
  • 网络insertion;Plug-in;inserting;interpolation
  1. 一种基于DCT域的字幕插入法

    A Novel Caption Insertion Method Based on DCT Domain

  2. ICP样品直接插入法分析高温合金车削样品中痕量易挥发元素的探讨

    Determination of volatile trace elements in high-temperature alloy chips by direct insertion using ICP atomic emission spectrometry

  3. SOFM神经网络最近插入法混合算法在TSP问题中应用研究

    The Applied Research of SOFM Neural Networks-The Nearest Insertion Hybrid Algorithm in the TSP Problem

  4. 研究了三角网格模型重建及网格简化方法。给出了一种基于逐点插入法的约束Delaunay四面体化方法,实现了四面体网格模型重建。

    This thesis studies triangle mesh model reconstruction and simplification algorithms , provides a constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization method and realizes tetrahedron mesh model reconstruction .

  5. Delaunay三角网在GIS/VR中具有很广泛的用途,而分而治之算法和逐点插入法是目前普遍用于生成Delaunay三角网的两种算法。

    Delaunay triangulation has widely application in Geographic Information System and Virtual Reality , and its prevalent two generation algorithms are divide-conquer and incremental insertion algorithms .

  6. 结合分而治之法和逐点插入法的优点,实现了一种构建限制性Delaunay三角网的合成算法;

    The main works are as follows : 1 、 An algorithm of generating constrained Delaunay triangulation is given , which takes the advantages of divide-conquer and incremental insertion ;

  7. 本文从有害危险物品处理场的选址领域描述了极端装箱问题,给出了求解此问题的2-近似算法,称其为增量式Voronoi插入法。

    An extreme packing problem was formulated in locating hazardous materials disposal sites context . A 2-approximation algorithm , which we called Incremental Voronoi Insertion , was given .

  8. 其中,定位目标三角形的快慢是影响逐点插入法生成Delaunay三角网效率高低的一个重要因素,同时也是影响内插速度的关键。

    The speed of locating destination triangle has great effect on the efficiency of constructing Delaunay Triangular Net by incremental insertion algorithm as well as on the speed of Interpolation .

  9. 众多的专家学者对DelaunayTIN的构建进行了大量的研究,在实现算法方面已提出了几种较成熟的算法:分治法、逐点插入法和三角网生长法等。

    Many experts and scholars had made a large number of studies on the Construction of Delaunay TIN , made several more mature algorithms such as , divide-and-conquer , point-by-point insertion and triangulation growth method .

  10. 此算法首先介绍了一种通过插入法实现的3维Delaunay三角网自动重构算法,然后利用给定的离散点,构建包围所有点的凸包。

    This algorithm firstly introduced an automatic 3-dimensional Delaunay triangulated network modeling construction algorithm which is realized by insertion method , then constructed convex hulls enveloping all the known irregular points .

  11. 本文结合逐点插入法和分治法,并引入著名的投影法和凸壳技术,提出了两个DT并行算法。

    In our paper , by combine the incremental construction and divide & conquer , and adopting the technique of projection and convex hull , we present two parallel algorithms for DT .

  12. 在经典Delaunay逐点插入法的基础之上,利用新的查找插入点位置的方法及局部Delaunay性质优化产生了初始三角形网格。

    The main aspects of research listed as : ( 1 ) Based on the classical Delaunay incremental insertion method , and with a new location way , produced the initial triangulation grid .

  13. 路线间调整采用了插入法和交换法,路线内优化采用了2-opt法。

    The insert and 2-swap method are selected for the between-routes improvement . And the 2-opt method is used in within-route improvement .

  14. 研究石墨、金刚石和样品薄膜的一阶微分XAES谱图,用线性插入法估算出样品薄膜中sp3碳的相对含量为60%。

    The first derivative XAES spectra also show that the percentage of sp3 is approximate to 60 % by the means of linear interpolation of D.

  15. 采用金属离子直接插入法合成了Cu-MCM-41吸附剂,在100℃的条件下,研究了吸附剂对商业化的FCC柴油的吸附性能。

    The Cu-MCM-41 adsorbent was synthesized by direct insertion of a metal ion as a precursor . The adsorption performance of the adsorbent for commercial fluid catalytic cracking diesel was investigated at room temperature and 100 ℃, respectively .

  16. 讨论了快速构建水深三角网的基本策略,如网格划分、逐点插入法、Delaunay子三角网的合并,提出了浅点相割算法。

    Based on a discussion on process for fast creation of depth triangulation , such as multi-grid , an approach of incrementally adding vertices to an existing triangulation and mergence of Delaunay triangulations , this paper presents an optimum algorithm , which detaches by two shallow depths .

  17. 一种用于快速草图设计的草图单元特征插入法

    A Method for Rapidly Designing Sketch Using Inserting Sketch Unit Feature

  18. 沙氏导丝支撑三腔二囊管插入法的研究

    Study on Ballon Tamponade Insertion Method Supported by Savary-Gilliard Wire Guide

  19. 重点介绍临时支护中的角钢插入法。

    Emphasis is put on the angle-inserting method of temporary support .

  20. 跟随插入法在径赛终点裁判工作中的应用

    Application of Follow-and-Insertion into the End Refereeing in Track Events

  21. 旅行商问题基于参考点的相邻插入法及其改进

    Reference Point-based Near Insertion Approach and Its Improvement for Traveling Salesman Problem

  22. 数据,用动态脚本标签插入法获取。

    JSON-P data , fetched using dynamic script tag insertion .

  23. 隧洞工程不良地质洞段角钢插入法施工

    Angle - Inserting Method Construction in Adverse Geologic Areas of Tunnel Engineering

  24. 所列参数若为不规则数值的等倾线,则可用插入法来求得。

    The isoclinics listed with irregular parameters can be found by interpolation .

  25. 不规则三角网的生成采用逐点插入法。

    TIN generated by the insertion point by point .

  26. 基于离散余弦变换域处理的快速台标插入法

    Fast logo insertion method based on DCT domain

  27. 一种基于插入法的禁忌搜索算法

    A Tabu Search Algorithm Based On Insertion Method

  28. 关于增强统计数据库保密性的假元素插入法

    On the strengthening of the privacy for statistical data base by the pseudo-element insertion

  29. 其中基因缺失技术还包括转座子插入法和自杀性质粒的构建。

    The gene deletion technique include transposition bracketing method and the construction of suicide plasmid .

  30. 经鼻内窥镜下鼻甲外移术联合Nd:YAG激光插入法治疗慢性鼻炎

    Endoscopic inferior turbinate out-fracture associated with Nd : YAG laser insertion approach in treatment of chronic rhinitis