
  • 网络Political Legacy
  1. 据中国国际广播电台(CRI)的闵瑞(音译)报道,中国仍受惠于这位已故领导人的智慧及其留下的政治遗产。

    As CRI 's Min Rui reports China continues to the late leader 's wisdom and political legacy .

  2. 文章主要分为四个部分,第一部分探讨了菲律宾威权时代给后世留下的政治遗产,给后威权时代的各界领导人留下了难题。

    The first section explores the Philippines post-authoritarian era leaves political legacy and these heritage left problems to all leaders of the post-authoritarian era .

  3. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统希望使针对气候变化的行动成为他政治遗产的一部分。

    President Barack Obama hopes to make action on climate change part of his legacy .

  4. 正如伊卡洛斯(Icarus)在飞近太阳时看到他的蜡质羽翼逐渐融化,随着有关卢拉石油政策的争议猛增,他正在拿自己的政治遗产冒险。

    Just as Icarus saw his wings of wax melt as he flew too close to the sun , so Mr Lula is risking his legacy as controversies multiply over his petroleum policies .

  5. 即便是那些显然不为自我怀疑所累的领导人,也会为自己将留下什么样的政治遗产而操心。

    Even leaders so obviously untroubled by self-doubt fret about their legacy .

  6. 侗族政治遗产资源探析

    The Accounts on Political Resources in Dongs ' Heritage

  7. 那么,如何评估她的政治遗产呢?

    So how to assess her legacy ?

  8. 在历任美国总统中,他最不该留下让种族冲突继续发酵的政治遗产。

    Of all presidents , this one cannot afford to leave a legacy of simmering racial tension .

  9. 然而,政客写书同样为了巩固自己的政治遗产,或者有时为了重塑形象。

    But a politician also writes to solidify his legacy or , in some cases , reshape it .

  10. 美国黑人被子遗产应定义为艺术遗产、政治遗产和家庭历史遗产。

    The American black quilt heritage should be defined as artistic heritage , political heritage and family history heritage .

  11. 当然他在处理财政、西部问题和联邦体制构建方面也存有瑕疵,因而正反两方面的政治遗产更需要后人认真对待,加以研究,这也是探析加拿大联邦制发展问题的一个不可或缺的环节。

    It is a indispensable link in studying the development of Canadian federalism that adopting a correct approach towards political heritage .

  12. 科举制是我国古代文明的一大优秀政治遗产,科举制所体现的公开、公平、公正的精神,具有恒久的价值。

    The imperial examination was our outstanding political inheritance of the ancient times , whose public and fair spirit had a permanent value .

  13. 英国负责北爱尔兰事务的大臣伍德沃德在英国的电视节目中说,和平协定将是埃亨的政治遗产。

    Britain 's minister responsible for Northern Ireland , Shaun Woodward , told British TV the peace deal will be Mr. Ahern 's legacy .

  14. 曹丕继承曹操的政治遗产,以禅代的方式完成改朝换代,成为后世的一个样本。

    Cao Pi inherited the political legacy of Cao Cao , completed the regime change by demise , this becomes a sample of future generations .

  15. 但本周发生的事情应该会提醒我们,无论布莱尔的政治遗产是多么黯淡,北爱尔兰将永远像一颗珍贵的宝石一样闪闪发光。

    Yet as this week should remind us , however tarnished the Blair legacy , Northern Ireland will always shine out as a precious gem .

  16. 埃亨的任期内,他留下了丰厚的“政治遗产”:达成了北爱尔兰和平谈判协议;

    In his tenure , Bertie Ahern left a huge " political legacy " . He helped Ireland reach an agreement in Northern Ireland peace negotiations with Britain .

  17. 党派倾向和辩论是我们的政治遗产中非常重要的一部分,但现在我们必须克服分歧,为国家的最高利益服务。

    Partisanship and discourse are very much a part of our political heritage but there comes a time when we must rise above our differences and serve the best interest of our nation .

  18. 随着奥巴马在立法方面的首要事项移民法全面改革在参议院稳步取得进展,他似乎正在寻找其他途径确保自己的第二个总统任期留下经久的政治遗产。

    With his top legislative priority – comprehensive immigration reform – making steady progress in the Senate , Mr Obama appears to be looking for other ways to ensure a lasting legacy from his second term .

  19. 特殊性的遗忘:黑格尔政治思想遗产的哲学话语及其精神附魅

    Forgetting Particularity : Philosophical Discourse of Hegel 's Political thought and its Spiritual Charm

  20. 但是,我们知道,没有欧洲的政治思想遗产,我们不可能取得当时的成就。

    But we know that without the European legacy of political ideas we could not have achieved as much as we did .

  21. 我们不可能既提前使用我们子孙的物质财富,又不损害他们的政治和精神遗产。

    We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage .

  22. 国家政策是中国政治智慧的独特遗产。

    The basic state policy is unique heritage of Chinese political wisdom .

  23. 阿富汗未来的命运才是决定他政治前景和政治遗产的因素,绝非诺贝尔奖。

    The outcome in Afghanistan will determine his political future and his legacy , not the peace prize .