
zhǐ wén dēnɡ jì
  • fingerprint registration
  1. 快速指纹登记、自动去重识别,快速指纹删除。

    Quick fingerprint registration , automatic similarity identification and quick fingerprint deletion .

  2. 永旺银行将于2月15日开放指纹登记,预计3月下旬开始使用这项技术。

    The unit of retailer Aeon will open up fingerprint registration Feb. 15 , aiming to have the technology ready to use by late March .

  3. 在这个系统中,主要介绍指纹登记、指纹验证、指纹查找等模块的结构设计与工作原理。

    In the system , the structures and the principal functions of three modules , fingerprint register , fingerprint validation , and fingerprint query , are introduced .

  4. 他把她带到监狱,在那里对她提取了指纹并进行了登记。

    He took her to jail , where she was fingerprinted and booked .

  5. 指纹识别技术前景广阔,现代化的指纹识别系统具有登记、自动提取特征、保存数据、远程控制、自动查询、统计、打印报表等等功能,并能够科学管理已存数据。

    Fingerprint identification technology has an obvious broad foreground , modern ones can login in , pick out features automatically , save data , long-distance control , query automatically , statistic , print reports , etc , and manage stored data scientifically .