
  • 网络New Cave;Sun Tung;Sindong;Neocueva
  1. 每年都为我们挖新洞。

    Laying out new holes for us every year .

  2. 记周口店新洞的大型食草类化石

    Large herbivore fossils from the new cave at Zhoukoudian

  3. 兔子又找了一个新洞,一个可以说是他自己的洞。

    Rabbit looks for a new hole , one he can call his own .

  4. 他把其中的五只拿到新洞里来,还拿来了许多火药。

    He brought five of them to his new cave and a great deal of gun-powder .

  5. 你采集火柴,剥橡果,叫你挖一个单独的新洞你就挖。

    You gather the kindling , husk the acorns , and dig a new privy hole when asked .

  6. 所以,他又挖了一个新的洞。然后又去清洗床单刮擦地板。

    Then he went back again to clean the sheets and scrub the floor .

  7. 要给他挖一个新的洞。

    To dig him a new pit .

  8. 死尸在树木之间的空旷地面上,旁边有一把铁锹,稍远一点儿是一个乱石堆,乱石堆旁边有一个新挖的洞。

    It lay in a clear space among the trees . Nearby was a spade , and further off lay a scattered heap of stones , close to a freshly dug hole .

  9. 以细观统计和唯象分析相结合的思想,提出了一种新的微孔洞型损伤演化方程,方程同时计及了孔洞长大、成核以及材料可压缩性的耦合效应对损伤演化的影响。

    Based on the microscopics statistics and phenomenological analysis , a damage evolution equation is developed , which involves the effects of the growth and nucleation of microcavities as well as the effects of the material 's compressibility .

  10. 一种新的分区重叠洞点搜索方法-感染免疫法

    A new method of hole-point search in grid embedding technique

  11. 应用新技术将导流洞改建成旋流消能泄洪洞。

    New technique is applied to reconstruct the diversion tunnel to the vortex flow tunnel with energy dissipation .

  12. 广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调基于生态安全格局的新农村规划探索&以广东省饶平县新丰镇洞泉村为例

    The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County , Guangdong Province Discussion on New Rural Planning Based on Ecological Safety Pattern