
  • 网络Support Price;Price Support
  1. 我们应该是灵活而确定最低支持价格。

    We should be flexible while fixing the minimum support price .

  2. 美国农产品支持价格

    Support price of farm produce of USA

  3. 根据上市公司送股转增前后股票价格的变动特征,本文提出了价格幻觉假设,并用logit回归对该假设进行了检验,经验研究的结果支持价格幻觉假设。

    According to the characteristic of stock price around these actions , the " price illusion hypotheses " has been put forward . A logit model has tested the hypothesis , and the result supports the hypotheses .

  4. 这导致了1986年美国支持价格猛跌。

    This led to drastic cuts in us support prices in1986 .

  5. 最低支持价格的影响将直接作用于美国。

    The likely net effect of the MSP on the U.S.

  6. 欧洲共同市场支持价格

    Support price of European Common Market

  7. 他表示:我们认为,目前显然已具备支持价格再度走高的基本面因素。

    We think the fundamentals are clearly in place for prices to move again higher , he said .

  8. 最后,两种价格之间的差异百分比显示的是最低支持价格上涨产生的相对影响。

    Finally , the percentage difference between the two prices shows the relative impact of the MSP increase .

  9. 结果表明,随着市场支持价格水平的提高,粮食产量也随之上升。

    The result shows the higher the Market Price Support is raised , the more the grain yield increases .

  10. 随着时间的推移,由于其他国家调整产量,价格下跌,最低支持价格上涨的因素下跌了。

    Over time , the impact of the increase in the MSP decreases as other countries adjust production to lower prices .

  11. 为维护支持价格是年费(根据牌照号码加10元),它可以在任何时间取消。

    The price for the maintenance support is an annual fee ( based on the number of licenses plus $ 10 ), which can be canceled at any time .

  12. 但是,实证分析的结论并不特别支持价格水平的财政决定理论的主要论点,这也是这个理论的最为薄弱的一个环节。

    But the conclusion of empirical analyses cannot support fiscal doctrine of the price level determination especially , so this is the weakest part of this theory , too .

  13. 这笔资金将使烟农协会能够在拍卖期间购买烟草,这是一项旨在迫使国内和国际烟草购买商至少要支付最低支持价格的战略。

    The money will allow farmers'associations to buy tobacco during the auctions , a strategy aimed at forcing national and international tobacco buyers to pay at least the minimum support price .

  14. 财政支农对促进农业发展、增加农民收入、加快农村社会事业发展具有重要意义,政府通过采用补贴、支持价格、对农业基础设施建设的投入等方式,实现对农业的指导和帮助。

    Fiscal support for promoting agricultural development and increasing the farmers ' income , speed up the development of social undertakings has an important meaning , and the government by using subsidies , support price , for agricultural infrastructure construction of input mode and realization of agricultural advice and help .

  15. 服务与支持的价格已降低75%。

    Service and Support pricing has been reduced by75 % .

  16. 3国内支持应从价格支持转向收入支持;

    Thirdly , the domestic support should be altered from price support to income support ;

  17. 支持的价格水平上的需求被认为是足够强大,以防止价格进一步下降。

    Support is the price level at which demand is thought to be strong enough to prevent the price from declining further .

  18. 补贴是指在一个国家的领土范围内,通过由国家或者公共机构针对某些特定企业或者特定行业所提供的财政支持或者价格收入支持的经济手段。

    The subsidy means the financial or the price support to the certain enterprises or industries by the government or the public institution .

  19. 尽管非骨水泥假体未得到询证医学支持,价格-效益比也不如骨水泥假体,但目前全球仍优先选择非骨水泥假体。

    Today , uncemented prostheses are preferred globally , although this choice is not evidence based and might be less cost effective than cemented implants .

  20. 规模零售商凭借其渠道力量迫使生产商进行价格减让或收取通道费以支持其价格战。

    The scaling retailers compel the producers to reduce the price by their channel power , or support the price war by charging channel fees .

  21. 女:在最近一位总裁之后,查尔斯哈米尔顿,健康之路集中到底线,致力于支持股票价格。

    Woman : Under the last Chief Executive , Charles Hamilton , Healthway concentrated on the bottom line , with the aim of supporting the share price .

  22. 泡沫指的是没有基本面支持的资产价格迅速上涨。

    A bubble involves a rapid and unfounded rise in prices .

  23. 你如何支持产品的价格呢?

    Support price . so , how do you support your price ?

  24. “原则上绝对不支持当前的价格,”此买家说。

    " The fundamentals absolutely do not support the current price ," the buyer said .

  25. 只要继续受到避险买盘的支持,其价格就有可能进一步上扬。

    Further price gains are possible as long as the metals benefit from safe haven buying .

  26. 新航已重申其上周发表的声明,即收购东航的价格是商业基础面因素所能支持的最高价格。

    Singapore Airlines repeated its statement of last week that the price was the maximum justified on the business fundamentals .

  27. 当前,低成本所支持的低价格仍然是许多企业开展竞争的主要手段。

    Recently , the low service price supported by the low cost is still the main competition means to many enterprises .

  28. 中央银行不得不一再抛出美元,消耗自己的储备,以支持马克的价格。

    The central bank is repeatedly paying out dollars and depleting its reserves in order to suppport the price of mark .

  29. 其次是一套政策解决资产支持证券市场价格定价低于这些资产可能的现金流的观点。

    The second set of policies addresses the view that market prices for asset-backed securities underprice the likely cash flows of these assets .

  30. 在方法上运用计量经济模型,分析农业生产支持政策与价格支持政策对农业生产者的影响以及国家财政对农业支持的效果、效益和效率;

    We use econometric model to analyze the impact resulted from the production support policies and price support policy , and use DEA model to analysis the efficiency of fiscal support policy .