
  • 网络cnc gear hobbing machine
  1. 该文为我厂数控滚齿机数字化工程提供了切合企业实际的解决方案,能提高产品设计质量、降低产品成本,缩短产品上市时间,提高企业的竞争力。

    According to the situation of the enterprise , the solutions to the digitalization engineering are provided for the CNC gear hobbing machine , so as to improve design quality of the products , reduce costs and development cycle of the products to strengthen the competitive power of the enterprise .

  2. 数控滚齿机支承部件设计与分析技术研究

    Research on Design and Analysis Technology of Supporting Part in CNC Gear Hobbing Machine

  3. 零传动数控滚齿机的精度分析

    Analysis on Processing Precision of Gear Hobbing Machine with Zero-drive Chain

  4. 微机数控滚齿机改造方案的探讨

    Discussion of the Transformation Scheme to the Hobbing with Microcomputer Numerical Control

  5. 基于直接驱动技术的数控滚齿机同步运动控制研究

    The Synchronizing Motion Control Research of the Gear Hobbing Machine Based on the Technology of Direct Drive

  6. 应用渐开线滚刀在数控滚齿机上展成加工非园齿轮原理和数学模型的研究

    This is a study of mathematical model and principle of applied spiral Cutting non-circular on the machina of procedure-Control hobbing gear

  7. 然而,适用范围更广、具有更高柔性、高速高效的全数控滚齿机及其系列产品在国内尚属空白,未有成熟产品。

    However , full-CNC gear hobbing machines and its serial products with flexibility , high speed and high efficiency are blank and immature products .

  8. 分析并根据市场对机床制造业提出的严峻挑战,提出了数控滚齿机系列产品的模块化开发方法与管理方法;

    By analyzing the severe challenge to the machine manufacture in the market , developing and managing methods of serial modular products are posed .

  9. 论文在分析滚齿机运动原理的基础上,研究了非全功能数控滚齿机和全功能数控滚齿机数控系统体系结构。

    Based on the analysis of motion principle of hobbing machine , the architecture of CNC hobbing machine with non-global function and global function is studied .

  10. 轨迹控制软件在实验室教学型数控滚齿机机床上试运行,结果表明轨迹控制软件设计正确。

    Track Control Software CNC hobbing machine in the laboratory teaching tool on the trial run , the results show that the correct trajectory control software design .

  11. 数控滚齿机由于技术的原因起步较晚,上世纪八十年代国外才开始出现商品化的全功能数控滚齿机。

    CNC hobber was invented lately due to its technological difficulty . All-functions CNC hobber first appeared only in the 80 ' of last century in abroad .

  12. 本文从滚齿机机床误差和滚齿加工误差等方面对零传动数控滚齿机进行了详细的精度分析,并针对加工过程中可能影响齿轮精度的因素给出相应的措施。

    The processing precision of gear hobbing machine with zero-drive chain was analyzed . Aimed at the influence factors of the precision of gear , some measures were presented .

  13. 本文全面研究了采用滚齿机、数控滚齿机的范成加工工艺方法,也给出了为保证加工要求而进行专用的工艺装备设计的原理。

    These methods of generating processing in hobbing machine , CNC hobbing machine are comprehensively introduced , then for ensuring the processing requirements , the design principle of the processing equipment is pointed out .

  14. 由于数控滚齿机热误差补偿技术可以在成本投入不大的情况下就能得到较好的效果,并且相对简单易行,所以该技术已经成为世界各国学者所共同研究的一项课题。

    The thermal error compensation of CNC gear hobbing machine can get good results in low cost and relatively simply , so the technology has become the common topic by scholars all over the world .

  15. 为了提高少齿数齿轮的加工效率.设计了一台简易数控滚齿机.该滚齿机和传统的滚齿机相比.具有结构简单,生产效率高,性能可靠等优点。

    A simple and numerical control hobbing machine is designed in order to raise the machining effeciency Of gears with a few teeth . Compared to traditional hobbing machine , the hobbing machine is of simple in structure , high in effeciency and reliable in performance .

  16. 对六轴数控滚齿机进行误差分析,利用齐次坐标转换和坐标旋转的方法,得到六轴滚齿机的误差数学模型。

    The errors of the six-axis hobbing machine and between two components after the relative linear movement and relative rotative movement were analyzed . With the homogeneous transform and the rotation of coordinates , the math model of the errors of the six-axis was set up .

  17. 在分析了六轴四联动数控高速滚齿机模块化设计的技术先进性与经济性间辨证关系的基础上,提出了产品开发过程中以边际成本法进行经济分析的方法。

    By analyzing dialectical relationship of technical advance and reasonable economy for the development and modular design of high-speed CNC gear hobbing machine in 6-axis with four coordinated , the analysing method for economy of the product according to the marginal cost method is raised .

  18. 在数控技术日渐成熟的情况下,数控滚齿机中的一轴、二轴、三轴机床基本形成了较为成熟的市场产品。

    In the condition of the development and maturity for the CNC technology , there are 1 - axis , 2-axis , and 3-axis CNC gear hobbing machines in the market .