
  • 网络RFp;request for proposal;invitation for bids;Bidding documents
  1. 招标书中指出,奥兰多国际机场(oia)停车设施的拟建位置与其他方建设的机场设施冲突。

    The RFP indicates that the proposed location of the car parking facilities at OIA conflicts with airport facilities to be constructed by others .

  2. 本招标书列出了所需系统的功能。

    This RFP lists the features of the required system .

  3. 如果你们能参加这个激动人心的IKEA货物装运,我们期待你们的反应与你们的招标书一致。

    If you wish to participate in the movement of IKEA cargo distribution in this exciting project , we are looking forward to your response along with your competitive bid .

  4. 接着详细讨论了造纸DCS控制系统的设计,内容包括系统工程设计、集散控制系统设计方法、DCS设计阶段要做的工作、DCS工程概算内容,最后讨论DCS系统招标书的内容。

    Secondly , it talked over the design of paper DCS , including the control system project design 、 the means of designing for DCS 、 the work for designing DCS 、 the content of budgetary estimate , lastly it discussed the invite public bidding .

  5. 任何小型企业,可以从招标书中选择自己有能力进行的课题,作出提案,然后申请SBIR的资金。

    Any small business can identify a topic that it is capable of pursuing from these solicitations and propose a project for an SBIR grant .

  6. 依据广东岭澳核电站二期2台1000MW发电机组采用强迫风冷母线国际招标书中的技术条件,进行研究,提出了强迫风冷离相封闭母线的发、散热计算程序;

    The paper introduced the technology research project in international public bidding of 2 × 1 000 MW forced air-cooling enclosed bus for Phase 2 of Guangdong Lingao Nuclear Power Station .

  7. 招标书英译漫谈

    Book Bar On Translation of Bid Documents from Chinese into English

  8. 脱硫工程招标书的技术经济评估

    Technical and Economic Assessment on Letter of Inviting Bids for Desulphurization Engineering

  9. 招标书改写成合同文本的几个问题

    Some Problems in Rewriting Inviting Bid Documents into Contract

  10. 准备招标书、草合同并全程参与招标过程。

    Preparation of ITT , contract drafts , and fully involving in bidding process .

  11. 招标书也将有时限,在该系统将交付。

    The RFP will also have the time-frame in which the system will be delivered .

  12. 将使用此类说明来准备设计及材料采购整套招标书。

    These descriptions will be used to develop bid packages for equipment and material procurement .

  13. 当他们投标土地时,价格控制并不是招标书中的项目。

    When they tendered for the land , price control was not a term of the tender .

  14. 浅谈建筑工程投标书与招标书的写作

    Simple talk about the writing of " tender " and " bid document " in construction application file

  15. 提出了在编制分岛招标书时应注意的一些问题;对涉外工程分岛招标的设计管理提出了几点建议供参考。

    Providing some suggestions for preparing the bidding documentation in Island-dividing mode as well as for the design management .

  16. 根据招标书中提供的典型断面,整个线路已采用打入桩基础。

    Driven pile foundations have been used throughout the alignment based on the typical section provided in the rfp .

  17. 所有支架应按照招标书中各处所附的支架标准在设计图纸上标出来。

    3.6.10 all supports shall be identified on design drawings as per the support standard attached elsewhere in the bid .

  18. 设施标书符合招标书发布之日有效的相关现行建筑物规范。

    The facility proposal is based on meeting the relevant current building codes in effect at the date of RFP submission .

  19. 介绍了国际机场航站楼公共广播和内部通讯系统的技术招标书的编写格式,及工程要求达到的技术性能指标。

    Based on public broadcasting and internal communication system in international airport building , the paper introduces format of theirs bidding technology document , and it introduces technique performance indexs for engineering requirements .

  20. 本人作为项目的组织者,主要组织并参加需求调研、招标书的编写、合同谈判,以及在项目实施过程中的需求分析、概要设计、应用推进等工作。

    As the project organizer , I mainly organize and take part in the requirement investigation , compilation of the tender and contract negotiation as well as requirement analysis , outline design and application promotion during the process of implementing the project .

  21. 审查招标申请书和招标文件;

    To examine bidding applications and bidding documents ;

  22. 规定制造本招标邀请书所要求提供的类似货物的最低的经验要求。

    Specify , for example , requirement for a minimum level of experience in manufacturing a similar type of goods for which the Invitation for Bids is issued .

  23. 为了从供应商那招徕报价,最佳价格采购过程取决于招标邀请书,也被叫做投标邀请函,投标邀请书或密封投标。

    To solicit offers from providers , the best-price purchase process relies on an Invitation to Bid ( ITB ), also known as Invitation to tender ( ITT ), Invitation for Bids ( IFB ), or Sealed Bids .

  24. 这里的资金成本是指最低必要的投资报酬率。规定制造本招标邀请书所要求提供的类似货物的最低的经验要求。

    Where the capital charges is the minimum acceptable rate of return . Specify , for example , requirement for a minimum level of experience in manufacturing a similar type of goods for which the Invitation for Bids is issued .

  25. 图书招标后书商供书出现的问题与建议

    The Problems and Suggestions about Providing Books after Public Bidding

  26. (二)招标投标办事机构提出招标申请书。

    Submission of a bidding application to the institution in charge of bidding and tendering .

  27. 图书目录标明了馆内所有图书的书名。(二)招标投标办事机构提出招标申请书。

    A library catalog tells us the names of all the books in the library . Submission of a bidding application to the institution in charge of bidding and tendering .