
  • 网络HID;interface
  1. 6K型电力机车用单片机F-V接口装置

    Single Chip Processor F-V Interface Unit for Type 6K Electric Locomotive

  2. 本文研制了一种简易、廉价的GC/MS接口装置,并将其应用于大气漂尘中多环芳烃(PAH)的分析。

    A simple ar , d low-price GC / MS interface has been developed and utilized to measure PAHs in airborne particulate samples .

  3. 介绍了TP-801单板机产生脉冲序列,进行快速付里叶变换(FFT)以及与波谱仪联结的相应接口装置。

    The pulse sequence produced by TP-801 single-card microcomputer , the operation of FFT , and the interface device in connection with spectrometer are also given .

  4. 介绍了利用MCS-51单片机,开发具有扩展功能的DNC接口装置的方法,给出了接口设计原理及接口电路和通讯软件的具体实现方法。

    This paper introduced the method for developing DNC interface device with extended functions by using microcomputer MCS - 51 , and presented the designing principle and ways for developing interface circuit and communication software .

  5. 单片机F-V接口装置是用于将6K机车速度传感器输出信号转换为适合于国产ZTL-3型自动停车装置输入要求的装置。

    Single chip processor F-V interface unit is a unit of converting the output signal of speed transducer for 6K locomotive into input signal demanded by domestic ZTL-3 automatic train stop apparatus .

  6. ADPSS具有物理接口装置,可以跟实际的物理设备进行连接,进行数字物理混合仿真,从而开展现场难以实现的实验项目。

    Within physical interface devices , ADPSS can be connected with the actual physical devices , doing digital physical hybrid simulation , which can carry on the experimental programmer that are difficult to achieve at the site .

  7. 电力系统遥调接口装置

    The Input - Output Control Unit for Electrical System Remote Dispatch

  8. 机车自动常用制动接口装置的研制

    Researches on Interface Equipment of Locomotive Automatic Service Brake Application

  9. 一种新型毛细管电泳-电感耦合等离子体光谱法接口装置

    A New Interface for Coupling Capillary Electrophoresis to Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry

  10. 触觉再现装置是一类重要的人机接口装置。

    Haptic display device is a kind of important human-computer interface device .

  11. 一种基于单片机的无线遥控接口装置

    An Interface Device of Wireless Remote Control Based on MCU

  12. 海洋测深数据绘图接口装置研究

    On an interface set of ocean bathymetric data plotting

  13. 编码传感器接口装置设计及应用

    Design and Application of Coding Sensor Interface Equipment

  14. 通用数据采集接口装置

    General-purpose Data Acquisition Interface Instrument

  15. 文章提出了振动分析系统的方案设计,并且搭建了用于测量和分析的以传感器+接口装置+个人电脑构成的系统。

    The paper also designs the vibration signal analysis system composed of sensor , interface installations and the computer .

  16. 本文介绍齿形仪微机检测系统接口装置的组成及工作原理。

    The object of this contribution is to introduce the composition and principle of the interface equipment in the measuring systems .

  17. 在某些系统中,在磁带机和输入输出多路转接器之间的一种专用的、智能化的接口装置。

    In some systems , a specialized , intelligent interface device between a magnetic tape unit and an input / output multiplexor .

  18. 总线控制器作为管理计算机与现场总线的接口装置,起到了管理计算机与智能仪表数据双向传输的网桥作用。

    As a network bridge , communication controller is the interface device which realize the function of communication between supervise PC and Field Bus .

  19. 本文给出了微机存储器扩展和I/O接口装置中关于地址编码的一种系统化设计方法。

    A systematic technique to the design of the address coding for expanding the microprocessor memory and I / O interface devices is given .

  20. 研究和设计出一种风电转换系统接口装置新的控制方法,它大大提高了对电网的供电质量,可以主动消除谐波,改善功率因数,省去滤波设备;

    A new method of voltage control is researched and a linking drive for the utility interactive wind electricity change system ( WECS ) is designed .

  21. 本设计可以广泛应用于各种嵌入式系统中,作为嵌入式系统、嵌入式局域网互连及连入因特网的转换接口装置。

    This design can be widely used in varied embedded systems , as the interface transition device that connects embedded systems , embedded LAN to Internet .

  22. 介绍了该人机触觉再现接口装置的机械设计、传感器系统、直流伺服控制系统以及数据采集系统的设计。

    The mechanical design , sensors system design , DC Servo control system design and data acquisition system design of the man-computer stiffness display interface device are introduced .

  23. 阐述了该接口装置的结构、作用原理以及设计、试验、运用考核及鉴定的全过程。

    This article is intended to introduce the composition and application principle of the interface equipment as well as its whole designing process , test , application check and appraisal .

  24. 针对目前典型数据采集装置输入端子对不同类型、不同范围的输入信号不能通用的状况,研究了一种通用数据采集接口装置。

    Since current typical data acquisition instruments are not adapted to different type or different range input signal , a kind of general purpose data acquisition interface instrument was developed .

  25. 随着虚拟现实技术和交互式遥操作机器人技术的发展,设计一个能够准确、实时地再现触觉特性的人机接口装置显得尤为重要。

    By the development of virtual reality technology and interactive telerobot technology , it is very important and necessary to design a man-computer interface , which can realize real-time and precision of stiffness display .

  26. 本文设计的波形接口装置能够智能识别用户输入的任意波形,实现对波形的有效性检验,使用户的设计符合工程信号的要求。

    Waveform interface devices is able to intelligently recognize any user input waveform , to realize the validity of test waveform , allowing users to design those who meet the requirements of the engineering signal .

  27. 油码头溢油防治设施是由潮汐式国油栏及其桩位接口装置、浮油回收装置等组成;

    This article firstly introduces that the facilities for preventing and controlling the overflowing oil in harbors were composed of the tide-type oil enclosure , the pile-and-boom joint equipment , the floating oil recovery equipment etc.

  28. 介绍了目前传输远方跳闸信号的使用技术和现状,并在此基础上提出了一种新型的双音多频式远方跳闸信号传输接口装置的原理方案。

    The status quo of technique used for the transmission of remote trip signals ard introduced . Based upon this , a principle scheme of new type dual-tone multi-frequency transmission interface device for remote trip signals is put forward .

  29. 矿井安全生产监控系统是保障煤矿安全生产的重要手段,其主要组成部分有:各种传感器、工作站(具有控制功能的信号采集器)、数据接口装置、信号传输电缆、监控主机专用的监控系统软件等。

    The monitoring system of the mine is an important means to ensure safety producing , which is compose of many kinds of sensors , workstations ( ie. controlling function signal acquisition device ), data communication devices , signal transmission cables , special monitoring system used for monitoring computer .

  30. 深入研究了目前广泛应用的ARM单片机,并由其控制以太网芯片,构成一个支持多协议的嵌入式接口转换装置。

    SCM ARM which is widely applied is researched deeply , using it to control Ethernet chip , and making up of an embedded interface transition device containing several agreements .