
  1. 3月末,联合国出面在摩加迪沙进行了和平调解。

    The United Nations brokered a peace in Mogadishu at the end of March .

  2. 由于一次访问的缘故,他来到了摩加迪沙,又向南来到基斯马尤。

    It was a visit that took him to Mogadishu and southwards to Kismayo .

  3. 摩加迪沙2/3的居民已弃城而去,据说已成了一座名副其实的废都。

    Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town , deserted by two-thirds of its residents .

  4. 索马里过渡政府称,DNA测试已经证实他于本周初在首都摩加迪沙的枪战中死亡。

    Somalia 's transitional government said DNA tests confirmed his death in a shootout in the capital Mogadishu earlier this week .

  5. 组成的bean的急需援助,米和油已分发给巴镇盖多区域,在首都摩加迪沙西北的家庭。

    The badly needed aid consisting of beans , rice and oil was distributed to families in the town of Bardera in Gedo region , northwest of the capital Mogadishu .

  6. 26岁的HamsaAli和她的6个孩子与她所在社区的其他人带着自己的物品,步行了20天来到摩加迪沙。

    Twenty-six-year-old Hamsa Ali and her six children were part of a small community that packed their belongings and walked 20 days to get to Mogadishu .

  7. diGiovanni为了忘却他去了非洲,但是有一天晚上在摩加迪沙,炮火中,她的卫星电话响了。

    Ms di Giovanni went to Africa to forget him . But one night in Mogadishu , amid the gunfire , her satellite telephone rang .

  8. 周四,摩加迪沙几家电台广播了AhmedAbdiGodane(也叫AbuZubayr)的一条信息。

    On Thursday several Mogadishu radio stations broadcast a message from Ahmed Abdi Godane , also known as Abu Zubayr .

  9. TFG(过渡联邦政府)和AMISOM力量仅控制着摩加迪沙的部分地区。

    Transitional Federal Government ( TFG ) and AMISOM forces control only parts of Mogadishu .

  10. AMISOM拥有由乌干达和布隆迪组成的8000人的部队,主要驻扎在摩加迪沙。

    AMISOM maintains a force of about 8000 Ugandan and Burundian troops that are based in Mogadishu .

  11. 增兵之后,AMISOM希望使摩加迪沙重新回到过渡联邦政府的控制之下。

    With the additional deployment , AMISOM hopes to bring Mogadishu back under the control of the Transitional Federal Government .

  12. 1997年,包括纳斯拉·马林在内的6位企业家一起在摩加迪沙创建了NationLink电信运营公司。

    In1997 , she was one of six entrepreneurs who founded NationLink , a telecom operator , in Mogadishu .

  13. Maloney说,摩加迪沙还有一线希望,这里的灾民可以获得人道主义组织的帮助。

    Maloney says there is some hope for Mogadishu , where displaced people are within the reach of humanitarian organizations who are expanding their efforts on the ground .

  14. Lamamra和其他与会人员表示对来自摩加迪沙错误和误导性的媒体报道感到沮丧。这些报道均暗示暴力活动的加深,谢里夫脆弱政府的即将垮台和伊斯兰统治强硬路线的提升。

    Lamamra and others attending the meeting expressed frustration at what they called false and misleading media reports coming from Mogadishu , many suggesting a

  15. 阿卜杜拉最近前往内罗毕与肯尼亚总理奥廷加(RailaOdinga)举行会晤时告诉记者,任何这种类型的会议都应该由摩加迪沙的索马里人领导。

    The prime minister , on a recent trip to Nairobi to meet with Kenyan Premier Raila Odinga , told reporters that any such meeting should be led by Somalis in Mogadishu .

  16. 新的数据表明,中谢贝利越来越多的人遭受着严重的营养不良,甚至死亡,摩加迪沙和首都西部的Afgoye许多流离失所的难民也是如此。

    New data shows more people are dying and suffering from acute in areas of the Middle Shabelle region , as well as among the displaced people of Mogadishu and the Afgoye corridor , to the west of the capital .

  17. 乌干达国防部长CrispusKiyonga称,非洲联盟军队由2590名乌干达军人和1600名普隆地军人组成,目前为止还可以保护过渡政府,摩加迪沙港口和机场的安全,但是激进组织青年党进攻加强使得形势越来越困难。

    Ugandan Minister of Defense , Crispus Kiyonga , said the African Union force , composed of 2590 Ugandan troops 1600 from Burundi , has so far been able to defend the transitional government 's state house , Mogadishu port and airport , but said reinforcements to al-Shabaab have created a difficult situation .

  18. 随着政府宣称在战斗中取得了重大的胜利,乌干达和布隆迪国防部长上周赶赴摩加迪沙,对过渡联邦政府以及非洲联盟驻索马里任务AMISOM的进展情况进行评估。

    With the government claiming significant gains as a result of the fighting , the defense chiefs of both Uganda and Burundi were in Mogadishu last week to the progress of the transitional federal government , as well as the African Union mission in Somalia , known as AMISOM .

  19. 数以百计的青年党战士在摩加迪沙的各个街道行进。

    Hundreds of Al-Shabaab fighters paraded through the streets of Mogadishu .

  20. 这次爆炸袭击正好发生于他在摩加迪沙的住宅外。

    The attack struck just outside his home in Mogadishu .

  21. 该组织控制着摩加迪沙大部分地区和南方地区。

    It controls large parts of Mogadishu and the south .

  22. 索马里首都摩加迪沙发生持续激战,警察局长被杀。

    Police Chief Killed as Clashes Continue in Somali Capital

  23. 这次爆炸的发生正值摩加迪沙的一所医学院举行毕业典礼之时。

    The bombing occurred during a graduation ceremony at a medical school in Mogadishu .

  24. 不过,即便是到了摩加迪沙,存活的机率也不见得高到哪儿去。

    But even in the capital , the prospect of survival is little better .

  25. 来自摩加迪沙的报道称零星的战斗仍然在继续。

    Reports from Mogadishu indicate fighting was continuing .

  26. 在索马里,成千上万人逃离了发生在摩加迪沙的造成严重伤亡的最新冲突。

    In Somalia , thousands of people fled the latest deadly clashes in Mogadishu .

  27. 战斗在摩加迪沙持续进行,伊斯兰暴乱分子向非洲联盟维和人员开火。

    Fighting continues in Mogadishu , with Islamist insurgents firing on African Union peacekeepers .

  28. 可能情况并非如此:家庭的紧张关系会让人想起摩加迪沙(索马里首都)闹市区。

    Perhaps this is not true , and family tensions call to mind downtown Mogadishu .

  29. 这种绝望的情绪正在向摩加迪沙蔓延。

    That desperation is spreading to Mogadishu .

  30. 据报道,摩加迪沙警察局长和几名平民被杀。

    Mogadishu Police Chief Ali Said Hassan and a number of civilians were reported killed .