
  1. 由于没有书面文字,摩梭文化特别容易消失。

    And without a written language , Mosuo culture is particularly vulnerable to disappearing .

  2. 在传统的摩梭文化中,家庭生活围绕基本的社会单位“大家庭”展开。在大家庭中,孩子由母亲及母亲一方的亲人抚养长大。

    In traditional Mosuo culture , family life is structured around the basic social unit , known as the " grand household , " in which children are raised by their mother and her side of the family .

  3. 论泸沽湖摩梭人文化保护区的建立

    On the Establishment of the Lugu Lake Moso Cultural Preservation Zone

  4. 泸沽湖不仅有美丽的自然风景,更有第一流的垄断性的人文资源&摩梭人文化。

    Lugu Lake boasts not only beautiful natural scenery , but also its specific humane resources & Moso culture .

  5. 本文对近期召开的女性人类学暨摩梭母系文化研讨会的两个中心议题的学术研讨及新进展作一介绍及评述。

    This is a summary and commentary of the two main topics discussed at the recent symposium on the new achievements in feminist anthropology and in the study of Mosuo matriarchal society .

  6. 摩梭人文化保护区质疑&论少数民族文化旅游资源的保护与开发*我们怎样可以在各类健康医护服务之间妥善分配资源,以保障市民健康而又同时控制医疗开支?

    Questions about the Establishment of the Lugu Lake Moso Cultural Preservation Zone ; How can we allocate resources wisely among different health care services in order to keep people healthy and contain expenditure on curative treatment ?

  7. 随着与外界互动的增加,当地居民及外部专家都担心,摩梭人独特的文化习俗面临严重的威胁。

    As its interaction with the wider society increases , residents and outside experts fear that the group 's unique cultural practices are facing a grave threat .

  8. 早晨,在一条狭窄的小巷中,附近在建的旅店弥漫着灰尘,一群年轻的工作人员又在为摩梭民俗博物馆的文化盛典做准备,其中包括18岁的可木。

    On a narrow side street , dusty from hotel construction nearby , a group of young workers , including Ke , 18 , was preparing for another day of cultural pageantry at the Mosuo Folk Museum .

  9. 达巴教属藏传佛教。摩梭族女人不结婚,正是她们把摩梭族文化和其他文化隔开。

    But it 's the role of Mosuo women that sets them apart from other cultures : they don 't marry .