
  • 网络purchase of services
  1. 第二部分为政府购买服务的溯源、内涵和理论根据。

    The second part is the source , connotation and theory basis of purchase of services .

  2. 推广政府购买服务,引入竞争机制。逐步取消公办事业单位的行政级别,建立各类事业单位统一登记管理制度。

    Competition must be introduced and strengthened in the government 's purchase of services . Gradually abrogate the administrative rank of publicly funded organizations and set up a registration mechanism for such organizations .

  3. 笔者认为,以YG为代表的政府购买服务模式只是一种过渡形态。

    The author thinks that the government represented by YG purchase service mode is a kind of transitional form .

  4. 近几年来,民间社工服务机构飞速发展,以济南J机构为例,这些民间机构部分是通过政府购买服务的方式,依托社区开展的一种新型社会服务。

    Rapid development in recent years , the folk social work service agencies , in Jinan J institutions , for example , some of these folk agencies are through the way of government purchase services , relying on the community to carry out a new type of social services .

  5. 政府购买服务是公共服务供给的一种新型路径选择。

    Government purchasing service is a new path of public service supply .

  6. 政府购买服务模式。

    United States . United Nations 3 . The government purchases the units .

  7. 政府购买服务模式。第三部分:构建与发展我国政府公关。

    The government purchases the units .

  8. 以授权为特征的职业化的主要内容包括:政府购买服务,民间组织经营,行业自律与管理,注册社工提供专业化服务。

    Featuring authorization , it mainly includes : the government purchasing services , non-government organizations dealing with the affairs , occupational discipline as well as administration , registered social workers offering specialized service .

  9. 作者在分析北京市社区卫生服务筹资管理存在的问题的基础上,提出了实行有偿服务和政府购买服务相结合的筹资与补偿机制和8个筹资渠道。

    The authors analyzed the problems in the financing management of CHS in Beijing and on the basis of this , put forward the financing and compensation mechanism of paid services combined with government purchased services and 8 financing channels .

  10. 一方面以制度规制的修正保障公共服务有效地提供,另一方面通过激励制度的设计,助推政府购买服务持久地发展。

    On the one hand , it fixes the system of regulative legislation to protect the providing of public service effectively . On the other hand , with the design of the stimulative system , it gains a lasting development of Purchase of Services .

  11. 只要建立和完善政府购买服务决策、实施、监管考评等各个环节的制度,形成一整套环环相扣、科学管用的制度体系,就能够不断完善政府购买服务,提升公共服务质量。

    We can gradually improve the government purchasing service and the quality of public services , as long as we establish and perfect the government purchasing service system in the decision , implementation , supervision , evaluation and other aspects and form a set of interlocking , scientific system .

  12. 深圳模式可概括为政府购买服务,民间机构运作,其特点是政府推动力度大,更加注重规范化和制度化;现在除购买岗位的购买服务方式外,正在探索项目建设。

    Shenzhen model can be summarized as " government procurement of services , civil agencies operate ", which is characterized by the Government to promote efforts to pay more attention to the standardization and institutionalization ; In addition to the purchase post purchase service mode , is exploring projects .

  13. TC模式作为政府购买公共服务的一种新模式,其组织机构主要分为政府层、管理层及运营层。

    As a new type of public service which government purchases , the organization of TC is consisted of government stratum , administration stratum , and operation stratum .

  14. 第一部分为案例&上海市政府购买养老服务的探索实践。

    The first part is a case of purchase of services .

  15. 政府购买养老服务的优化治理&基于合同制治理理论的思考

    Optimal Governance of Government Purchase of Pension Services Based on Contract Governance Theory

  16. 政府购买公共服务是一种源于西方的公共服务供给模式。

    Government purchase of public services is originated from western modes of supply .

  17. 第二章,对政府购买公共服务绩效的基本问题进行分析。

    Second chapter , analyses the basic problems of government purchase public service efficiency .

  18. 政府购买公共服务:以公益性非营利组织为重要合作伙伴

    Government Purchase of Public Service Contracting ( GPSC ): Taking Commonweal NPOs as Important Cooperative Partners

  19. 政府购买公共服务在卫生服务领域的可行性探讨

    The Discussion About the Feasibility of Government to buy Public Services in the Field of Health Service

  20. 县级政府购买公共服务模式是通过引入竞争机制、定向委托、合同兑现、分级考核的方式将原由政府部门直接提供的公共服务交由社会组织提供。

    County government to purchase public service is constituted by competition , directed commission , contract fulfillment , and decentralized evaluation .

  21. 简单介绍了上海市政府购买养老服务的实践过程并由此作出理论总结。

    It simply introduces the case of Shanghai practice of government purchase service of caring for the aged and makes the practice summary from the case .

  22. 分别论述了政府购买公共服务的动因、模式、方式与范围,以及政府购买公共服务绩效指标变量设计的基本思路。

    Separately discuss the motivation , model , method and range of government purchase public service , and basic idea of government public service efficiency index design .

  23. 政府购买公共服务是应运而生的满足我国现阶段现实需要的一种新型公共服务提供方式。

    Government purchasing public service is to meet the practical needs of the present stage of our country , emerge as the times require a new public service ways .

  24. 国内外实践表明,政府购买卫生服务需要一定的资源、管理和技术条件,而且需要配套改革措施。

    The international and domestic practices show that government 's purchasing healthcare services requires not only resources , management and technical skills , but also a series of counterpart measures .

  25. 政府购买教育服务已成为上海市浦东新区一种新的探索与实践,目前已形成五种模式。教育评估作为服务模式中一种,是服务之服务。

    This text classifies Pudong government purchased education service into five modes , makes an analysis on education evaluation 's special case , and points out that it is service 's service .

  26. 西方发达国家早在上个世纪80年代就开始探索公共服务市场化的途径,并且把政府购买公共服务作为重要手段。

    Western developed country early in last centuries 80 time began to explore the way of marketization of public service , and the government purchasing public service as an important means of .

  27. 鉴于该政策具有显著的社会福利政策的特征,如何通过谨慎、科学、可靠的循证分析,将成为政府购买养老服务科学决策急需解决的课题。

    Given that the policy has significant features of social welfare policies , how careful , scientific , reliable evidence-based analysis , will be the purchase of pension service scientific decision-making needed to be solved .

  28. 第三部分是县级政府购买公共服务模式的解析模型:嵌入的过程,以湖北省恩施州县级政府以钱养事模式为个案进行实证研究。

    The third part is " the analytical model of county government to purchase public service model : the process of embedding ", to Enshi " Purchase of Public Service " model for the case .

  29. 然后详细地从社会组织自身和购买公共服务的过程两个方面对现阶段我国社会组织参与政府购买公共服务的突出问题进行了分析。

    Then in detail from social organizations and the purchase of public service process on the two aspects of the present stage our country social organizations participate in government purchasing public service analyzes the problems .

  30. 其次,综合对比介绍西方与我国政府购买社工服务的模式与程序,提炼西方国家服务购买的可圈可点之处,为我国现行的购买程序提供参考。

    Secondly , the author will comprehensively compare pattern and procedure of the government purchasing social work services in the western and China , extract strengths of the western countries to provide the reference for China .