- transplant a cutting

Later in the rooting , the content of MDA increased rapidly , much higher than the disposal cuttings .
Relationship Between Adventitious Root Formation and Endogenous IAA and ABA of Several Tree Species
Effects of NAA treatment on physiological processes and root formation of Populus tomentosa cuttings
The content of ABA and ZR on disposal cuttings is more than control cuttings during root primordium morphogenesis .
Rooting powder for 3 hours or 500 mg · kg ~ ( - 1 ) ABT No.
Study on Roles of NAA in the Rooting Process of Populus tomentosa Cuttings by means of Radioactive Tracing
Compared with the control , photosynthesis of leaf and the level of endogenous IAA of adventitious roots were increased .
PPO activity in softwood cuttings of different parts of bough presented downward first and then an upward trend after cutting .
The relative analysis indicated that the rooting rate had a significantly negative correlation with ABA , and ZR , IAA , GA followed .
One of the important reasons that the rooting percentage of hardwood cuttings was lower than softwood cuttings is its higher IAA concentration .
The rooting ratio of hardwood was increased by plant hormone treatment , especially treated by IBA 250 mg / kg 3 hours .
Hardwood and softwood cuttings pre-treated with the growth regulator IBA showed significant inprovement in rooting performance of tetraploid locust .
Cuttings of 6 pre selected strains of persimmon ( Diospyros kaki ) were soaked in a new plant growth regulator for 24 hours and cut .
And those of GA7 / 4 obviously increased in the same region . There was no significant difference of death rate among cuttings on different substratum .
The paper reported the survival rate of cutting propagation and the blooming behaviour of L1 generation after the Jasmine cutting was radiated with CO_2 laser .
The cut flower and cutting production of main floral crops and the quality of potted flowers are both improved , and the root development of cuttings is also influenced by CO 2 enrichment .
On the other hand , the content of ABA in shoot cuttings is lower than that in hardwood cuttings , and increase with raising the age of seed tree .
From 23 April to 23 July 2005 , growth indexes of shoot cutting were monitored every 10 days .
The physiological changes were studied during the Michelia figo cutting rooting , which were treated by pure IBA , water was control .
High concentrations of GA3 on rooting inhibit the cutting rooting ( 4 ) The exogenous IBA and NAA could increase the activity of SOD 、 POD and PPO in cutting .
Before planting , IAAO activity had the greatest influence on rooting percentage , the second was PPO activity and POD activity was the smallest .
The adventitious roots of cuttings are formed from the verge of lower cut section to the upper position of 1-2 mm .
The best rooting rate was 87 % when the NAA was used as the growth regulator , and ABT the better and IBA the worst one .
Meanwhile , the combination treatment increased the POD activity of cuttings , reducing the IAAO activity , accelerated the emergence of peak of PPO activity . 8 .
The ethylene releasing was obviously promoted - when the soft cuttings of P.tomentosa were treated with 10-500 ppm NAA .
Green wood cutting was conducted in green houses of three sites in growth phase for three years . The cuttings were treated with auxin IBA , IAA and NAA of different concentration with rapid soaking 5 10 seconds , respectively .
The rooting rates reached 79.2 % and 70.8 % , respectively when the cuttings were treated with 0.02 % of RTN rooting promoter and NAA for 1.5 hours .
The studies show that : ( 1 ) Different sorts of plant growth regulators have different influences on the content of the endogenous hormones , the values of IAA / ABA and IAA / ZT and the activities of the enzyme .
ABT ( 1 ) with the cuttings soaking time , 4.5h advisable , the survival rate is the highest 73.5 % .
ABT and NAA with the concentration of 100 mg / kg can effectively promote the rooting percentage of Euonymus alatus cuttings , and different concentrations of IBA all have significant stimulative effects on the number of adventitious roots .