- 网络Political Compromise

Political compromise contains the unity of instrumental rationality and valuable rationality .
Political compromise and political development in the west
Secondly , under certain circumstances , it is necessary for the judges to compromise with political actors .
But Mr Ma has carefully distinguished economic from political concessions .
He 's a hardliner opposed to any political settlement .
Public transparency is always a political compromise .
Sustainable political compromises and systematic intensification lead to the existence and continuation of adaptive and complicated political systems .
By analysing the process of political compromise mechanism of the United States , this paper summarizes two compromise mechanisms .
After the collapse of the Soviet Union , western thinkers assumed the West would never need to make geopolitical compromises .
Political compromise during the period of the Republic of China is a product of the environment for political development then .
But the historical practices in the west and China indicate the necessity of the value return of Chinese political compromise .
These several typical political compromises which are analysed in this paper represent different forms of political compromise and have great historical significance .
A political bargain in Brussels that leapfrogged financial markets by switching Greek , Irish and Portuguese debt into Eurobonds would rescue the eurozone .
In short , he is willing to embrace the odd political compromise , which is exactly what the tea party holds against him .
Indeed , the Ukraine fiasco is a direct result of the west encouraging street protests instead of encouraging political compromise between the two camps .
It expatiates the characteristics of political compromise mechanism and analyses the mature political compromise mechanism of the United States through analysing above representative histories .
These features are exhibited in the above examples ' analysis which has important referenced value to deal with the different types of political compromise .
In the traditional political culture of western and Chinese areas , there is profound spirit of compromise which is a very abstruse political wisdom .
However , the scope of the privilege is ill-defined , because disputes over executive privilege are ordinarily resolved through political compromise rather than court litigation .
In the third part of this article , the author discussed the philosophical roots of political compromise from three angles of ontology , epistemology and axiology .
On behalf of some western countries , the United States continually holds the spirit of political compromise and establishes their own political system depending on such spirit .
The South Korean government insists Pyongyang makes displays of force to scare Washington and Seoul into resuming negotiations , from which it can win political concessions and aid .
The Obama administration erred in asking for too small a stimulus , especially after making political compromises that caused it to be less effective than it could have been .
Behind this political compromise the Japanese conservative persons think that changing the policies to China is unfavorable to keeping Japan in order and international environment according with American interest .
Political compromise as a conscious product of human reason , in dealing with the relationship between man and society , it will be accompanied by the development of human society .
The United States is the typical one with mature political compromise mechanism . So choosing the United States as our studying object is a significant reference to Chinese harmonious and stability .
The value of political compromise is understood as weakness , surrender , betrayal and so on one-sidedly . And that such values had been increasing in the early stages of nation-building .
The United States ' political compromise which is been highly self-identified to the culture of compromise becomes not only the primary method of political development but also the typical model of western political compromise .
Though this compromise was confined , exactly this confined political compromise achieved the preparation for constitutionalism , and , practically , drew back the prologue of the deepest political reform in the political history of modern China .
There were two causes for this literary form : " literary policy " of the puppet regime and commercial catering to the taste of the masses .