
zhǐ lìnɡ chánɡ
  • commander
  1. 指令长,火星表面出现扰动。

    Commander , there is a disturbance on the surface ofmars .

  2. 指令长,三号和五号球舱仍有火焰。

    Commander , we have additional fires in spheres three and five .

  3. 该CPU具有17位指令长,4级流水线方式和8位数据字长。

    The CPU has 17 bits instructions .

  4. 下周将被拍卖的就是指令长洛韦尔的那张清单。

    It is Commander Lovell 's checklist that 's being auctioned in Dallas next week .

  5. 阿波罗15号指令长阿尔弗莱德•戈登甚至还十分享受这个过程:

    Al Worden , the Apollo 15 command module pilot , even enjoyed the experience .

  6. 返回地球后,阿波罗11号指令长迈克尔•科林斯表示,他一点儿都不觉得孤独。

    After returning to Earth , Apollo 11 command module pilot Mike Collins said he did not feel at all lonely .

  7. 最后,飞船指令长阿姆斯特朗和美国国家宇航局的航天操控者们同意此时将登月舱“鹰”与哥伦比亚号的指令舱分离。

    Finally , spacecraft commander Armstrong and NASA flight controllers agreed it was time to separate the lander module Eagle from the command module Columbia .

  8. 首次担任指令长的斯科特凯利和飞行员查理赫伯引导着航天飞机冒着炽热进入大气层,在经过一个钟头的自由降落之后向地面进发。

    Scott Kelly , a first-time commander , and pilot Charlie Hobaugh guided the shuttle on its fiery plunge through the atmosphere and hour-long free-fall descent back to Earth .

  9. 景海鹏在前两次太空飞行对接任务中也担任了任务指令长,这能为他提供帮助“神舟十一号”与“天宫二号”对接所需的经验。

    The mission 's commander was also part of docking missions on both his previous space flights , giving him the experience needed to help dock Shenzhou 11 with Tiangong 2 .

  10. 在一些研究中,指令可能会很长而不得不放在独立的记录上。

    In some cases , instructions can be lengthy and may have to be placed on a separate page .

  11. 为了解决Java虚拟机指令系统中指令不定长、面向堆栈和地址虚拟化等问题,本文研究了Java芯片中取指部件、堆栈缓冲部件和地址转换机制以及相应物理存储器的管理等关键技术。

    In order to solve the problems about unfixed instruction length , stack-orientation and addressing virtualization in JVM instruction set , the instruction fetch unit , stack cache and mechanism of address translation in Java chip system are studied .