
  1. 我的数学课为三个学分。

    My math class is worth three credits .

  2. 我知道数学课不受欢迎。

    I am sensible of the fact that mathematics is not a popular subject .

  3. 令人惊讶的是,数学课被选为他们最喜欢的科目。

    Surprisingly , mathematics was voted their favourite subject .

  4. 他讲数学课。

    He gives lessons in mathematics .

  5. 那儿正在上数学课。更糟的是玛丽莎还居然坐在了前排的座位上。当我走进去想把她抱出来时,上课的教授拦住了我。

    There was a math class in progress and , to my dismay , Melissa sat down in the front row .

  6. 数学课SSP教学模式尝试

    A Trial of SSP Model in Math Teaching

  7. 她上过“科尔伯特晚间秀”(LateNightWithStephenColbert)等电视节目,她的在线数学课访问量超过了100万次。

    She has been featured on shows like " Late Night With Stephen Colbert , " and her online math tutorials have been viewed more than a million times .

  8. 比如比起大量的数学课和科学课来说,Khan学院网站虽然确实有一些历史课程,但数量较少,难以证明这样的方法对这个学科依然奏效。

    KhanAcademy does have a few history offerings , but they are less convincing than the huge number of maths and science ones .

  9. 劳雷尔??奥多德(LauralO'Dowd)和吉姆??奥多德(JimO'Dowd)夫妇今年11岁的儿子科尔(Cole)在提前上的七年级数学课上,成绩总是A,而实际上科尔现在只是五年级的学生。

    Laural and Jim O'Dowd 's 11-year-old son Cole is getting straight As in accelerated seventh-grade math classes , even though he 's only in fifth grade . '

  10. 在一位学生将奥克桑娜·娜维斯拉雅上数学课的视频传到YouTube后,她就因其性感的自拍照而走红网络。

    Oksana Neveselaya has become a web sensation for her sexy selfies after a class of her teaching maths was posted on YouTube by a student .

  11. 这个数字体系使用起来很简便,每周都要额外上一堂大学数学课的七年级生玛丽·麦克唐纳(MaryMcDonald)说,它更快捷,也更有条理。

    The number system is easier to work with , said Mary McDonald , a seventh-grader who takes an extra university math class once a week . It 's faster and more organized .

  12. 在渡边淳弥(JunyaWatanabe)的HyperConstruction时装发布会,我犹如看了一堂精心编排的数学课——用富有弹性的粘接型聚氨酯面料交叠而成的各种几何造型时装,再用橡胶帽以及奇形怪状的头饰来搭配。

    at Junya Watanabe 's " Hyper Construction , " I watched a slowly choreographed maths lesson involving geometric dresses folded in a spongy bonded polyurethane and accessorised with rubber caps and bizarrely shaped headwear .

  13. 8月20日是开学第一天。当学生们走进她布置的阅读选修课和数学课教室,就像直接进入了霍格沃兹(Hogwarts),他们都很兴奋地在这个教室里探索一番。

    When her kids walked into her elective reading and math classroom on the first day of school Aug. 20 , they were all excited to take a tour of the room that felt like they had walked straight into Hogwarts .

  14. 初中数学课分层合作教学的基本模式和操作策略Z-pins对层合复合材料非对称分层增韧作用参数分析&Ⅱ型层间韧性

    The Basic Pattern and Operation Strategy in the " Layered and Cooperation Teaching " of the Junior Middle School Mathematics ; Parametric analysis of enhancement of Z-pins on asymmetric delamination of Z-pinned laminated composites & Mode ⅱ delamination toughness

  15. 略论高等工程专科学校数学课的课程建设

    Brief explanation for course construction of mathematics in Higher Engineering Colleges

  16. 早上有两节数学课和一节英语课。

    There are math classes and a English class this morning .

  17. 今天数学课的时候发了作文本下去。

    Handed out an English composition in the math hour today .

  18. 诱导探究教学法在数学课中的实践

    The Practice of Inducing-inquiring Teaching Method in the teaching of Mathematic

  19. 我今天真的是忙死了!八点钟我上数学课。

    I 'm really busy ! At8 o'clock I have math .

  20. 数学课改中必须处理好几个关系

    Relations should Be Dealt With Well in the Mathematics Course Reform

  21. 在传统数学课中渗透数学建模思想

    Permeating Ideas of Mathematical Modeling in the Traditional Mathematical Teaching Process

  22. 这就像数学课一样,是一个需要积累的过程。

    It 's a building-block process much like a math course .

  23. 你不应该在数学课上看故事书。

    You shouldn 't read a storybook in a maths class .

  24. 我喜欢加法,因而我喜欢数学课。

    I like to add so I like math class .

  25. 略论课改后数学课的教学

    On the Teaching of the Mathematics Lesson after the Reform of Courses

  26. 数学课课堂教学质量评估的模糊综合评判

    The Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluations Abstract of Mathematics Teaching Quality 's Grade Evaluation

  27. 数学课导入的设计

    On the Design of Lead - in in Maths Teaching

  28. 怎样改进、增强基础数学课的教学效果

    On How to Improve and Strengthen the Teaching Effects of Background Mathematics

  29. 专科院校高等数学课渗透建模思想浅议

    How to Infiltrate the Idea of Mathematic Pattern-Building in Teaching Higher Mathematics

  30. 我们正在教室里上数学课。

    We are having a maths lesson in the classroom .