
  • 网络grounding
  1. 接地技术在电厂DCS控制系统上的应用

    Application of Grounding Technique in Power Plant DCS Control System

  2. 电厂烟气脱硫DCS系统接地技术

    Grounding Measures in DCS System for Flue Gas Desulfurization in Power Plant

  3. 混合信号PCB设计中单点接地技术的研究

    Research on Single-Point Grounding Technology in the Mixed-signal PCB Design

  4. 广州地铁2号线EMCS系统接地技术探讨

    A Discussion on Ground Technologies of EMCS System of Guangzhou Metro Line 2

  5. 阐述了接地技术对控制系统的重要性和珞璜电厂烟气脱硫DCS系统接地技术的具体措施。

    The importance of grounding technique to the control system is illustrated and the grounding measure taken in DCS system for flue gas desulfurization in Luohuang Power Plant of Chongqing is described .

  6. 汽车OBD系统产生的盲区主要受电子连接及布线技术、汽车传感器质量和执行器性能、汽车接地技术等因素的影响。

    When blind area occurs , use performance of the vehicle decreases . The blind area of automotive OBD systems is mainly influenced by the electronic connecting and wiring technology , quality of sensors , performance of actuators and grounding practice .

  7. 以成都电业局500kV龙王变电站为例,分析了变电站电磁干扰特性和传播形式。在提出了一般性的控制措施的基础上,重点通过500kV变电站接地技术设计来改善和控制变电站的电磁干扰问题。

    Characteristics and propagation mode of electromagnetic interference are analyzed taking Long-Wang substation which belongs to Chengdu Electric Power Bureau as example , and a design method of 500 kV substation ground grid is put forward to improve and control the problem of electromagnetic interference .

  8. 接地技术在变电站工程设计中的应用

    The Utilization of Earthing Technology in the Transformer Substation Project Design

  9. 弱电设备防雷及接地技术探讨

    Discussion on lightening prevention and earthing technique for weak electrical equipment

  10. 浅析高速公路机电系统的防雷接地技术

    On the lightening-protection grounding technique in the electromechanical system on highways

  11. 电力机车部件接地技术的改进建议

    Improvement advices on connecting earth technology for electric locomotive parts

  12. 电力系统接地技术研究新进展

    Progress of Study on Grounding Technology of Modern Power System

  13. 接地技术及其应用

    Ground Connection and Application On the Techniques of Ground Connection

  14. 低噪声放大器设计中的屏蔽和接地技术研究

    The shielding and grounding research on design of the low noise amplifier

  15. 大坝安全监测系统防雷和接地技术初探

    Lightning protection and grounding technology in dam safety monitoring system

  16. 基于信号注入法的快速消弧线圈接地技术

    Grounding through High Speed Arc Suppression Coil Technology Based on Signal Injection

  17. 智能建筑接地技术探讨

    Discussion And Exploration For The Grounding Technology Of Intelligent Building

  18. 铝合金门窗工程防雷接地技术及检测

    Lightning-protection earthing technical and detection of aluminum alloy door and window engineering project

  19. 关于生物电测量前置放大器接地技术的分析

    The grounding technical analysis about preamplifier of measured bioelectricity

  20. 作战指挥系统接地技术的应用

    A Brief Discussion on Application Situation of Grounding Technology in Combat Command System

  21. 坦克装甲车辆接地技术研究

    Study on Grounding Technology in Tank & Armored Vehicles

  22. 配电系统中的接地技术研究

    Research on the grounding technology of power distributing system

  23. 配变低压中性点高电阻接地技术

    High Resistance Neutral Grounding Technology in Power Distribution System

  24. 浅析接地技术设计对电子设备电磁兼容性的影响

    The Easy Unpack Grounding Technical Design Adjust the Electron Installation Electromagnetism Compatibility Effect

  25. 最后介绍了方舱舱体的接地技术。

    Finally , the grounding technology for restraining interference from grounded is presented .

  26. 其中硬件措施有屏蔽技术、去耦技术、滤波技术、隔离技术及接地技术等;

    The hardwares include shield , decoupling , filter , isolation , and grounding .

  27. 过程控制计算机中的屏蔽与接地技术

    Shielding and Earthing in Computers for Process Control

  28. 提高微型计算机系统电磁兼容性的措施有屏蔽技术、滤波技术和接地技术。

    Improve the micro-computer system electromagnetic compatibility by EMC shielding , filtering and grounding .

  29. 接地技术研究中双层土壤的实验室模拟

    Laboratory Two-Layer Soil Model for Studying Grounding Technique

  30. 电子电气设备中的实用接地技术

    Applied Earthing Technology in Electronic and Electrical Equipment