
zhāo shōu
  • recruit;take in
招收 [zhāo shōu]
  • [recruit] 用考试或其他手续接收学员、学徒、工人或其他工作人员

  • 公司要招收一批打字员

招收[zhāo shōu]
  1. 今年,Adobe中国并没有招收任何应届毕业生,这让人们对其是否遇到阻力产生了怀疑。

    Adobe China did not recruit any new graduates this year , prompting speculation it was facing difficulties .

  2. 部长们还解除了对大学招收在中学高级水平考试中获得至少两个A级和一个B级的优秀学生的人数限制——这将不可避免地引发对为数很少的一流学校名额的争夺战。

    Ministers are also lifting controls on the number of bright students gaining at least two A grades and a B at A-level that universities can recruit - leading to an inevitable scramble towards a small number of top institutions .

  3. 小建筑商认为不可能招收很多见习生。

    Small builders cannot see their way clear to take on many trainees .

  4. 新招收的成员轻松顺利地完成了训练。

    The recruits have waltzed through their training .

  5. 这所学校只招收高材生。

    This school takes only the cr è me de la cr è me .

  6. 该课程只招收12人,学费为50英镑。

    This course is limited to 12 people and costs £ 50

  7. 有些学校不得不开始从海外招收老师。

    Some schools have resorted to recruiting teachers from overseas .

  8. 伞兵团可能会被迫招收女性。

    The Parachute Regiment could be forced to admit women .

  9. 该学院不招收女学生。

    The Academy excluded women from its classes

  10. 在招收计算机系统工程专业的学生时,这个大学看重的是学生的综合能力。

    In recruiting students to Computer Systems Engineering , the University looks for evidence of all-round ability

  11. 这所学校只招收学习能力强的孩子,不过还有个小问题——它每年的学费高达9,600英镑。

    The school deals exclusively with children of high academic ability . There is a snag though , it costs £ 9,600 a year .

  12. 事先未征得经理的同意不可以招收任何员工。

    No employee can be recruited without the prior approval of the manager .

  13. 学院将于8月份招收新生。

    The college will enrol new students in August .

  14. 这所学校只招收女生。

    This school is for girls only .

  15. 学校招收提前录取的申请者的比例更高,这可能意味着你的录取机会更大。

    Schools let in a higher percentage of early-decision applicants , which arguably means that you have a better chance of getting in .

  16. 因为提前录取是有约束力的,所以学校可以招收合格的学生,招生委员会也可以选择对学校有特殊需求的学生,并能确保这些学生会到校。

    Early decision , since it 's binding , allows schools to fill their classes with qualified students ; it allows admissions committees to select the students that are in particular demand for their college and know those students will come .

  17. 我们招收的新学员已经满额了。

    We 've taken on our full complement of new trainees .

  18. 第七十六条违反国家有关规定招收学员的,由教育行政部门责令退回招收的学员,退还所收费用;

    Article 76 If anyone , in violation of the relevant regulations of the State , enrolls , he shall be ordered by the administrative department of education to send back such students or trainees and to return the fees thus collected ;

  19. (该项目每年招收150至200名IBM经理。)

    ( The programme enrols between 150 and 200 IBM managers each year . )

  20. 80多年里,高盛招收了数千名MBA,自那时以来情况已经发生了变化。

    More than 80 years and thousands of MBA hires later , the landscape has changed .

  21. 世界知名的印度理工学院(IndianInstitutesofTechnology)是若干所工程和科技院校的总称,不过它每年只招收7000名学生。

    The Indian Institutes of technology a group of universities focused on engineering and technology are world-renowned , but offer only a miniscule 7,000 places to students each year .

  22. 围绕学生签证的不确定性也意味着,各大学也担心可能无法从欧盟(eu)以外地区招收到大量学生。

    Uncertainty about student visas means institutions are also concerned about potentially losing the right to bring in large numbers of learners from outside the EU .

  23. RCM正致力于再招收5000名助产士。

    The RCM has been campaigning for about 5,000 extra midwives to be recruited .

  24. 上周,边境管理局剥夺伦敦都市大学(londonmetropolitanuniversity)招收非欧盟学生的权利,原因是该校据称未能妥善监控外国学生。

    The agency was already under heavy scrutiny after last week stripping London Metropolitan University of its right to admit non-EU students because of its alleged failures to monitor foreign students properly .

  25. 虽然一年期MBA课程的在册学生只有40名,但与几年前相比招收数量已经翻番。

    The number of enrolled students on the one-year programme is just 40 , but that is double the intake of a few years ago .

  26. 该校将提供传统的两年制MBA课程,定于2016年9月开学,首届MBA班将招收大约35名学员。

    The school , which will run a traditional two-year MBA programme , is slated to open in September 2016 with an inaugural class of about 35 students .

  27. 商学院MBA课程今年招收的女性学员比例越来越高,洛桑国际管理发展学院正是其中之一,但它绝非个例。

    IMD is one of the schools that has enrolled an increasing proportion of women on its MBA programme this year , but it is by no means alone .

  28. 然而,mba界的某些人士表示,一个只招收女性的商学院项目可能无法让学生对男女共同工作的办公室环境做好充分准备。

    Some in the MBA community , however , say that an all-women Business programme might not adequately prepare students for an office environment in which men and women must work together .

  29. 雷文斯克罗夫特没有空降至需要重组的公司,而是开始在波尔主教学校(CardinalPoleSchool)教授商业和经济学,该校主要招收伦敦东部哈克尼区(Hackney)11岁至19岁之间的青少年。

    Rather than parachuting into companies that needed restructuring , Mr Ravenscroft started teaching business and economics at Cardinal Pole School , which serves 11-19 year old boys and girls in Hackney , east London .

  30. Vestal的医生的案例,这位德州的医生据FDA称其提供的临床试验数据是伪造的,而且在试验中招收了应当因为安全原因被排除在试验之外的病人。

    Vestal , a Texas doctor who the FDA said submitted falsified data from a drug trial and enrolled patients who should have been excluded for safety reasons .