
  • 网络Church and State;church-state relations;church-state relationship
  1. 蒙古统治对罗斯政教关系的影响,等等。

    Mongolia-ruling have influenced the relation between church and state , etc.

  2. 英国盎格鲁&撒克逊时期的基督教及政教关系

    Christianity , Church and State of Anglo - Saxon England

  3. 俄国政教关系的历史嬗变

    Evolution of the Relationship Between State and Church in Russia

  4. 美国宪法中的政教关系原则及实践

    The Church and State Relationship in American Constitution : The Principle and Practice

  5. 君士坦丁基督教政策与政教关系初探我国特殊教育行政决策

    Constantine 's Christian Policy and Church-State Relation Administration and Policies in special Education

  6. 英属北美弗吉尼亚殖民地政教关系探析

    An Analysis of Relation between Politics and Religion in British North America Virginia Colony

  7. 印度古代政教关系的特征

    Characteristics of Politics-Religion Relationship in Ancient India

  8. 从庙产管理看南京国民政府时期的政教关系以19271937年为中心的考察

    A Study of the Relationship Between Religion and Politics in the Period of the Nanjing National Government

  9. 试析蒙古政教关系的历史、现状及存在的问题

    An Analysis of the Past and Present Relationship Between Politics & Religion in Mongolia and Its Existing Problems

  10. 本文主要探讨的是北美殖民地时期政教关系的历史演进。

    This article attempts to discuss the historical evolution of relationship between church and state in North America .

  11. 第四部分着眼于教会的世俗功能,从政教关系和社会伦理两个层面展丌论述。美国天主教会对于社会政治生活的参与通常集中在某些特定领域。

    Part Four analyzes the secular function of the Church from the two its political involvement and social ethics .

  12. 在我国,对政教关系的研究多集中于历史学、宗教学等领域,而法学界对政教关系问题并没有引起太多的关注。

    In the research area of law , the scholars do not pay much more attention to the relationship between church and state .

  13. 在研究政教关系上,基督宗教在当代中国大陆的作用及影响乃极为独特的案例。

    In the research on relationship between religion and politics , the function and influence of Christianity on contemporary Chinese mainland is a very unique case .

  14. 逆历史发展规律而动的后果就是&国家内部政教关系紧张,宗教在苏东剧变这场社会主义的大地震中,发挥了重要的作用。

    The consequences of reversing the law of history-the tension between politics and religion , religion played an important role in the socialism earthquake of Drastic Change .

  15. 聂斯脱利与西里尔基督论之争就是在这种存在着复杂的政教关系的时代背景下发生,而且争论的过程充满了混乱的争吵。

    The christological controversy between Nestorius and Cyril is in this exist complex politico-religious relationship under the background of the debate , and full of chaos quarrel process .

  16. 政教关系是美国政治文化中的一个重要内容,涉及宗教、政治、法律等领域内一系列重大原则问题。

    The church-state relationship is an important part of American political culture , involving a series of important issues in religion , politics , law and so forth .

  17. 其二,中国有着成熟的封建统治者,对政教关系能处理得恰到好处,可放手发展佛教。

    Second , China had mature feudal rulers , who could deal with the relation between politics and religion properly and give a free hand in the development of Buddhism ;

  18. 在对剧变前后国家与教会关系的特征进行探讨的基础上,文章对于波兰、罗马尼亚和匈牙利政教关系的演化进行了案例分析。

    On the basis of the special features of the relationship before and after the changes , the article makes a case analysis of the evolution in Poland , Romania and Hungary .

  19. 这样的政教关系,加强了英吉利民族的凝聚力,成为英国没有在宗教改革中发生分裂,甚至走向内战的原因之一。

    This type of church and state enforced the cohesion of English people and became one of the reasons that England did not break into pieces or fall into civil war in Reformation .

  20. 随着蒙古国内传统宗教的恢复发展和非传统宗教的壮大,政教关系更趋复杂化。

    With the restoration and development of the traditional religion and the growing of the non traditional religion in Mongolia , the relationship of politics and religion is becoming more and more complicated .

  21. 近年来,美国政教关系的热点主要体现在公共场所的宗教表达、公立学校中的宗教活动、宗教信仰与法律规定和社会公德相冲突等问题上。

    The points at issue in the relations are religious expression at public places , religious activities in public schools , the conflicts of religious belief with legal provisions and social ethics , etc.

  22. 南京国民政府时期政教关系发生的基础&以1927-1937年南京国民政府与佛教界的关系为例

    The Foundation of the Relationship Between Politics and Religion in the Period of the Nanking National Government - Taking the Relationship between Nanking National Government and Buddhist Circles of 1927 & 1937 as an Example

  23. 清代西部宗教立法在政教关系调整方面具有加强国家管理权、限制教权、灵活性与原则性相结合的特征。

    The legislation on the religions in the western China during Qing Dynasty had the characters of strengthening state management , limiting religious organizations ' power and flexibility when it adjusted the relation between politics and religion .

  24. 文章对缅甸雍籍牙王朝时期政权与教权之间的关系进行了分析和探讨,理清了其沿革发展的脉络,揭示了缅甸雍籍牙王朝时期政教关系的特点。

    This paper analyses and explores the relationship between political power and religious power , sorts out its trail of development , and reveals the feature of the relationship between politics and religion during Burmese Aung Zeya dynasty .

  25. 本文试图从三个方面阐述建立和谐政教关系是人类社会发展的必然趋势和当今世界各国追求的共同目标。

    This article tries to explain that establishing relationship between harmonious politics and religion from three aspects is a common aim for different countries in today 's world and it is an inevitable trend of human social process .

  26. 展望后穆巴拉克时代,穆兄会仍然是埃及政治发展的重要力量,政教关系仍然是埃及政治发展所面临的重要问题。

    Looking forward to the post - Mubarak Era , Muslim Brotherhood will continue to be an important power in political development of Egypt , and politico-religious relationship will still be a significant problem facing political development of Egypt .

  27. 宗教与政治相结合,是美国历史的突出特征。而英属北美马萨诸塞殖民地的政教关系也是一个非常典型的代表,其政教合一的政权体制在美国历史上的影响也是深远的。

    Religious and political integration is a prominent characteristic of American history . The relation between politics and religion of Massachusetts Bay Colony is a typical representative , the impact of this theocracy system is far-reaching of the United States .

  28. 近年来,史学界对宗教的关注和讨论逐渐增多,尤其是有关近代庙产兴学、教权纷争、政教关系的成果渐次增多。

    In recent years , historians have gradually increased concern and discussion on religion , especially , making use of temple product to develop educational cause in modern time , disputes of religious right and more achievements from aspects of country and society .

  29. 本文主要分析了南京国民政府与佛教界关系协调的基础与冲突产生的原因,以说明南京国民政府时期政教关系发生的基础。

    This article mainly analyzes the foundation of coordination and the causes of conflicts between politics and religion in the period of the Nanking National Government , in order to explain the foundation of the relationship takes place in the period of the Nanking National Government .

  30. 对政教关系问题的处理,体现了美国社会的价值标准,反映了美国法制与道德,世俗与宗教既统一又矛盾,既相互协调又相互制衡的特性。

    The handling of church-state relations in the United States embodies the value of American society , reflects the characteristics of both union and opposition , and coordination and mutual restriction in the relationship between the legal system and morality , and between secularity and religion .