
jiào xué huó dònɡ
  • teaching activities
  1. 论在PBL教学活动中培养反思型护理教师

    Study on Training of Reflective Teachers in PBL Teaching Activities

  2. 最后将实现后的Web学习系统投入实际教学活动中,获取师生对该系统的改进意见及对课程教学策略改进的意见和建议。

    Finally , put the attaining Web learning system into actual teaching activities , and obtain the views of teachers and students on the improvement of the system as well as the suggestions about the promotion of the teaching strategies .

  3. 给学生录像可以成为有用的教学活动。

    Videoing students can be a useful teaching exercise .

  4. CAI教学活动的备课方式探讨

    Study of the way of lessons preparation for CAI teaching studying activities

  5. 经过《计算机文化基础》、《VISUALFOXPRO6.0》和《网络基础》三门课程的多次正式考试测试,证明了系统是成功的,它在目前学校的常规教学活动中的应用价值是明显的。

    Through the process of the network exam within three courses it proves this exam system is successful . These three courses are COMPUTER FOUNDATION , VISUAL FOXPRO 6 . 0 and NETWORK FOUNDATION . The exam system has distinct value in school 's daily teaching activity .

  6. Moodle是基于社会建构主义教育理论的开放源码的课程管理系统,具有组织、呈现、管理和评价课程内容与教学活动的功能,帮助教师利用信息技术支持课程教学,建构促进有效教学的信息化环境。

    Moodle is an open-source course management system based on social constructivism . It works with the function to organise , present , manage and evaluate a course and its teaching procedures .

  7. 该研究中有三位高中英语教师为主要参与者。本文对他们在新课程话语影响下的教学活动通过人种志(ethnography)和叙述性研究(narrativeinquiry)的方法进行了分析。

    With three English teachers from three senior middle schools as the main participants , this study attempts to make a critical analysis of their life and practices under the impact of New Curriculum discourse through the research methods of ethnography and narrative inquiry .

  8. DP数学内部评价巧妙地将数学探究和数学建模作为主要内容,融入到教学活动中进行及时评价、及时反馈,很好地发挥了评价的教育功能、激励功能及调节与反馈的功能。

    Composed of mathematical investigation and mathematical modeling , the DP math internal assessment perform its function of educating , encouraging , adjusting and reflecting , through implementing the IA into the daily teaching activities so that the assessing and reflecting can be taken place on time .

  9. 新型中学教学活动的载体&温岭中学设计

    Vehicle for New-type Teaching Activities : Design of Wenling High School

  10. 第三,优秀高中英语教师的阅读课课堂活动设计种类繁多,各种教学活动应有尽有。

    Third , activity design of excellent English teachers is various .

  11. 学生需求分析是一切教学活动的基本前提。

    Students needs analysis is the prerequisite for every teaching activity .

  12. 开展数学建模教学活动与大学数学教育改革

    Activities of the Construction of Mathematical Models in University Math Teaching Reform

  13. 关于大学生在教学活动中主体地位的思考

    On the Student-centered Position in the Teaching Activity Under the New Situation

  14. 基于建构性教学活动的理科学习评定

    Learning Assessment of Science Courses Based on Constructive Teaching Activity

  15. 知识是教育教学活动的核心要素。

    Knowledge is a core factor in the educational and teaching activities .

  16. 试论数学教学活动的效率性评价

    On the Efficiency Appraise of the Activity of Mathematics Teaching

  17. 2体现了学生是教学活动的主体;

    Students are the subject of teaching and studying ;

  18. 教学活动本质:问题的性质和致思的路径

    What are the teaching activities actually about ? Questions and ways of thinking

  19. 教师以自己教育教学活动为反思对象;

    And he reflects his educational and teaching activities ;

  20. 爱心在教育和教学活动中的作用

    On the Function of Love in Education and Teaching

  21. 教学活动在本质上是一种理解与对话的过程。

    Teaching activity , essentially , is a course of comprehension and conversation .

  22. 实习是教学活动中的重要实践环节。

    Practising action is one of the important moments of the teaching actions .

  23. 所以,本文的研究从现代远程教学活动展开。

    So , this article spread out from the instruction of modern distance education .

  24. 声乐教学活动中的师生关系

    The Teacher-student Relationship in Vocal Music Teaching Practice

  25. 调查内容主要是学习动机类型、动机强度和教学活动。

    The main contents investigated are motivation types , motivation intensity and pedagogical activities .

  26. 和谐均衡的教学活动设置。

    The Harmonious or Balanced Teaching Activities .

  27. 第二语言教学活动中词汇习得模式的研究仁者见仁,智者见智,本文援引了其中之二。

    Two models of vocabulary acquisition in a second language in instructional settings are outlined .

  28. 谈物理学科的创造性教学活动

    On Innovational Teaching Activities in Physics Course

  29. 在教学活动中,管理过程与教学过程并行不悖。

    Managing process and instructing process always go on together like a song in teaching .

  30. 教学活动若干环境因子的研究

    Research on Some Environmental Factors in Instruction