宗主国不曾有殖民冲突。

    Australia , New Zealand , and Canada , had no colonial conflict with the mother country .

  21. 看来尽管新西兰几维队很想与他签约,他仍然欢迎其他球队开价。

    It seems that while the Kiwis are keen to have him , he is still open to offers .

  22. 我们将于圣诞节期间回新西兰。

    We 'll return to New Zealand at Christmas .

  23. 新西兰是一个讲英语的国家。

    New Zealand is an English speaking nation .

  24. 发言人说,澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰会联合反对英国加入共同市场。

    The spokesman said that australia , canada and New Zealand would gang up against britain 's joining the common market .

  25. 随着各国坚持自己的主张,乔治国王岛的研究站提供了一次机会,一窥在冰川覆盖的大洲上的耗时游戏,削弱了美国、英国、澳大利亚以及新西兰这些国家的长期统治。

    The research stations on King George lsland offer a glimpse into the long game on this ice-blanketed continent as nations assert themselves , eroding the sway long held by countries like the United States , Britain . Australia and New Zealand .

  26. 澳大利亚、新西兰和南非也有鲨鱼袭击。

    Australia , New Zealand and South Africa also have shark 0attacks .

  27. 也许有来自加利福尼亚的苹果,新西兰的羔羊,或者埃及的土豆?

    Perhaps there are apples from California , lamb from New Zealand , or potatoes from Egypt ?

  28. 第一家克隆农场在新西兰出现。

    The first clone farm has appeared in new zealand .

  29. 首先出现的是新西兰和澳大利亚的点灯人。

    First would come the turn of the lamplighters of New Zealand and Australia .

  30. 越来越多中国影视作品把在海外取景地点选在新西兰,这里优美的自然风光和纯朴民风给中国观众留下美好印象,相信将带动更多中国民众前来新西兰旅游。

    New Zealand is a popular filming location for more and more Chinese TV and film producers .