
  • 网络literary world;Literature world
  1. S.奈保尔:文学世界的漂泊者

    S. Naipaul : A Wanderer of the Literary World

  2. 文学世界的复现与创造&论文学阅读的两种功能

    Reappearance and Recreation of Literary World : Two Functions of Reading

  3. 罗伯特·考米尔&扰乱美国少年文学世界的人

    Robert Cormier & The One Who Dares to Disturb the Universe

  4. 老师使我们认识了文学世界。

    The teacher introduced us to the world of literature .

  5. 他的作品在文学世界中赢得了广泛赞誉。

    His works have earned a great acclaim in the literary world .

  6. 创造社文学世界的文化生成形态

    Cultural Formation of the Literary World of Creative Society

  7. 文学世界之生成现象学

    The Phenomenological Description of the Formation of Literary World

  8. 主体建构与困境救赎&王小波及其文学世界

    Subject Construction and Redemption of Plight & Wang Xiaobo and His Literature World

  9. 在文学世界中,幼儿文学是一块繁茂的园地。

    In the world of literature , infant 's literature is a luxuriant field .

  10. 他的言谈中提及文学世界。

    His conversation reeks of the literary world .

  11. 小城镇文学世界

    The Literary World of Small Cities and Towns

  12. 历史·人性与诗性眼光&田中禾的文学世界

    History , Human Nature and the Poetic Perspective

  13. 秦汉简帛中的文学世界&秦汉文学研究新资料之一

    The Literary World in Silk Books of the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty

  14. 在文学世界里,人们对哥特文学从来都不够重视。

    In literature world , people have never paid much attention to Gothic literature .

  15. 文学世界中的道德冲突

    Moral Conflicts in the World of Literature

  16. 在他的小说创作中,浪漫与写实两类作品共同构筑起其文学世界。

    In his novels , romantic and realistic works built up his literary world together .

  17. 人文自救:执着与困惑&林语堂的哲学探寻与文学世界

    Humanitarian Self-Saving : Determinations and Puzzles & Ling Yutang 's Philosophical Exploration and His Literary World

  18. 但文学世界是全球化过程中最不应该同质化的领域。

    But the world of literature is the last place in which globalization should mean homogeneity .

  19. 我还认为电视可以领孩子们进入文学世界。电视上经常有儿童故事出现。

    And I also think television is good for introducing children to good literature and children stories .

  20. 多重记忆与文学世界

    Multiple-memories and Literary Worlds

  21. 剖析了贺享雍文学世界的审美构成:创作视野:既关注农村,又描写都市,还再现过去;

    This paper dissects his aesthetic construction : creation horizon including rural and urban description and the past representation ;

  22. 文章从三个方面说明创造社文学世界的文化生成形态。

    The article tries to analyze the cultural formation of the society in the literary world from three aspects : 1 .

  23. 在各国的舞台上莎翁仍旧活跃着,在文学世界中他也一直保有重要的一席之地。

    He is still alive on the stages of different nations and occupies an important position in the field of literature .

  24. 丹尼尔·笛福是18世纪英国小说先驱之一,并在英语文学世界里享有独一无二的地位。

    Daniel Defoe is a pioneer novelist of England in the 18th century and holds his unique status in English literature world .

  25. 在现实世界中沉默寡言的龙瑛宗,却在文学世界里大放异彩,展开对自我和人生的探寻。

    In the real world dumb Long Ying-Zong cases , but shine in the literary world to start exploring the self and life .

  26. 刘基《郁离子》一书继承并发展了先秦诸子的辩证思想,为我们构设了一个诡异奇幻而又充满哲理思辨的文学世界。

    Li Ji 's Yu Li Zi inherits and develops the dialectical ideas of Pre-Qin and constructs a mysterious and philosophical literary world .

  27. 在明清时期的文学世界中,小说获得了最大的成功。

    In the literary world of the Ming and the Qing dynasties , the greatest success was attained in the creation of novels .

  28. 纳博科夫颠覆了以往的小说创作美学原则,他的文学世界,消解了传统理论性质的价值取向,汇入以审丑学为人本关怀的现代主义潮流。

    Now overturned the aesthetic principle of creation used in the previous novels , in his literature , the traditional value orientation has been eliminated .

  29. 随着新课程改革的进行,语文教材改革开始折射出对文学世界的重新认识。

    With the development of the new curriculum reform , our Chinese new curriculum reform begins to reflect a new recognition to the literature world .

  30. 但是,作家的写作都是一个自我完备的过程,瑕不掩瑜,鲁敏用她的小说带来了一种特别的体验,一个只属于她自己的文学世界。

    However , writing is a self-contained process , Lu Min with her novels brought a special experience , a literature world of her own .