
jū liú
  • detention;detain;arrest;custody;intern;take in to custody;hold in custody
拘留 [jū liú]
  • [take in to custody] 扣留,拘禁;公安机关在紧急时刻对需要受侦察的人依法暂时扣押;将违反治安管理的人关在公安机关拘留所内,一般不超过十五天,是一种行政处罚

拘留[jū liú]
  1. 而在今年6月,最高法院推翻了亚利桑那州SB1070法律的一部分,但仍然维持更具争议的警官们“合理怀疑”检查他们拘留人员的移民身份这项条款。

    In June , the Supreme Court struck down parts of the Arizona law SB 1070 , but upheld a more controversial requirement that officers with " reasonable suspicion " check the immigration status of people they detain .

  2. 在做进一步深进调查期间我们要拘留这个嫌疑犯。

    We 're going to detain the suspect pending further investigation .

  3. 他们为被拘留者向当局求情。

    They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees .

  4. 那场暴乱后,有32人被警方拘留。

    After the riot , 32 people were taken into police custody .

  5. 他被判处在少年犯拘留所拘禁两年。

    He was sentenced to two years ' youth custody .

  6. 她被拘留讯问有关火灾的事情。

    She was arrested and questioned about the fire .

  7. 一个男人被拘留审问。

    One man has been detained for questioning .

  8. 警方拘留了两名与上星期四的银行抢劫案有关的男子。

    Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday 's bank raid .

  9. 他已被拘留候审。

    He is in custody awaiting trial .

  10. 他因乱扔垃圾被拘留。

    He was arrested for littering .

  11. 警察今天拘留了4名执行记者进行讯问。

    Four executive journalists were detained for questioning by the police today

  12. 这将意味着更多候审犯人会被拘押在警局拘留室。

    This will mean more remand prisoners being held in police cells

  13. 他被留在一间拘留室里醒酒。

    He was left to sober up in a police cell .

  14. 被拘留者的关押环境常常恶劣严酷、很不人道。

    The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions

  15. 显然,13天拘留并没能让他悔过自新。

    He has clearly not been chastened by his thirteen days in detention

  16. 这一拘留行为引发了两个互为独立但又密切相关的问题。

    The detention raised two distinct but closely linked questions .

  17. 被拘留者抱怨提供的食物不堪下咽。

    Detainees complained of being given food which is inedible .

  18. 两年前,国会就此拘留事件正式道歉。

    Two years ago , Congress formally apologized for the internment

  19. 她那天后来被拘留了。

    She was taken into custody later that day .

  20. 他曾因和意大利警方发生争执而在罗马被短暂拘留。

    He was briefly arrested in Rome after a contretemps with Italian police .

  21. 我们曾经因为在公墓唱下流歌曲而被拘留过一次。

    We got arrested once , for singing bawdy songs in a cemetery .

  22. 随意逮捕和拘留屡见不鲜。

    Arbitrary arrests and detention without trial were common .

  23. 第二天他被从拘留所里放了出来。

    He was released from custody the next day

  24. 日本起初要求放回两名以间谍罪名遭拘留的海员。

    Japan had originally demanded the return of two seamen held on spying charges .

  25. 政府计划释放关押在拘留营内的囚犯。

    The government is devising a plan to liberate prisoners held in detention camps .

  26. 他遭到逮捕、拘留以接受问讯。

    He was arrested and detained for questioning .

  27. 警察把艾伦·洛德抓了回来,他是从博尔顿的一个警察局拘留室逃走的。

    Police have recaptured Alan Lord , who escaped from a police cell in Bolton .

  28. 监狱和临时拘留所里人满为患。

    Jails and temporary detention camps are overflowing

  29. 如果他们对我实行保护性拘留,可能对我是件好事。

    They might be doing me a good turn if they took me into protective custody .

  30. 他们的被捕标志着一场另有120人被拘留的行动的结束。

    Their arrest was the culmination of an operation in which 120 other people were detained .