
  • 网络FIT;walk in;f.i.t
  1. 山东省国内散客旅游者空间行为研究

    A Study on the Domestic FIT Spatial Behavior in Shandong Province

  2. 因此散客市场的蓬勃发展对于旅游目的地的旅游信息服务的要求也会越来越高。

    The flourish of FIT market require more information service that tourist destination provide .

  3. 基于Internet的旅游散客管理系统

    Distributed Custom Management System of Tourism Based on Internet

  4. 提出了一种基于Internet的旅游散客管理的C/S体系结构,并给出了实现此旅游散客管理系统的方法。

    This paper presents C / S architecture based on Internet and implement the method of distributed custom management system of tourism .

  5. 散客接待日,3D大剧场将定时播放三部分别反映朝阳历史、现在和未来的影片,具体播放时间为10:30一场、14:30一场。

    Three movies will be shown in3D grand theatre at10:30 and14:30 for the individual tourists , introducing the past , the present and the future of Chaoyang district .

  6. 针对饭店散客的VIP会员制俱乐部营销系统以及旅游饭店分时度假营销系统。

    The VIP members of privilege club marketing system for the FIT guest , and the TIMESHARE marketing system .

  7. 纽约一家主要服务于中国高端消费者的营销旅游公司AffinityChina联合创始人兼首席执行长ChristineLu说,吸引散客不同于跟旅游团打交道。

    Attracting independent travelers is different than working with tour groups , says Christine Lu , co-founder and chief executive of Affinity China , a New York-based marketing and travel company that focuses on upscale Chinese shoppers .

  8. 散客旅游与团队旅游的区别是什么?

    What are the differences between F.I.T travel and group travel ?

  9. 其实,真正的炒家是第二批进驻的散客。

    Actually , the real is the second in the individual speculators .

  10. 旅游集散中心是一种新的散客旅游组织模式。

    Tourist transport center is a new pattern of transferring individual tourists .

  11. 以上散客价格为每房晚价格。需另加改15%的服务费。

    Rate are per room per night , subject to15 % surcharge .

  12. 论旅游心理与散客旅游管理策略

    The Psychological Reasons Of Individual Tour And the Countermeasure

  13. 中国旅游新趋势&散客旅游

    New Trend of China Tourism & FIT Tourism

  14. 旅游目的地散客服务体系构建研究

    Research on FIT Service System Building in Destinations

  15. 在散客会员资格只提供给组织,而不是个别的翻译人员。

    Membership in FIT is available to organizations only , not to individual translators .

  16. 什么是散客旅游服务?

    What is the individual travel services ?

  17. 海南省团队和散客旅游者的生态足迹比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Tourism Ecological Footprint between Group Tourists and Independent Tourist in Hainan Province

  18. 最初是专门便利城市旅游散客开展旅游的服务平台。

    At first , it is a special service platform to facilitate the individual tourists .

  19. 中国旅游保险散客市场营销系统研究

    Research of Travel Insurance Individual Marketing System

  20. 今天有人包车,所以我不能再拉散客了。

    Today the car is chartered , so I am not available for odd customers .

  21. 什么是散客旅游?

    What is the individual tour ?

  22. 散客旅游市场的几个问题

    On Several Problems Concerning FIT Market

  23. 散客旅游服务电子商务解决方案

    E-commerce solution to scattering travel service

  24. 散客旅游市场发展研究

    Research on FIT Market Development

  25. 客房预订:散客预订

    Reservation : An FIT Reservation

  26. 只是专业服务机构的缺乏,导致他们只能以旅游散客的方式存在。

    Only the lack of professional service organizations , can only lead them to travel FIT way there .

  27. 中国旅游业已经进入转型期,散客旅游蓬勃发展。

    As Chinese tourism industry has been in a reformation period , the individual tourism is experiencing a rapid development .

  28. 散客旅游,又称自助或半自助旅游,在国外称为自主旅游。

    The individual tour is also known as self-help or half self-help tour , it 's called independent travel abroad .

  29. 检查并确保所有客人的行李(散客,团队)递送到客人房间并做好相应的记录。

    Check and make sure all the luggage ( FIT , group ) was delivered to guest room in proper way .

  30. 跟学校合作招生实现大规模培训,而不是动用自己的营销和经济力量去辛苦抓散客。

    We 'd rather collect mass students through cooperation with schools than catch sporadic patrons after painful and costly marketing campaigns .