
  • 网络Cultural period;Mousterian
  1. 法乌司密斯文化期工艺现代法治社会的真谛是司法独立。

    The true meaning of the modern law society is judiciary independence .

  2. 良渚文化期自然环境变化与人类文明发展的耦合

    Coupling relationship between the environmental changes and human civilization development during Liangzhu culture period

  3. 制作轻薄工具的传统始于旧石器时代中期,以穆斯特文化期工艺时期为例。

    A flake-tool tradition emerged in the Middle Paleolithic , as exemplified by implements of the Mousterian industry .

  4. 江户时代:(1603~1867)日本历史上的文化期,相当于德川幕府统治的政治时期。

    Edo period : Cultural period of Japanese history corresponding to the Tokugawa period of governance ( 1603-1867 ) .

  5. 青铜鬲起源于陶鬲,陶鬲自新石器时代的仰韶文化期产生直到战国时期一直都是主要的日常生活炊器,许多青铜器的器形均是来源于陶器。

    Bronze Li originated from the shape of Tao Li , since Neolithic the Yangshao culture were produced until the period of the Warring States , Tao Li has been the main daily cooker . Many bronze vessels shapes are derived from pottery .

  6. 文化转型期文学想像力的失落

    The loss of Literary Imagination in The Era of Cultural Shift

  7. 文化转型期潮乐的生存与发展

    Survival and Development of Chaozhou Music During the Cultural Transition Era

  8. 这两个译本均诞生于中国特殊的历史时期,即文化转型期。

    Both versions were produced in special historical periods .

  9. 纪录片批评的第三个时期被命名为文化批评期。

    The last period was named after cultural criticism .

  10. 文化转型期的翻译

    Translation in the Periods of Cultural Transformation Hospital culture is an important position in hospital . Culture

  11. 这种对旧体诗词书写欲罢不能的心理,反映了文化转型期新文学作家的特有心态。

    This phenomenon reflects the special mindset of New Literature Writers in the period of cultural transformation .

  12. 二里头文化二期以后的东方因素,均来自岳石文化。

    The later East cultural factors behind the second stage of Erlitou culture come from Yueshi culture .

  13. 社会文化转型期必须加强对大学生的人文关怀

    Humanistic Care should Be Laid on the Students in Colleges and Universities in Transferring Period of Society Culture

  14. 在文化转型期,大学生应树立适应文化发展的择业价值观。

    During the cultural transformation , college students should establish values on job-seeking which is adapted to cultural development .

  15. 随着九十年代文化转型期的到来,女性诗歌开始突破喷涌的情感热浪。

    With the arrival of the cultural transformation in the 1990s , female poetry no longer make public sentiment .

  16. 处于文化转型期的二十年代,文化问题、伦理道德问题成为中国现代话剧创作关注的重要问题。

    In the period of the cultural transformation , cultural issues and ethical issues became the major concerning of the Chinese modern drama .

  17. 这个朝代以一个新的文化繁盛期开始,艺术,尤其是陶瓷工业额达到了前所未有的高度;

    This dynasty started out as a time of renewed cultural blossom : arts , especially the porcelain industry , reached an unprecedented height ;

  18. 碳十四测年数据表明二里头文化四期上限不超过公元前1600。

    The 14C dating data reveals that the fourth phase is much later than 1600 BC , which is believed the beginning of the Shang .

  19. 研究表明,留学生辅助项目的确能够帮助留学生缩短文化适应期,减弱甚至克服文化冲击带来的各种不适。

    Research suggests that international student orientation programs do help overseas students overcome the culture shock period of encountering the new cultures at the very beginning .

  20. 文化光大期出现巫和史的上古文化,才逐步出现整合的官方文化以及两栖文化人的精英文化。

    After sorcery and historical culture have arisen in the promoted period , there appeared essence culture which is the renovation of official culture and amphibious men of letters .

  21. 在当前的文化转型期,各国文化多元共生,平等互补,人们在文化交流的意识形态上采取既反对文化霸权主义又反对民族中心主义的策略。

    At the period of the current cultural transformation , cultures of different nations co-exist peacefully on equal terms and mutual benefit is one of the main features of cultural communication .

  22. 并提出在目前的文化转型期,杂合的译文有利于实现弱势文化的非边缘化和多元共存互补的文化全球化目标。

    It also argues that in the current period of cultural transformation , hybrid translated texts may help de-marginalize weak cultures and contribute to the formation of the new pluralistic world cultural pattern .

  23. 并期望借助朝鲜风向东亚各国介绍朝鲜历史、民俗、风土,为朝鲜在中世纪文化转型期赢得尊重与话语权提供一个平台。

    The Korean style and expectations with East Asian countries introduced Korean history , folk customs , customs to Korea in the medieval cultural transition period to win the respect and the right words to provide a platform .

  24. 鲁迅与孔子作为中国两个思想解放、文化转型期的文化伟人,他们都肩负着文化重建的历史使命,面临着人生的困惑,承受着与当时社会悖立的痛苦。

    As the two giants in thoughts liberation and culture transition , Confucius and Luxun undertake the mission of rebuilding culture , face the bewilderment of life , and bear the agony which opposed the society of the day .

  25. 文章探讨了处于当前的中国文化转型期中的翻译与文化的关系,着重分析和论述了更新、更科学、更具文化意义的翻译标准和真实等值翻译的意义。

    This paper aims to explore the relationship between translation and culture in the current era of Chinese culture transformation , analyzing and expounding emphatically the newer , culturally-loaded translation standards as well as the significance of genuine and equivalent translation .

  26. 春秋战国是中国特别值得研究的文化繁荣期,在这段时期里,中国传统核心价值体系既有沿袭又有革新,并且经历了战国乃至秦汉时期一再整合的尝试。

    The warring state period is a special era when the culture prospers of China . The core value system of the Chinese culture has both inheritance and creation and experiences an attempt of integration from the warring state period to the Qin dynasty and Han dynasty .

  27. 文化的发轫期是一种自在且自然的状态。

    The initial period of culture was unrestrained and natural .

  28. 再次,语言水平因素对跨文化最终适应期没有显著影响。

    Thirdly , the factor of Language Proficiency has no correlation with the Smooth State of acculturation .

  29. 二里头文化第二期开始大规模地向南、向东扩张。

    Since the second stage of Erlitou Culture , it had been to expand to the south and east on a large scale .

  30. 20世纪初的中国,正处于社会和文化的转型期,学校教育体制和内容也随之发生了很大的变化。

    In the early 20th century , China experienced the transition of society and culture , including the system and content of education in school .