
  • 网络STU
  1. 他在笔记本中没发现任何涉及斯图的东西。

    He didn 't find anything in the notebooks to implicate Stu .

  2. 斯图,就按我说的那样呼吸,好吗?

    Stu , just breathe like I told you , okay ?

  3. 比如,拥有新泽西社交媒体营销公司GhostTweeting的妮卡•斯图沃特。

    Nika Stewart , for instance , owns ghost tweeting , a new Jersey-based social media marketing business .

  4. 在克里斯汀·斯图尔特与《白雪公主与猎人》(SnowWhiteandtheHuntsman)的导演鲁伯特·山德斯(RupertSanders)闹出“偷腥门”短暂分手后,目前两人已经重归于好,近日这对小情人还被拍到在斯图尔特家门口接吻的照片。

    Pattinson and Stewart are believed to have reconciled following Stewart 's affair with director Rupert Saunders , with the young stars having been papped kissing outside the 22-year-old actress 's new Hollywood home .

  5. 玛莎o斯图沃特告知伦德格伦自己与J.C.Penney签约之后,约翰逊作出的反应令翁家驹法官惊讶不已。

    The judge was clearly astonished by Johnson 's reaction after Martha Stewart announced to Lundgren that she had signed on with Penney .

  6. 他曾发布初步禁令,禁止J.C.Penney公司建造玛莎o斯图沃特店面以及销售这个品牌的大部分产品。

    Oing had previously issued a preliminary injunction barring Penney from building the stores and selling most of the products .

  7. 约翰逊正是效仿乔布斯的这个特质,试图让人们相信,J.C.Penney公司事实上并没有对梅西百货早前与玛莎o斯图沃特签署的协议形成侵权。

    And it is this trait that we see Johnson emulating in his attempt to convince the world that Penney was not , in fact , infringing upon Macy 's earlier agreement with Martha Stewart 's company .

  8. Auto-eating(机械进食)这个词是由营养学家玛丽•斯图佳首先提出来的,指毫无饥饿感时的进食,而且进食的时候根本没有意识到同时有多少热量被摄入。

    Nutritionist Mary Strugar coined the term auto-eating , which presumably means eating without the feeling of actual hunger and perhaps even without being fully aware of consuming the calories .

  9. 斯图?沃尔夫离我们只有咫尺之遥

    Stu Wolff 's only a few yards away from us .

  10. 斯图,是真的吗?你在那吗?

    Stu , is that true ? . are you there ?

  11. 斯图:噢,是的,我也嚼破口香糖。

    Stu : Oh yeah , I also smack my gum .

  12. 斯图,是不是我们昨天在亚特兰大听到的那个消息?

    Is it what we heard yesterday in Atlanta , Stu ?

  13. 斯图:你知道威尔克斯家总是和表亲结婚的。

    STEW : You know the Wilkes always marry their cousins .

  14. 斯图:那么我们告诉你一个秘密怎么样?

    STEW : How about if we tell you a secret ?

  15. 演出后斯图会在他的阁楼举办一个聚会

    There 's gonna be a party afterwards at Stu 's loft

  16. 斯图,你觉得会有什么问题吗?

    Stu , do you think there could be anything wrong ?

  17. 像斯图?沃尔夫这样的人是不会亲自把珠宝还你的

    people like Stu Wolff don 't return your jewelry3 personally .

  18. 我唯一可以信赖的人是斯图?沃尔夫

    The only person I can turn to is Stu Wolff ,

  19. 我知道你有多迷斯图沃尔夫。

    I know how fond you are of stu wolff .

  20. 关于那几起谋杀,你记得什么,斯图?

    What do you remember about those killings , stu ?

  21. 我猜斯图一定是个很难相处的人

    I bet Stu is hard to get along with .

  22. 斯图:我倾向于打断人的谈话。

    Stu : I tend to interrupt people in conversation .

  23. 斯图,你身上有现金吗?

    Stu , do you have any cash on you ?

  24. 嗯,这是真的,斯图。

    Oh , yes . That 's right , Stu .

  25. 我知道你有多迷斯图?沃尔夫

    I know how fond you are of Stu Wolff ,

  26. 斯图,你真的觉得我是个演员吗?

    Stu , do you really think that I 'm an actor ?

  27. 斯图想仔细看看这位年轻女士。

    Stew wanted a closer look at the young lady .

  28. 或者戴上这个去见斯图

    Might as well just wear this to see Stu .

  29. 斯图?沃尔夫就不会觉得我很酷了

    then Stu Wolff will never think I 'm cool .

  30. 我们第一次带斯图到斯来德伯时,他多大?

    How old was Stuart when we first brought him to thredbo ?