
  • 网络Moab;Moabite;moabites
  1. 当日,人念摩西的律法书给百姓听,遇见书上写着说,亚扪人和摩押人永不可入神的会。

    On that day there was a reading from the book of Moses in the hearing of the people ; and they saw that it said in the book that no ammonite or Moabite might ever come into the meeting of God ;

  2. 摩押人哪,我们现在去抢夺财物吧。

    Now to the plunder , Moab !

  3. 耶和华招聚我们这三王,乃要交在摩押人的手里。

    Has the Lord called us three kings together only to hand us over to Moab ?

  4. 因为亚扪人和摩押人起来,击杀住西珥山的人,将他们灭尽。

    The men of Ammon and Moab rose up against the men from Mount Seir to destroy and annihilate them .

  5. 那时击杀了摩押人约有一万,都是强壮的勇士,没有一人逃脱。

    At that time they struck down about ten thousand Moabites , all vigorous and strong ; not a man escaped .

  6. 我们听说摩押人骄傲,是极其骄傲;听说他自高自傲,并且狂妄,居心自大。

    We have heard of moab 's pride-her overweening pride and conceit , her pride and arrogance and the haughtiness of her heart .

  7. 对他们说,你们随我来,因为耶和华已经把你们的仇敌摩押人交在你们手中。

    And he said unto them , Follow after me : for the LORD hath delivered your enemies the Moabites into your hand .

  8. 3:18在耶和华眼中这还算为小事,他也必将摩押人交在你们手中。

    And this is but a light thing in the sight of the LORD : he will deliver the Moabites also into your hand .

  9. 耶48:29我们听说摩押人骄傲、极其骄傲.说他自高自傲、且狂妄、心自大。

    We have heard of the pride of Moab he is very proud Of his haughtiness , his pride , his arrogance and his self-exaltation .

  10. 于是他们跟着他下去,把守约但河的渡口,拦截摩押人,不容一人过去。

    And they went down after him and took the Fords of the Jordan against the moabites ; and they let no man cross over .

  11. 此后,摩押人和亚扪人,又有米乌尼人,一同来攻击约沙法。

    Now after this , the children of Moab and the children of ammon , and with them some of the meunim , made war against jehoshaphat .

  12. 以色列王对他说,不要这样说,耶和华招聚我们这三王,乃要交在摩押人的手里。

    ' No , 'the king of Israel answered , 'because it was the Lord who called us three kings together to hand us over to Moab . '

  13. 他杀了摩押人亚利伊勒的两个儿子;又在下雪的日子下坑里去,杀了一只狮子。

    He struck the two sons of Ariel the moabite ; he also went down and struck a lion in the midst of a pit on a snowy day .

  14. 为了帮助以色列人摆脱摩押人的统治,耶和华派出了他的左撇子暗杀者——以笏来实施一场最恐怖的暗杀计划。

    Needing to free Israel from the rule of the Moabites , God sent Ehud , a left-handed assassin , to carry out one of the most gruesome Biblical assassinations .

  15. 我听见摩押人的毁谤,和亚扪人的辱骂,就是毁谤我的百姓,自夸自大。侵犯他们的境界。

    I have heard the reproach of Moab , and the revilings of the children of Ammon , whereby they have reproached my people , and magnified themselves against their border .

  16. 耶和华的手,必按在这山上。摩押人在所居之地必被践踏,好像乾草被践踏在粪池的水中。

    For in this mountain shall the hand of the LORD rest , and Moab shall be trodden down under him , even as straw is trodden down for the dunghill .

  17. 扫罗执掌以色列的国权,常常攻击他四围的一切仇敌,就是摩押人,亚扪人,以东人,和琐巴诸王,并非利士人。

    After Saul had assumed rule over Israel , he fought against their enemies on every side : Moab , the Ammonites , Edom , the kings of Zobah , and the Philistines .

  18. 我们听说摩押人骄傲,是极其骄傲,听说他狂妄,骄傲,忿怒,他夸大的话,是虚空的。

    We have had word of the pride of moab , how great it is ; how he is lifted up in Pride and passion : his high words about himself are false .

  19. 又必进入荣美之地,有许多国就被倾覆;但以东人、摩押人、和亚扪人中为首的,必脱离他的手。

    He will also enter the beautiful land , and many countries will fall ; but these will slip away from his hand : edom , moab , and the foremost of the children of ammon .

  20. 就说,这是血阿。必是三王互相击杀,俱都灭亡。摩押人哪,我们现在去抢夺财物吧。

    Then they said , this is blood : it is clear that destruction has come on the kings ; they have been fighting one another : now come , moab , let us take their goods .

  21. 又攻打摩押人,使他们躺卧在地上,用绳量一量,量二绳的杀了,量一绳的存留。

    And he smote Moab , and measured them with a line , casting them down to the ground ; even with two lines measured he to put to death , and with one full line to keep alive .

  22. 众人方唱歌赞美的时候,耶和华就派伏兵击杀那来攻击犹大人的亚扪人,摩押人,和西珥山人,他们就被打败了。

    And at the first notes of song and praise the LORD sent a surprise attack against the children of Ammon and Moab and the people of Mount seir , who had come against judah ; and they were overcome .

  23. 就如住西珥的以扫子孙和住亚珥的摩押人待我一样,等我过了约旦河,好进入耶和华我们神所赐给我们的地。

    As the descendants of Esau , who live in Seir , and the Moabites , who live in Ar , did for us & until we cross the Jordan into the land the LORD our God is giving us .

  24. 从前以色列人出埃及地的时候,你不容以色列人侵犯亚扪人,摩押人,和西珥山人,以色列人就离开他们,不灭绝他们。

    But now here are men from Ammon , Moab and Mount Seir , whose territory you would not allow Israel to invade when they came from Egypt ; so they turned away from them and did not destroy them .

  25. 连续好几代,亚伯拉罕的后裔一直是边远山区一个默默无闻的民族,整日和非利士人以及周围与他们有着血缘关系的部落,像摩押人、米甸人等等,争吵不休。

    For many generations the children of Abraham remained an obscure people of the hilly back country engaged in incessant bickerings with the Philistines and with the kindred tribes about them , the moabites , the midianites , and so forth .

  26. 他们上巴益,又往底本,到高处去哭泣。摩押人因泥波和米底巴哀号,各人头上光秃,胡须剃净。

    He is gone up to Bajith , and to Dibon , the high places , to weep : Moab shall howl over Nebo , and over Medeba : on all their heads shall be baldness , and every beard cut off .

  27. 耶和华吩咐我说,不可扰害摩押人,也不可与他们争战。他们的地,我不赐给你为业,因我已将亚珥赐给罗得的子孙为业。

    And the LORD said to me , make no attack on Moab and do not go to war with them , for I will not give you any of his land : because I have given Ar to the children of lot for their heritage .

  28. 有甲薛勇士耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅行过大能的事。他杀了摩押人亚利伊勒的两个儿子,又在下雪的时候下坑里去,杀了一个狮子。

    And Benaiah the son of jehoiada , a fighting man of kabzeel , had done great acts ; he put to death the two sons of Ariel of moab : he went down into a hole and put a lion to death in time of snow .

  29. 代上18:2又攻打摩押、押人就归服大卫、他进贡。

    He defeated Moab , and the Moabites became servants to David , bringing tribute .

  30. 又攻打摩押,摩押人就归服大卫,给他进贡。

    And he overcame moab , and the Moabites became his servants and gave him offerings .