
  1. 老第三系(E)是河南平原地热开发基底,新第三系(N)是主要热储层和开采层。

    Eogene System is the fundus of terrestrial heat exploitation and Neogene System is the principal heat reservoir and exploitation bed of Henan plain .

  2. 利用电子探针和激光探针剥蚀系统(LA-ICP-MS)对北羌塘新第三纪高钾钙碱岩系英安岩中角闪石的主元素和微量、稀土元素进行了分析。

    Based on the electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ( LA-ICP-MS ) analyses , the major and trace element features of amphibole from the Cenozoic high-potassium calc-alkaline dacite of north Qiangtang are discussed in this paper .

  3. 中国新第三纪中-小型猿类化石及其意义巫山龙骨坡似人下颌属于猿类

    Middle small bodied apes from Neogene in China and their significanc

  4. 塞尔维亚新第三纪湖泊沉积物的特征和相

    Facies and characteristics of some Neogene lacustrine sediments in Serbia

  5. 西沙群岛新第三纪白云岩的成因与意义

    Origin of Neogene dolomites in Xisha Islands and their significance

  6. 新第三纪盆地中多因复成铀矿床很重要。

    The polygenetic compound uranium deposits are very important in the Neogene basins .

  7. 元谋新第三纪食肉动物化石的初步观察

    A preliminary observation on Carnivora from the Neogene locality of yuanmou , Yunnan

  8. 珠江口盆地新第三纪钙质超微化石的分布及其地质意义

    Distribution of Neocene calcareous Nannofossil in Pearl River Mouth Basin and its geological significance

  9. 某新第三系盆地含铀的锗矿床的成矿特征及其成因探讨

    Metallogeny and mineralization characteristics of a uraniferous germanium deposit in a certain Neogene Basin

  10. 太平洋新第三纪地层区域委员会

    Regional Committee on Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy

  11. 新第三系红层石膏岩工程特性及工程应用研究

    Study on the Engineering Characteristic and Application of the Gypsum Rock in the Neogene Red Clay

  12. 云南陇川盆地东南缘新第三系砾岩成因及沉积模型

    Sedimentary model and origin of conglomerate in the southeastern margin of Neogene Longchuan basin , West Yunnan

  13. 太平洋新第三纪地层委员会从咸水迁徙到淡水的太平洋鳟鱼的肉。

    Committee on Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy flesh of pacific trout that migrate from salt to fresh water .

  14. 黄河上游新第三系红层工程地质特性研究

    Study on engineering geologic characteristics of Neo-Tertiary red sandstone for hydropower projects on the Upper Yellow River

  15. 黄河中游新第三纪晚期红粘土的成因类型

    The Genetic Types of the Late Neogene Red Clay in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River

  16. 陇川盆地新第三纪地层主要由细粒碎屑岩组成,富含孢粉化石。

    The Neogene strata in Longchuan basin consist mainly of the fine grai-ned clastic rocks containing abundant sporopollen fossils .

  17. 渤海湾中部南堡35-2地区新第三系河流沉积及油气勘探意义

    Fluvial sediments and their oil-gas exploration significance of the Neogene in the Nanpu 35-2 area of Central Bohai Gulf

  18. 新第三纪湖盆被挤压回升,形成单斜断块山。

    It developed into a lake basin by the subsidence of the earth 's crust in the early Cretaceous period .

  19. 侏罗纪以来两地区经历了相似的构造演化,即侏罗纪-老第三纪的伸展构造阶段和新第三纪-第四纪的挤压构造阶段。

    Since Jurassic , they both have experienced similar tectonic evolution , i.e.the extension tectonics in JurassicPaleogene and compressive tectonics in Neogene-Quaternary .

  20. 盆地自下而上充填有中侏罗世、晚侏罗世-早白垩世、晚白垩世、老第三纪和新第三纪-第四纪构造层序。

    Five tectonic sequences filled in Xinyang Basin include middle Jurassic , late Jurassic-early Cretaceous , late Cretaceous , Paleogene , and Neogene-Quaternary sequence .

  21. 侏罗系油气具有多次成藏期,主要成藏期发生在早白垩世末、老第三纪渐新世,最晚可跨到新第三纪中新世。

    There were several stages of accumulation in Jurassic reservoirs , which spanned from Early Cretaceous period , Oligocene of Early Tertiary to Late Tertiary phases .

  22. 第三章论述了行政复议和解对其他利害关系人的效力。笔者将其他利害关系人分为第三人和新第三人。

    The third part discusses the effect of reconciliation in process of administrative reconsideration to other interested parties which divided into the third people and the new third people .

  23. 断裂带内新近纪(新第三纪)至第四纪玄武岩中的幔源包体,不但指示了上地幔韧性剪切带的存在,也反映了断裂切割深度与详细的流变学特征。

    Mantle derived xenoliths in Neogene Quaternary basalts along the fault zone indicate the presence of ductile shear belts at upper mantle , depths of the fault zone and its mantle rheology .

  24. 郯庐断裂带自中生代以来经历了晚侏罗世末至早白垩世的走滑运动、晚白垩世至早第三纪的伸展运动及新第三纪以来的挤压逆冲活动(徐嘉炜,1992)。

    The Tan-Lu fault zone experienced the strike-slip movement from the latest late Jurassic to the early Cretaceous , the extensional movement from the late Cretaceous to Paleogene , and post-Eogene compressive activities since Mesozoic .

  25. 通过对黄河上游山间盆地新第三系红层岩石含水量进行现场观测,得出了红层不同状态含水量的变化规律。

    Based upon the field observation of the Neogene red rock stratum in the intermountainous basin of the Upper Yellow River , the variation law of water contents was achieved under different conditions of rock stratum .

  26. 从震旦纪到新第三纪盆地演化大体分为两大旋回4个阶段,沉积了不同类型油气源岩,造就了多种类型储盖组合、储集体和圈闭。

    From the Sinian to the Neogene , essentially the development of the basin can be divided into two major cycles and four stages , respectively result in different types of oil / gas source rocks , and form into various types of reservoir-cap combinations , reservoir bodies and traps .

  27. 该公司的新,第二代的PLC并没有达到我们的标准。

    That company 's new , second-generation PLCs were not up to our standards .

  28. 全球定位系统(GPS)技术的最新进展第三讲GPS在变形监测中的应用

    Application of GPS to deformation monitoring

  29. 新的第三代框架即将撩开面纱,这些框架将为doc/litSOAP提供更好的支持,并能带来潜在的性能提高。

    New third-generation frameworks are being unveiled , which offer much better support for doc / lit SOAP as well as potential performance improvements .

  30. 仅仅一天之后,这一乐观情绪又得到了加强&NSN与纽约对冲基金HarbingerCapitalPartners达成了一项70亿美元的交易,将一同在美国建设并运营一个新的第四代移动网络。

    The bullish message was reinforced a day later when NSN clinched a $ 7bn deal with Harbinger Capital Partners , a New York hedge fund , to build and operate a new fourth-generation US mobile network .