
duàn yù
  • settle a lawsuit;close a trial by announcing the verdict;hear and pass judgment on a case
断狱 [duàn yù]
  • [close a trial by announcing the verdict;hear and pass judgment on a case] 旧指审理判决案件

  • 察狱讼之词,以诏司寇断狱弊公,致邦令。--《周礼.士师》

断狱[duàn yù]
  1. 在法的实施方面,以儒家典籍为断狱的依据。

    Moreover , Confucian classics were the foundation of the implementation of laws .

  2. 而清代的纠纷解决、决讼断狱主要诉诸于“冤抑”、“伸冤”之类的话语表达。

    On the other hand , the settlement of disputes and trials in the Qing dynasty mainly depended on such expressions as " Yuanyi " and " Shenyuan " .

  3. 通过这一研究,可以提供一个与文学叙事和民间传说中的包公形象与断狱智慧进行比较研究的前提。

    From the research , a premise can be provided for making comparative study on Bao Gong 's image in the literary narratives and legends , and the wisdom of adjudicating cases .

  4. 经义断狱,充分体现了儒家之礼对中国古代司法活动的影响,礼治主义成为中国传统司法的最高原则;

    " A trial of a case with a reference to the Confucian code " is a demonstration of the great impact of the Confucianism on the ancient judicial activities , and the " Courtesy Rule " became a supreme principle of the Chinese traditional judicature .