
  • 网络Morgan Motor;Morgan Motor Company;Morgancar
  1. 摩根汽车公司位于英格兰-威尔士边界附近的马尔文山(MalvernHills),自1909年以来一直坚持手工制造汽车。

    The Morgan Motor Company , located in the Malvern Hills near the English-Welsh border , has been hand-building cars since 1909 .

  2. 在看到摩根汽车后,约翰逊非常开心,他向媒体夸耀这些汽车能跑多快。

    The mayor lit up when he saw the Morgans , boasting to the press how fast they were .

  3. 反响相当惊人,他说,因此我给摩根汽车打了电话,问他们的中国经销商在哪里?

    The reaction was amazing , he says . So I rang Morgan and said where is your local dealership ?

  4. 近期购买摩根汽车的人,还包括一位知名歌手和一位不是太知名的、来自中国中部的裁缝师。

    Other recent buyers of Morgan cars include a well-known singer and a not very well-known tailor from central China .

  5. 德国、英国和法国历来是摩根汽车最大的市场,但中国市场正迅速迎头赶上。

    Germany , the UK and France have traditionally been Morgan 's biggest markets , but China is catching up fast .

  6. 2011年11月,他被任命为摩根汽车的首位在华总经销商,这一结果多多少少是出于偶然。

    Mr James was appointed as Morgan 's first general distributor in China in November 2011 - more or less by accident .

  7. 他只得不情愿地卖掉他最宝贵的资产,也就是他自己那辆摩根汽车,来筹资建设他的北京展厅。

    Reluctantly , he had to sell his most valuable asset – his own Morgan car – to raise the money for his Beijing showroom .

  8. 2013年1月以来,他的微博粉丝数量增至逾1200人,推动摩根汽车中国网站的独立访问数超过2万。

    Since January 2013 , his Weibo following has grown to more than 1200 , helping to generate more than 20000 unique visits to Morgan 's China website .

  9. 金宝在2013年实现了售出18辆摩根汽车的销售目标。他之所以选择这个数字,是因为它在汉语中代表幸运。金宝预计,今年将售出30辆摩根汽车。

    Mr James met his 2013 sales target of 18 Morgans – a number he chose because it is lucky in Chinese – and expects to sell 30 this year .

  10. 在北京驾驶自己的摩根Roadster汽车时,这辆座驾引起的热烈反响让他感到意外。

    Driving his own Morgan Roadster in Beijing , he was surprised by the enthusiastic reception it received .