
  • 网络Data analysis technology;CCDA
  1. 商业智能(BusinessIntelligence)已经进化为包括越来越多的数据分析技术。

    Business Intelligence has evolved to include more and more data analytic technologies .

  2. 它同意将搜索业务的数据分析技术部分外包给微软(Microsoft)。

    It agreed to outsource the data-crunching technological side of search to Microsoft .

  3. 数据分析技术包括:联机分析处理(OLAP)、数据挖掘(DM)、联机分析挖掘(OLAM)等。

    The data analysis technique includes : OLAP , Data Mining and OLAM etc.

  4. 谷歌地图引擎(GoogleEarthEngine)的工程经理瑞贝卡o摩尔介绍道:我们的目标是助力最好的大数据分析技术,以催生新颖的见解并且促进行动。

    Our goal is to turbo-charge the best science on massive data to create novel insights and drive action , said Rebecca Moore , engineering manager for Google Earth Engine .

  5. 联机分析处理(OLAP)是近些年迅速发展起来的一种多维数据分析技术。

    Online analysis processing ( OLAP ) is a multi-dimensional data analysis techniques developed rapidly in recent years .

  6. 文章应用神经网络数据分析技术研究ETC系统客户流失的状况,详细研究了如何建立ETC系统客户流失基本模型。

    The authors research churn analysis of ETC system customer based on neural network data analysis technology in this paper , and describe particularly how to establish basic churn model of ETC system customer .

  7. 联机分析处理技术(OLAP)是一种重要的数据分析技术,可用于互联网网络安全状态分析。

    On-Line Analytical Processing ( OLAP ) is an important technique of data analyzing , which could be used to analyzing the state of Internet network security .

  8. 联机分析处理是一种数据分析技术,它可分为基于关系数据库OLAP(ROLAP)和基于多维数据库的(MD-OLAP)。

    OLAP is a kind of data analysis technology , including MD-OLAP and ROLAP .

  9. OLAP技术是一种多维数据分析技术,侧重于数据仓库中的数据分析,为管理者决策提供信息支持。

    OLAP is a kind of multidimensional data analysis technology , which emphasizes on the data analysis in data warehouse , and provides aid decision information for managers .

  10. 同时,孟山都还深谋远虑,对数据分析技术这样有助于提高农场生产效率的产品进行投资。去年10月,它斥资9.3亿美元并购了ClimateCorp.公司,让自己的多种分析技术产品如虎添翼。

    Meanwhile , the company is looking far ahead with investments in farm-productivity products such as data analytics . It purchased Climate Corp. last October for $ 930 million for its to boost its analytics portfolio .

  11. 最后,本文提出了发展IT环境下的内部审计的政策建议,建议今后内部审计应当开展综合审计业务、广泛应用基于CAATs的数据分析技术和发展连续监控技术。

    Finally , this article gives the suggestions developing the internal audit in IT circumstance . The suggestion is to fulfill more combined audit , to widely use CAATs based data analysis technology and to develop continuous monitoring technology .

  12. 基于数据分析技术的水文组合预报应用研究

    Research on applications of data analysis technology to hydrological combined forecasting

  13. 数据分析技术在丝线张力上的应用

    Application of Data Analysis Technique on the Yarn Tension Calculation

  14. 计算机动态取证的数据分析技术研究

    Research on technology of data analysis in Computer Dynamic Forensics

  15. 空间数据分析技术在公共卫生领域的应用

    A Review on Application of Spatial Data Analysis Technology in Public Health

  16. 营房实力综合数据分析技术

    The Comprehensive Data Analysis Technology for Barracks ' Strength

  17. 数据分析技术在纺织上的应用&纺纱张力的相关分析

    An Application of Data Analysis Technique to Textile Research Correlation Study of Spinning Tensions

  18. 然而数据分析技术(例如图像处理)在这两个学科中是类似的。

    Yet data analysis techniques ( such as image processing ) are similar across the two disciplines .

  19. 数据分析技术可以影响所选择的数据模型的类型及其内容。

    The techniques of data analysis can impact the type of data models selected and their content .

  20. 数据分析技术在电厂机组评优过程中的研究与应用

    Data Analysis Technology in the Power Plant Unit in the Process of Excellence Selection Research and Application

  21. 机器学习技术作为一种主要的现代数据分析技术也在此过程中得到长足的发展。

    As a major subject focusing on data analysis , machine learning have been well-developed in this process .

  22. 在软件度量中高级数据分析技术的引入方面做了尝试性的工作。

    Having done some tentative work that advanced data analysis techniques in the measurement of the software product line .

  23. 目前典型的聚类算法有-均值聚类法、传递闭包算法、迭代自组织数据分析技术等。

    Currently , k-means algorithm , transitive closure and Iterative self-organizing data analysis techniques are the typic clustering algorithms .

  24. 本文阐述了如何将数据分析技术应用于公交营运发展的管理决策中。

    This thesis has explained how to apply data analysis technology to the administrative decision of operation development on public transit .

  25. 提出了用模糊迭代自组织数据分析技术实现油储预测的研究思路。

    The research train of thought of the predication of hydrocarbon reservoir through fuzzy iterative self-organizing datum analysis technology is proposed .

  26. 该平台结合了正在申请专利的数据分析技术以及前沿的行为科学,为千家万户提供经济有效的、可操作的能源见解。

    The platform combines cutting-edge behavioral science with patent-pending data analytics to cost-effectively deliver actionable energy insights to millions of homes .

  27. 目前,有几种常用的数据分析技术:查询和报表制作、多维分析以及数据挖掘。

    There are several techniques for data analysis that are in common use today : query and reporting , multidimensional analysis , and data mining .

  28. 随着数字化医学数据分析技术的发展,来自临床诊疗、科研教学等方面的强烈需求,促使医学数据分析技术一直是研究的热点课题。

    With the development of medical data analysis techniques , the strong demand from clinical treatment , research learning makes it become a hot topic .

  29. 实验表明,将数据分析技术应用于纳税评估中,能够有效解决承德市纳税评估中存在的评估效率低下、确定评估对象缺乏科学性及公正性的问题。

    Experiment results show that data analysis techniques are useful to get rid of the inefficient , unscientific and unfair conditions in Chengde City tax assessment system .

  30. 因此将计算机数据库技术、辅助制图技术和空间数据分析技术应用到煤矿地质测量实际工作中去,建立实用、高效的煤矿地测信息数据库管理系统成为目前迫切的任务。

    Therefore , using database technique , assistance graphics and the space data analyze technique in the work of coal mine is the urgent mission at present .