
  1. 参考各种栽培植物的引种驯化历史,对《御制满蒙合璧文鉴》所记录的植物进行了研究,285种植物中有78种属于栽培植物。

    On the basis of consulting the plants cultivation history , it finds that there are 78 cultivated plants of 285 plant species recorded .

  2. 康熙五十六年(1717),在北京木刻出版了《御制满蒙合璧文鉴》,是一部满蒙合璧解释词典,共21卷,280类,12000词条。

    In the fifty-sixth year of Emperor Kangxi ( 1717 ), the woodcut edition of Imperial Manchu-Mongolian Combination Document was published in Beijing . It is a combinative interpretation of Manchu-Mongolian dictionary , with a total of 21 volumes , 12,000 entries , divided into 280 categories .