
  • 网络FUNK;funky
  1. 公司名字取自放克乐艺人、迈尔斯?戴维斯(MilesDavis)第二任妻子贝蒂?戴维斯(BettyDavis)的同名歌曲。

    when she started Nasty Gal. She named the company after the song by funk musician Betty Davis , the second wife of Miles Davis . '

  2. 但经过如此漫长的等待之后,《24KMagic》据说会是对他标志性的放克曲风一个华丽的转变。

    But after such a long wait , 24K Magic is poised to give the singer 's * trademark Funk a flashy makeover .

  3. 而在TEM4上却没有任何麻烦的迹象,那里上演着无穷尽的派对,人们伴着时髦的放克乐跳摇摆舞,空气里的喷雾清新剂让人飘飘欲仙。

    Except there 's no evidence of trouble ; in fact , TEM 4 is a land of endless partying , with citizens go-go dancing to swanky wah-wah funk and getting high from aerosol breath fresheners .

  4. 他创作的音乐合并东方与西方,结合传统印尼摇篮曲以及雷鬼经验与早期史提夫·汪达(StevieWonder)的放克(Funk),难以解说他的风格,但他应该成名。

    He makes these East-West blends of music that combine classical Indonesian lullabies with reggae groove and early-days Stevie Wonder funk - it 's hard to explain , but he should be famous .

  5. 原先是迈克尔·杰克逊和蓝尼·克罗维兹(LennyKravitz)于1999年在著名的“马文房间”录音室录制的。歌曲中,通过粗旷的工业放克节拍和高昂的和音,迈克尔召唤一种宇宙的力量。

    Originally recorded by Jackson and Lenny Kravitz in1999 at the legendary Marvin 's Room Studio , the track has Michael summoning a cosmic power over a rugged , industrial funk beat and a soaring chorus .

  6. 如今,爵士乐形式包括酸爵士,放克爵士。

    Today we have genres that include acid jazz and jazz funk .

  7. 而我们现在在听的歌就是放克乐,对吧?

    And this music we 're listening to right now is funky as well ?

  8. 放对那放克乐。

    Play that funky music right .

  9. 京晶:嗯,他是一个彻底改变了爵士和放克音乐的盲人神童。

    Yeah , he was a blind child prodigy that completely transformed Jazz and Funk music .

  10. 简直难以想象没有她这么带感的放克舞蹈,《宋飞正传》会是什么样子。

    It 's almost impossible to imagine a version of Seinfeld in which Elaine doesn 't dance in such a funky way .

  11. 综合了摇滚、说唱、放克、金属、朋克等风格,乐队在1992年打榜前就拥有了一批歌迷。

    By mixing rock , hip hop , funk , metal and punk , the Chili Peppers amassed a following of fans before hitting it big in1992 .

  12. 还有谁能从社会赞歌无缝地转至热辣舞曲,轻快的嘻哈到普世摇滚,从典型的放克到深深动人的民谣?

    Who else could move so seamlessly from social anthem to floor burner , fleet hip hop to cosmic rock , vintage funk to poignant folk ballad ?

  13. 虽然它当然是爵士乐,放克,融合和R&B的最佳选择,这康塔克特文书也是多才多艺的任何地方生产正宗的电钢琴的声音是必不可少不够。

    While it is of course the perfect choice for jazz , funk , fusion and R & B , this KONTAKT instrument is also versatile enough for any production where authentic electric piano sound is essential .

  14. 伴随着许冠杰和他的莲花乐队创作的放克爵士乐,电影用一连串喧闹的插科打诨唤起了人们的集体意识,从小鸡健美操到面粉和香肠乱飞的打斗场面(洪金宝设计、灵感源自李小龙)。

    Together with the funky soundtrack by Sam and his band , The Lotus , the movie also tapped into our collective consciousness with a range of riotousgags , from aerobics for chicken to a Sammo Hung-choreographed , Bruce Lee-inspired fight scene with flour and sausages .

  15. 爵士让位给摇滚,再被扭扭舞取代,接下来是民谣、摇滚、灵乐、放克、重金属、迪斯科、朋克、雷鬼、嘻哈等等(我略过了曼波音乐,但它确实在某些地方颇有影响力)。

    Jazz gave way to rock and then to the twist , folk , rock again , soul , funk , heavy metal , disco , punk , reggae , hip-hop and so on ( I left out mambo , but it is there , somewhere ) .

  16. 放那放克乐吧,白人男孩。(野樱桃乐团的歌曲《Playthatfunkymusic》,此句台词也是这首歌的歌词)

    Play that funky music , white boy .

  17. 放那放克乐,白人男孩。

    Play that funky music , white boy

  18. 所以…他们要求那个白人男孩放那放克乐,对吧?

    So ... they 're requesting that the white boy play the funky music , yes ?

  19. 不过如果在温度较低的笼子里放至少六克纸条,那么会有很多老鼠宁愿忍受寒冷,在那里筑窝。

    But leave at least six grams of paper in the chilly cage , and many mice will prefer instead to brave the cold and build a nest there .

  20. 电影放了鲨克贴在姚明耳边说话的镜头,跳球,然后第一个球,鲨克想通过运球甩开姚明,结果被帽。

    They showed when Shaq whispered in yao 's ear , the jumpball and then on that first play , Shaq trying to take Yao off the dribble and getting blocked .

  21. 你觉得这首歌是不是那个白人男孩去放的那首放克乐?

    Do you think this song is the music the white boy ultimately play ?