
  • 网络DATA;data service;GPRS
  1. 打造数据业务链,迎接MobileData2.0时代

    Building Data Service Link to Meet Mobile Data 2.0 Times

  2. 数据业务的飞速增长,使下一代城域网(MAN)成为近来的研究热点。

    With the tremendous growth of data traffic , next generation of MAN has become the focus of research recently ?

  3. 无线通讯技术与Internet技术的迅猛发展推动了无线数据业务的发展。越来越多的移动用户开始通过无线终端访问Internet,使用基于分组域的无线数据业务。

    The rapid development of wireless communication and Internet technology speeds up the evolution of wireless data service ( WDS ) .

  4. 缩短GPRS无线数据业务接入时间的方法分析

    Analysis on Delay-Canceled Methods of Access Time of GPRS Packet Service

  5. CDMA无线网络中的突发数据业务延时分析

    Burst Packet Delay Analysis in CDMA Wireless Networks

  6. 基于移动智能网平台实现铁路GPRS数据业务的研究

    The Research on Realizing Railway GPRS Data Service Based on Mobile Intelligent Network

  7. GPRS数据业务性能统计分析

    GPRS Data Service Performance Statistics and Analysis

  8. CDMA移动数据业务发展探讨

    CDMA Mobile Data Service Development

  9. GPRS网络与互连网的无缝连接,向客户提供了丰富的无线数据业务。

    Linked with the Internet seamlessly , GPRS networks provide clients with rich wireless data services .

  10. 因此,3G业务的开发是移动数据业务发展的一次飞跃。

    Therefore , the development of 3G business applications is a leap of the development of mobile data services .

  11. 因此,数据业务的优化是TD-SCDMA网络优化工作的核心和关键。

    Therefore , the optimization of data service is the core in TD network optimization work .

  12. 随着Internet数据业务爆炸式增长,接入网成为全网宽带化的最后瓶颈,高速的宽带接入技术显得越来越重要。

    With the development of data services over the Internet , the access network becomes the last bottlenecks of the entire network , so the high speed broadband access technology is more important .

  13. 随着因特同业务的飞速发展,数据业务将达到并超过话音业务成为主要的通信业务,IP将成为数据通信的主导协议。

    With the explosive growth of Internet services , the data traffic will reach and exceed voice traffic and IP will become the leading protocol in data communications .

  14. 这种QoS模型把数据业务分为两类进行不同处理,即对尽力而为的UDP和TCP业务采用速率控制的策略而对实时的UDP业务采用基于源节点的接纳控制策略。

    SWAN uses rate control for UDP and TCP best-effort traffic , and source-based admission control for UDP real-time traffic .

  15. 目前,PHS的数据业务在朝着高速、可靠的方向不断发展。

    At present , PHS data service trends towards higher speed and higher reliability .

  16. 通用成帧规程、虚级联和链路容量调整机制三项新技术使得SDH设备实现了数据业务和话音业务的综合传输,SDH发展成了多业务传送平台。

    GFP , virtual concatenation and link capacity adjustment scheme facilitate SDH to transport data service and voice service .

  17. 随着通信技术的发展,简单的语音业务已经无法满足用户需求,越来越多的IMS数据业务投入开发和使用。

    With the development of communication technology , simple voice service cannot meet the requirements of customers .

  18. 从全球发展情况来看,3G的发展很不平衡,欧洲、韩国、日本等国家发展较快,已开始提供3G数据业务;

    It is developing rapidly in Europe , South Korea and Japan which , are started to provide the 3G data service .

  19. 分析WCDMA网络分组域数据业务控制实体的功能。

    Analyse the functions of those entities which play a role in WDS 's control in WCDMA network .

  20. 移动数据业务是3G运营商参与市场竞争的重要差异化服务之一。

    Mobile data services are one of the important differentiation advantages which the3G operators take to participate in the market competition in China .

  21. 与其它简单的计费软件不同,HFC网络数据业务计费系统是一个综合的网络计费系统。

    Different from other accounting software , HFC network data transaction accounting system is an integrated network accounting system .

  22. 当大型企业网络由封闭的、基于电路交换的系统向基于开放、IP数据业务转型中,安全及管理问题更加暴露。

    When the closed , based on circuit-switched network changes to an open , based on IP-data-services network in a large-scale enterprise , security and management problems become even more exposed .

  23. 在帧中继网络中实现语音和数据业务的融合,并保证语音业务的服务质量(QoS)问题得到人们的广泛关注。

    It has got widely attention on the blend of data and voice in a single Frame Relay network and keep satisfying Quality of Service ( QoS ) .

  24. POS(PacketOverSDH)是一项新兴的技术,它能够在传统的SDH传输平台上提供灵活和高效的数据业务支持,从而实现网络功能的增值。

    POS ( Packet over SDH ) is an emerging technology , which provides flexible and effective data service access on conventional SDH networks .

  25. 调度服务器为调度客户端提供客户登录、呼叫业务、短数据业务、无线用户管理以及通话组管理等业务的API接口函数。

    It provides the API interface of user login , call services , short data services , user management , and talk group management interface for the dispatching client .

  26. 人们对高速数据业务和视频业务的迫切需求正在不断增加,宽带化和IP化成为新一代电信网的基本特征,三网合一成为未来网络发展的趋势。

    People 's demands for high-speed data services and video services have been increasing continuously . Broad bandwidth and advanced IP technology has been the fundamental character of the new generation telecommunication networks .

  27. 在现阶段全世界范围3G演进计划推迟的背景下,GPRS成为近期唯一可以为用户提供高速移动数据业务的技术。

    According to the postponement of 3G evolvement , GPRS is the unique choice for the carrier to provide mobile user the high speed data service .

  28. PHS数据业务当前采用的标准是PIAFS。

    PIAFS protocol is adopted in PHS data service , nowadays .

  29. IP层的保护策略是为数据业务设计,资源利用率高(≈100%),但切换速度慢(>50ms)。

    The IP layer 's restoration algorithms are designed for datagram oriented service , and their resource utilization is high (≈ 100 % ), but their switching speed is slow ( > 50 ms ) .

  30. 第二代移动通信系统(2G)是数字移动系统,能提供低速率数据业务。

    Second generation mobile communication system ( 2G ) is digital cellular system which can provide low-speed data business .