
  1. 新庄村因其特有的用水规则、村庄权威和传统资源,而建构了村庄自主解决灌溉问题的机制。

    Xinzhuang village , because of its water rules , authority of the village and traditional resources , has constructed relevant mechanisms to solve the irrigation problems .

  2. 通过对社区居民的访谈发现,在新庄村从事传统手工造纸产业的家庭在经济上的优势是相当明显的,这也从侧面验证了传统手工造纸为何在今天还能在该社区得以保存的原因。

    The community resident interviews discovery , in the village engaged in traditional handmade paper industry family in the economic advantage is quite obvious , this is also from the side of traditional handmade paper proves why in today but also in the community to preserve the reason .

  3. 总的来看,新庄村传统手工造纸的传承虽然目前没有濒临消亡的危险,但是如果不能有效的扶持与合理的疏导,该社区的非物质文化遗产资源在未来还将面临着巨大的威胁与挑战。

    On the whole , village of traditional handmade paper inheritance although there is not going to die out , but if not effectively support and reasonable dredge , the community of the intangible cultural heritage resources in the future will also facing a huge threat and challenge .