
  • 网络holism;holistic;wholism;methodological holism
  1. 对中西伦理思想中整体主义发展的思考

    Thoughts on the Development of Holism in Chinese and Western Ethics

  2. 城市发展研究的整体主义初探

    An elementary study on Urban Development Research Based on holism

  3. 在近代的整体主义著作中,“整体”这个词的用法极其含混。

    There is a fundamental ambiguity in the use of word " whole " in recent holistic literature .

  4. 论集体主义原则对整体主义思想的超越

    On the Principle of Collectivism Overstepping the Thoughts of Group Mentality

  5. 它的基本原则是环境正义原则和生态整体主义原则。

    The basic principle is the Environmental Justice and the Ecocentrism .

  6. 整体主义者反对渐进方法,认为它太温和。

    The holists reject the piecemeal approach as being too modest .

  7. 它主要包括整体主义知识论和自然化认识论的主要内容。

    It includes main content of holistic and naturalized epistemology .

  8. 其次是中国传统的整体主义价值观。

    Next is the value of traditional Chinese holism principle .

  9. 论整体主义观下的公司财务治理研究

    On Study of Corporate Financial Administration from Holistic Perspective

  10. 西方环境伦理学的整体主义诉求与困惑&现代系统整体论的启示

    The Holism of Western Environment Ethics and its Problem

  11. 西方社会的变迁:从整体主义到个人主义

    The transition of the occidental society : from the holism to the individualism

  12. 而这种基因整体主义的力量,可以从动物的繁育过程中看到。

    The power of this genetic holism can be seen in animal breeding .

  13. 生态整体主义与可持续发展思想

    Ecological Holism and the Idea of Sustainable Development

  14. 在西方环境伦理学中,生态中心论具有强烈的整体主义诉求。

    In the western environmental ethics , ecocentrism shows a strong pursuit of holism .

  15. 三问整体主义&与高校通用教材《思想道德修养》编者商榷

    Three questions on holism & Consulting with the complier of Ideology and Moral Cultivation

  16. 在其作品中,孕育着当代生态伦理所极力倡导的生态整体主义、生态责任等思想雏形。

    In his works embodied the ecological wholism and responsibility advocated by contemporary ecological ethics .

  17. “个人主义”和“整体主义”是伦理学和思想政治教育领域的两大基本原则,在一定意义上看,是对立的。

    Individualism and holism are of the basic principles belonging to political and ideological education .

  18. 他把语言整体主义作为他的行为主义认识论。

    Language holism is his behavior epistemology .

  19. 生态整体主义哲学是其思想基础。

    Ecological holism is its ideological basis .

  20. 瑞奇的这种策略依赖于戴维森的整体主义意义理论,尤其是其中的指称不可分辨论题。

    This strategy depends on Quine-Davison holism of meaning , especially the inscrutability of reference thesis .

  21. 在近代的整体主义著作中,整体这个词的用法极其含混。

    There is a fundamental ambiguity in the use of word ' whole'in recent holistic literature .

  22. 本文第一部分对反常进行了历史考察,并较系统地评述了经验主义、迪昂&奎因整体主义、证伪主义和历史主义的反常观。

    A historical investigation on the anomalies is made in the first part of this paper .

  23. 生态中心论的整体主义思想探究

    On Holism Thought of Ecocentrism

  24. 仅就历史决定论是一种技术而论,它的方法不是渐进的,而是“整体主义的”。

    In so far as historicism is technological , its approach is not piecemeal , but'holistic ' .

  25. 在现有理论中,法律运行过程研究大致可以分为整体主义和极端个人主义两种研究进路。

    The studies into the process of law operation are either whole-oriented or individual-oriented in current theories .

  26. 在整体主义方法之下有三个具体方法即:阶级分析法、矛盾的方法和系统的方法。

    Under the holism , there are three specific ways : class analysis , conflict analysis and system .

  27. 形成于古希腊时期的整体主义政治哲学主要表现为城邦本位主义。

    The holistic political philosophy which is present in a form of city-state parochialism mainly formed in ancient Greek .

  28. 相反,整体主义价值观强调群体特别是国家利益的中心地位。

    On the contrary , the holism value emphasis the central status of community , especially on the national interest .

  29. 中日两国由于受社会本位、整体主义以及国家主义的东方伦理的影响,两国都具有爱国心教育的历史和传统。

    As China and Japan are influenced by Eastern moral principles , they both have the tradition of patriotism education .

  30. 整体主义的大地伦理理论正好相反,它以物种的濒危程度和对生态系统的贡献为标准。

    In the contrast , holistic land ethics takes the imminent danger level and contribution to ecosystem as basic criteria .