
  • 网络political scientist;politician
  1. 塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿系美国哈佛大学教授,世界著名的政治学家。

    Samuel P. Huntington is the Harvard University professor , world famous political scientist .

  2. 但是,日本上智大学(SophiaUniversity)的政治学家堂本光一称,这种明显混乱的理念的背后,意味着一种呼之欲出的自由主义趋向。

    Yet underlying this apparent confusion of ideas is a liberal trend struggling to emerge , says Koichi Nakano , a political scientist at Sophia University .

  3. 树立一个榜样没什么错政治学家称之为“规范性强权(normativepower)”。

    There is nothing wrong in setting an example - political scientists call it " normative power " .

  4. 比如,《华盛顿邮报》(WashingtonPost)的博客“猴子笼”(TheMonkeyCage),让政治学家能够面向广大的公众群体表达观点。

    The Washington Post 's blog The Monkey Cage , for instance , lets political scientists speak to a large public .

  5. 据Lin说,他们做了充分的准备工作。他说,编剧们事先与众多中国专家交流,包括哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)政治学家吕晓波。

    By doing their homework , according to Mr. Lin , who said the writers spoke beforehand to a variety of China experts , including Columbia University political scientist Xiaobo Lu .

  6. 能够在24个月内跃升为总统的市长并不多见,西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)政治学家杰弗里o温特斯在接受《财富》电邮采访时说。

    There are not many mayors who can make a leap to the presidency in the span of 24 months , Jeffrey Winters , a political scientist at Northwestern University told FORTUNE via an email interview .

  7. 国际著名政治学家和行政学家弗兰克·J·古德诺(Goodnow)将国家职能分为政治与行政两类。

    Internationally renowned political scientist Frank J. Goodnow divided state functions into two categories : politics and administration .

  8. 塞缪尔·P.亨廷顿(SamuelP.Huntington)是美国著名的政治学家、国际政治学者,他以其敏锐的洞察力和独树一帜的理论风格斐名国际学术界。

    Samuel P. Huntington , a famous politician and international scholar , is well-known in international politics study for his keen insight and unique theoretical style .

  9. 政治学家塞缪尔亨廷顿(SamuelHuntington)曾说:李资政带给新加坡的正直与高效很可能会跟着他进入坟墓。

    Samuel Huntington , political scientist , once said : The honesty and efficiency that Senior Minister Lee has brought to Singapore are likely to follow him to his grave .

  10. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)管理与劳工关系学院政治学家贾尼斯·法恩(JaniceFine)说,从历史上看,工会组织有时号召团结,有时又担心移民会接受低薪工作,影响美国人的生活水准。

    Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations political scientist Janice Fine says organized labor has historically vacillated between solidarity and fear that immigrants will work for lower wages and bring down living standards for all Americans .

  11. 政治学家约根德拉·亚达夫(YogendraYadav)曾在《印度快报》(TheIndianExpress)上感慨:“培养未来白领的整个高等教育体系”让没上过英语学校的学生处于劣势。

    A politician , Yogendra Yadav , lamented in The Indian Express that " the entire system of higher education that controls white-collar jobs " is loaded against students who did not attend English-language schools .

  12. 但对美国,克拉克并不同意以下观点:由于社会两级分化现象加剧,社会流动性最近大幅下降——这是政治学家查尔斯•默里(CharlesMurray)去年出版的颇具影响力的著作《分化》(ComingApart)中的看法。

    But in America , Clark rejects the idea that mobility has recently declined sharply as social polarisation has grown - an idea posited , for example , in Coming Apart , an influential book published last year by the political scientist Charles Murray .

  13. 一个担心的理由来自政治学家查尔斯默里(CharlesMurray)的研究,他记录了过去50年,美国下层中产阶级的社会状况发生了多大变化(上层中产阶级的社会状况基本未变)。

    One reason for concern comes from research by the political scientist Charles Murray documenting how much social conditions have changed over the past 50 years for lower-middle class Americans ( while remaining essentially unchanged for the upper-middle class ) .

  14. 政治学家狄潘卡古普塔(dipankargupta)表示,过去,村里的农民们认为,未来会像现在一样“灰暗”。

    Dipankar Gupta , a political scientist , says farmers in the villages used to know that tomorrow would be as " grimy " as today .

  15. 海盗党支持者“与绿党价值共成长”,特里尔大学政治学家UweJun说,但是绿党现在是一个正规的党派。

    Pirate supporters " grew up with green values ," says Uwe Jun , a political scientist at the University of Trier , but the Greens are now " an established , normal party " .

  16. 根据政治学家罗纳德多尔(ronalddore)的研究,日本劳动力市场的结构性变化,以及转向更加以股东为中心的资本主义观点,已损害到工人的利益。

    According to research by Ronald Dore , a political scientist , Japanese workers have been hurt by structural changes in the labour market and a shift towards a more shareholder-centric view of capitalism .

  17. 学习院大学的政治学家佐佐木毅(TakeshiSasaki)称,日本的整个政治阶层都在逃避人口问题,其中最大的原因就是老龄选民势力强劲。

    According to Takeshi Sasaki , a political scientist at Gakushuin University , the entire political class is ducking the issue , not least because ageing citizens constitute such a powerful voting block .

  18. 政治学家德韦什愠湓尔(DeveshKapur,他与人合著的关于外侨的书籍即将出版)表示,这三种强大的优势集于一身使其他外侨难以匹敌。

    This adds up to a powerful trio of traits that other foreign arrivals struggle to match , according to political scientist Devesh Kapur , co-author of a forthcoming book on the diaspora .

  19. 用政治学家德韦什卡普尔(deveshkapur)的话讲,现在印度是一个全新的国家,到处是热衷于赚钱的人,不断地寻找经济机遇包括设法绕开繁冗的规定而这进而会让增长引擎继续轰鸣。

    India , in the words of political scientist devesh Kapur , is now a new nation of hustlers , constantly searching for economic opportunities including ways of circumventing onerous rules that , in turn , keep the growth engine purring along .

  20. 应当如何处理它们之间的关系,是许多经济学家和政治学家所面临的一个主要问题。

    Dealing with their relationship is the major issue many economists face .

  21. 一个聪明的政治学家可以很清楚的看到财政调整的需求。

    A brilliant economist see exactly the needed fiscal adjustment .

  22. 诺姆.奥恩斯坦是美国企业研究所内的资深政治学家。

    Norm Ornstein is a longtime political scholar at the American Enterprise Institute .

  23. 一些政治学家们担心网络会通过误导和分化选民而破坏民主。

    Some political scholars worry the Web could undermine democracy , by and voters .

  24. 你们是未来的经济学家和政治学家,我要求你们创造更好的政策选择。

    As future economists and political scientists , I ask you to create better policy options .

  25. 因为最终,他们明白,正如政治学家约瑟夫·奈所说,

    Because in the end , they understood , as the political scientist Joseph Nye once said ,

  26. 你可以把历史学家的文章同政治学家的文章做一下比较。

    You can begain with comparing the work of the historian with the work of the politician .

  27. 正如著名政治学家塞缪尔·亨廷顿指出的那样:现代性意味着稳定,而现代化意味着不稳定。

    As well-known politician Samuel Huntington pointed out that " modernity means stability and modernization means instability " .

  28. 《我们是谁?对美国民族认同的挑战》是美国著名政治学家塞缪尔·亨廷顿的最新力作。

    Who are we The Challenges to America 's national Identity is American renowned political scientist Samuel P.Huntington 's new work .

  29. 社会学家、经济学家、政治学家等纷纷使用这个概念来解释各类社会现象。

    The sociologists , the economist , and so on use this concept to explain each kind of social phenomenon in abundance .

  30. 自那时起,许多经济学家和政治学家就已经在寻找教育和民主化之间因果关系的统计上的证据。

    Since then plenty of economists and political scientists have looked for statistical evidence of a causal link between education and democratisation .