
xīn jīnɡ jì zhènɡ cè
  • new economic policy
  1. 按照马来西亚的新经济政策(neweconomicpolicy),外国投资者必须将企业30%的股权交给当地的马来人合作伙伴。

    Under what is known as the new economic policy , foreign investors are required to offer a 30 per cent stake in businesses to a local ethnic Malay partner .

  2. 新经济政策的实质是利用资本主义来建设社会主义。

    The essence of the New Economic Policy is using capitalism .

  3. 新经济政策可能给该党带来灾难性的后果。

    The new economic policies could prove suicidal for the party .

  4. 优待马来人的新经济政策(neweconomicpolicy)造成了这一趋势。

    The policy of preferential treatment for Malays , known as the new economic policy , has contributed to this trend .

  5. 新经济政策时期耐普曼的发展问题研究

    On the Development of MAH in the New Economy Policy Time

  6. 它们在理论上的承袭可以追溯到列宁的新经济政策。

    Their theory source could trace down the Lenin-s new economy policy .

  7. 关于苏俄新经济政策的另一面

    The Other Side of the Soviet Russian New Economic Policies

  8. 析列宁新经济政策的实质与法律思想

    Lenin 's New Economic Policy : the Essence and the Legal Thought

  9. 与此同时,新经济政策在各经济领域也被逐步取代。

    And then , more and more NEP were replaced .

  10. 陈独秀发展资本主义思想与列宁新经济政策

    CHEN Du-xiu Thought of Development Capitalism and Lenin 's New Economic Policy

  11. 新经济政策与列宁社会发展理论

    New Economic Policy and Lenin 's Theory of Social Development

  12. 列宁新经济政策对我们的启迪

    The Enlightenment of Lenin 's New Economic Policy on Us

  13. 我与他辩论政府的新经济政策。

    I argued about the government 's new economic policy with him .

  14. 奥巴马新经济政策对中美贸易的影响

    Effect of Obama 's New Economic Policy on Sino-American Trade

  15. 什么样的方法能使向新经济政策过渡的时期激发早期的社会目标?

    In what way did the transition to NEP challenge earlier social goals ?

  16. 斯大林、西伯利亚和新经济政策危机

    " Stalin , Iberia 7 the Crisis of the New Economic Policy "

  17. 重新解读列宁的新经济政策

    A New Interpretation of Lenin 's New Economic Policy

  18. 他是这个国家新经济政策的总设计师。

    He was the chief architect of the country 's new economic policy .

  19. 新经济政策时期列宁对社会主义经济的市场化探索

    The Exploration of Market-oriented Economy of Socialism by Lenin During New Economy Policy

  20. 新经济政策与社会主义市场经济

    New Economic Policy and Socialist Market Economy Theory

  21. 列宁的退却思想与新经济政策

    Lenin 's Withdraw Thought and New Economy Policy

  22. 同时,新经济政策也标志着列宁对社会主义建设道路认识的进一步深化。

    Moreover , New Economy Policy explains that Lenin 's knowledge about socialism deepened .

  23. 从发展哲学角度看列宁新经济政策的价值

    On the Value of the New Economic Policy from the Perspective of Development Philosophy

  24. 政府的新经济政策受到社会各阶层的拥护。

    The government 's new economic policy gained acclaim from various sections of society .

  25. 新经济政策实施后,苏俄才复苏过来。

    Only when the New Economic Policy was implemented did Soviet Russia begin to recover .

  26. 拉奥政府新经济政策的社会后果浅析

    Social consequences out of new economic policy

  27. 第四部分:阐述新经济政策被终结和取代的过程。

    Part four is about the progress of the replacement and ending of the NEP .

  28. 论工农联盟思想在列宁新经济政策中的作用

    On the Role of the Thought of Worker-Peasant Alliance in Lenin 's New Economic Policies

  29. 列宁的新经济政策是对落后国家社会主义经济建设道路的重要探索。

    Lenin 's new economic policy is the important exploration for the backward nations'socialist economic construction .

  30. 在新经济政策下,政府的发展策略是直接设立信机构。

    Under nep , the government 's development strategy was to directly set up trust agencies .