
  • 网络parochial school;Parish School
  1. 天主教教区学校中央校董会

    Central Management Committee for Diocesan Schools

  2. 用于间谍技术不会引来人们注意的网络摄像头是2010年费城郊区的一所教区学校发生的一宗类似案件后才开始采用,当时这所学校校方采用教学配给的笔记本电脑对学生在家的学习活动进行监视。

    The use of webcams for spying comes as no shock to anyone who followed the 2010 case of a school district in suburban Philadelphia that was busted for using school-issued laptops to watch students at home .

  3. 她是教区附属学校来的。现在是她的实习期。

    She was released from parochial school . she 's in her experimental phase .

  4. 美国最大的教会学校集团,也就是所谓“教区附属学校”,是由罗马天主教会兴办的。

    The largest group of religious ," parochial ", schools in America is run by the Roman Catholic Church .