
  • 网络sustainable management;Continuity management
  1. 论全球企业危机管理的新模式&业务持续管理(BCM)

    On New Mode of Global Enterprise Crisis Management-Business Continuity Management ( BCM )

  2. 持续管理是知识持续管理的简称,是一种能够有效地将对于公司至关重要的操作知识从即将调职、辞职、合同期满或退休的员工那里转移到他们继任者身上的管理方式。

    The continuity management is the abbreviation of continuity knowledge management , which is a kind of method to transfer essential knowledge from persons who will soon resign , expire or retire to their successors .

  3. 如何促使企业持续管理创新?

    How to urge the enterprise to continue the management creative ?

  4. 桃花行政村林地使用权制度和森林资源持续管理研究

    Study on Forestland Use System and Sustainable Forest Resources in TaoHua Village

  5. 策略规定环境的配置和持续管理方面。

    Policies dictate both configuration and ongoing management aspects of the environment .

  6. 林地权属与社区森林资源的持续管理

    Forest Land Ownership and Sustainable Management of Community Forest Resources

  7. 资源能够持续管理利用;

    Natural resources can be used and managed in a sustainable manner ;

  8. 国际持续管理热带雨林研究和训练中心

    International Centre for Research and Training for the Sustainable Management of Tropical Rain Forests

  9. 基于知识持续管理的人才流失危机管理探讨

    The Study on Crisis Management of Brain Drain : A Knowledge Continuity Management Approach

  10. 它会在适合于应用程序的上下文中提供对环境的监测和持续管理。

    It provides monitoring and ongoing management of the environment in a context appropriate for the application .

  11. 持续管理变革,实现高效的流程化运作,确保快速响应。

    The management transforms continually , realizes the highly effective flow process operation , guarantees the fast response .

  12. 要实现有效的管理创新,企业必须走持续管理创新之路。

    To realize enterprises the affective management creative , the enterprise has to choose the road of continuous management creative .

  13. 应有相应的管理程序持续管理和审核这些行为并在自检过程中确认该程序的有效性。

    There should be management procedures for the ongoing management and review of these actions and the effectiveness of these procedures verified during self-inspection .

  14. 当我们试图更频繁地执行集成时,等待持续管理团队执行集成的时间越来越长,让人很不耐烦。

    As we attempted to integrate more often , waiting for the Configuration Management team to go through this process was becoming more and more painful .

  15. 由此产生的一个非常有趣的结果就是,实际上可以持续管理来自用户的改进建议,而不是局限于6个月的时间周期。

    One very interesting result of this is that improvement suggestions coming from users can actually be managed , not in six-month cycles , but continuously .

  16. 最后探讨了区域生态系统持续管理的对策建议:①维护和强化区域整体山水格局的连续性;

    Some countermeasures of sustainable use and management for regional ecosystem were put forward : maintaining and strengthening the regional holistic pattern of the mountain and water ;

  17. 草原放牧系统持续管理试验研究:试验设计及放牧率对草-畜系统影响分析

    Grazing Experiment for Sustainable Management of Grassland Ecosystem of Inner Mongolia Steppe : Experimental Design and the Effects of Stocking Rates on Grassland Production and Animal Liveweight

  18. 阐明相关旅游的干扰活动对核心景区植物物种组成、多样性与结构的影响是九寨沟有效保护与持续管理的必要前提和基础,然而至今少有研究。

    It is important to clarify effects of tourism disturbance on plant species composition , diversity and community structure in kernel spot for effective conservation and sustained tourist management in Jiuzhaigou , China .

  19. 成本包括资金支出,如在软件、硬件、安全设备和新设施、实现人工、人工支持、持续管理和支持以及操作方面的投资。

    The costs include capital expenses such as the investment in software , hardware , security equipment and new vaults , implementation labor , labor support , ongoing management and support , and operations .

  20. 日益增强的旅游活动干扰正成为九寨沟世界自然遗产的有效保护与持续管理不可回避的挑战,已成为当前区域生态保护与经济发展的焦点问题之一。

    The increasing tourism disturbance is an unavoidable challenge to effective conservation and sustained tourist management of Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve . It has become one of the focal problems of regional ecological protect and economic development .

  21. 应用GIS评价土壤质量客观且潜力大,对土壤进行时空动态监测以实现土壤持续经营管理。

    The evaluation method based on GIS was objective , and had greater potential capacity , and soil could be managed continuously with the dynamic monitoring method .

  22. 结论:采用PDCA循环管理方法纠正基础护理记录单的记录缺陷是有效持续的管理方式。

    Conclusion : It is a continous and effective method to perform the PDCA circular administration in correcting the defects of basic nursing sheets records .

  23. 主要包括缺口管理、持续期管理、VAR管理和金融衍生工具管理等管理方法和原理及其实际运用操作。

    The third part is about the management of commercial bank upon interest rate risk , including the theory of gap management , duration management , VAR management and financial derivative tools management , etc.

  24. 利用PDCA(Plan、Do、Check和Act,即戴明环)的持续改进管理模式对风险监控管理,从管理组织的三层防护方面彻底杜绝网络安全事故。

    Using the continuous improvement management model of the management model : PDCA ( Plan , Do , Check and Act , the Deming ring ), to monitor and manage the risk , completely eliminate network security incidents at the three layers protection of management organization .

  25. 方法导入ISO9001∶2000标准质量管理体系,对医院感染的管理实施系统化、标准化、规范化、科学化的持续改进管理体系。

    METHODS To induct the quality standard management system of ISO9001 ∶ 2000 , carrying out a set of method which is systemic , standard , canonical , and scientific and continue to improve to hospital infection ( mangament ) .

  26. 第四章讨论了包装类模式在EJB容器模型中的应用。接下来五、六、七章分别详细描述了容器对EJB组件的生命周期管理、交易管理和持续化管理设计与实现。

    The architecture of the EJB server and container are discussed in section 2 and 3 . We describe the design of the wrapper class model in section 4 . In section 5,6 and 7 , we elaborate the implementation of life-cycle management , transaction management and persistence management respectively .

  27. 作业成本管理(ABM)设定成本标准,Kaizen控制改善成本标准,作业基础成本改善控制整合ABM的作业、过程管理观和Kaizen控制的持续改善管理理念。

    Activity-Based Management ( ABM ) establishes cost standard , while Kaizen control improves cost standard . Activity-Based Cost Kaizen Control combines the activity and process management perspective of ABM and the management philosophy of continuous improvement of Kaizen control .

  28. 持续风险管理对构建主动护理平台的作用

    Effect of continuous risk management on construction of initiative nursing platform

  29. 再论产权变革与资源的持续性管理

    More on the Changing of Proprietorship and Sustainable management of Resources

  30. 医院感染持续质量管理模式研究

    A study of the model of continued quality management of hospital infection