
  • 网络literary activities
  1. 文化人类学视野下的文学活动与巫术仪式

    Literary Activities and Witchcraft Ceremony under the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology

  2. 时空忧惧与文学活动的发生

    Apprehension of Time and Space : Its Relation to Literary Activities

  3. 可以举办文学活动或讲座来吸引读者。

    They can hold literary events or lectures to attract readers .

  4. 该计划提供各种文学活动,概述如下。

    The program provides various literary activities , outlined below .

  5. 文学活动的主体建构功能及其构成

    The Function of Constructing Subject and Formation of Literary Activity

  6. 社会参与在鲁迅文学活动价值生成中的意义

    Significance of Social Participation in Lu Xun 's Literary Activities

  7. 从文学活动的互动性看立普斯移情观

    Theory of Empathy Lipps from the Interactivity of Literature Movement

  8. 读者在文学活动中的主体作用

    The Function of the Reader as Subject in Literary Activities

  9. 文学活动中作家与批评家的自由与不自由

    On the freedom and non-freedom of the author and critic

  10. 他的整个文学活动与外国文学有很密切的关系和深厚内在联系。

    His whole activity of literature has close relation with foreign literature .

  11. 梁启超文化传播背景下的文学活动

    Literary Creative Works under the Background of Liang Qichao ' Cultural communication

  12. 萧统、萧纲兄弟文学活动差异成因之探讨

    The Discussions of the Reasons about the Xiao Brothers ' Different Literature Activities

  13. 文学活动空间变化与两晋文学发展进程

    Spatial Change of Literature Action and Process of Literature Development in Jin Dynasties

  14. 临江三孔的文学活动

    The Literature Activity of Linjiang " Three Kongs "

  15. 他们重视文学活动任性愉情的一面以及对物态美的感受和表现力,肯定艺术个性的价值。

    They affirmed the value of artistic individual character .

  16. 论小玲珑山馆为中心的文学活动

    On the Literary Activities Centering Around the Pretty Guesthouse

  17. 建安文人的文学活动与文学观念

    The Relation between the Literary Activities and the Literary Sense of Jian'an Literatis

  18. 试论校园文学活动与初中作文教学实践

    The Teaching Practice on Campus Literature Activities & Composition Writing in Secondary Schools

  19. 试论消费时代的文学活动与文学研究

    The Literature Activity and Research in the Consume Ages

  20. 王士禛五载扬州的文学活动与成绩

    Wang Shi zhen 's Literary Activity and Achievement in Yangzhou 's Five Years

  21. 第四章是佛教与皎然的创作与理论。通过分析皎然作品,清理了他的文学活动中所受到的佛教影响。

    The forth chapter is the connection between the Buddhism and his creative theory .

  22. 文学活动的问题。

    Second , question of the literature activity .

  23. 周瘦鹃文学活动研究

    The Research about Literary Activities of Zhou Shoujuan

  24. 论大众文化视野中的中国当代文学活动

    The Contemporary Chinese Literature Activities in Mass Culture

  25. 又是庐山僧人文学活动和作品影响下产生的一种山林气息浓厚的文学。

    Again , he was representative of the idyll literature induced by the monks'mountain-and-forest-literature .

  26. 文学活动是一种以语言为媒介的艺术活动。

    Literary activity is an artistic one that is achieved through the medium of language .

  27. 文学活动是充满情感的活动,情感贯穿了从创作到阅读的整个过程。

    Literary activity is full of emotion which hints the whole process from composing to reading .

  28. 诗可以群的诗学理论与先秦时期的文学活动

    Theory of " Poetry Can Make People Harmonize " and Literary Activity of the Per-Qin Period

  29. 文学活动中的隔与不隔

    Non-expressiveness and Expressiveness in Literary Activities

  30. 战胜时间忧惧是文学活动的目的之一。

    And to overcome this apprehension of time is one of the objectives of literary activities .