
  • 网络Outward Bound;outward development;Outward training;outward-bound;Team Building
  1. 拓展训练,又称外展训练(OutwardBound),是一种新颖的体验式学习方式。

    Outward Bound , also known as the Outward Bound , is a novel way of experiential learning .

  2. 拓展训练&高校体育课的新内容

    Outward bound & the new content of the higher educational P.E.course

  3. JD公司是一家小型拓展训练培训公司。

    JD Company is a small one specialized in outdoor training .

  4. 随着时间的推移,这个游戏慢慢流传,因为其对心理挖掘的独特性质,逐渐被MBA课程或者拓展训练借用都是有可能的。

    With the passage of time , the game spread slowly , because of its psychological excavation of the unique nature MBA courses are being gradually expanded the training to use or are possible .

  5. 结果拓展训练后的SCL-90结果均有下降,尤以躯体化、人际关系、焦虑、偏执、强迫、精神病性差异显著(P<0.01,P<0.05);

    The score of development training group in somatization , interpersonal , anxiety , paranoid ideation , obsessive-compulsive , psychoticism was significantly lower than those before training ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 我国在九十年代将其引入,经过十余年的发展,拓展训练已经成功的、广泛的引入到企业员工培训、机关活动、MBA培训、中小学课外活动中来。

    It was introduced into China in the nineties , After more than ten years of development , Outward Bound has been successfully , widely introduced into the training of employees , authority activities , MBA training and primary school Extra-curricular activities .

  7. 在拓展训练之前用Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表先对控制组实施测量;

    Before outward-bound training , children in the control group were measured with the Piers-Harris children 's self-concept ( PHCSS ) .

  8. 我们通过不断的教育实践,如MBA实习基地、周末论坛、拓展训练、组织学生参加企业管理经营模拟挑战赛等,提高学生创新能力,形成极具交大特色的MBA教育。

    By the way of laying stress on educational practice , such as MBA practice base , weekend forum , taking part in company simulation competition etc. our MBA students'innovate ability has been promoted , we have developed distinguishing feature MBA education of Beijing Jiaotong University .

  9. 拓展训练(Outward-bound)起源于二战期间的海上生存训练,战争结束后,拓展训练的独特创意和训练方式被保留下来。

    " Outward-bound " originated in the sea survival training during World War ⅱ . After the war , the unique creativity and training methods of the outward-bound was retained .

  10. 基于职业导向的拓展训练在管理类课程中的应用研究

    Research on the application of career-oriented outward bound in management courses

  11. 拓展训练与大学生心理素质的构建

    Expanding Training and Construction of the College Student 's Psychological Quality

  12. 拓展训练在高校学生素质培养中的应用

    Application of Expansive Training to Cultivation of Student Quality in University

  13. 浅谈素质拓展训练与体育教学的结合

    On the Combination of " Outward Bound " and PE Teaching

  14. 拓展训练对个人社会能力影响的研究

    Outward Bound Training of Personal Study on the Impact of Social Competence

  15. 对高校开设野外拓展训练障碍的剖析

    Analysis of Barriers to Set up Outward Bound in Colleges and Universities

  16. 培养协作和团队精神是拓展训练的主要目标。

    Cultivating collaboration and teamwork is the main objective of developing training .

  17. 拓展训练在中小学阳光体育中的应用

    Application of outward training in sunshine sport in elementary and middle schools

  18. 《思想道德修养》课引入拓展训练的思考与实践

    Discussions on Introducing Outward Bound in Course of Ideological and Moral Accomplishments

  19. 拓展训练的时间一般在2-3天。

    Expanding training time generally in two to three days .

  20. 福建省高校户外运动拓展训练课发展研究

    Research into Fujian College of Outdoor Sports and Extension Training Courses Development

  21. 拓展训练对儿童自我意识的影响

    Effects of outward - bound training on children 's self-consciousness

  22. 民族高校体育教学心理拓展训练的研究

    Research on the Psychological Extending Training of Physical Education in Ethnic Colleges

  23. 学校体育引入拓展训练的意义与可行性分析

    Significance and feasibility analysis of introduction outward bound training into school PE

  24. 心理拓展训练对体育专业学生心境的影响

    Influence of psychological outward bound development on P.E.majors ' emotion

  25. 拓展训练对大学生心理素质影响的研究

    Influences on Outward-bound Training for University Students ' Psychological Quality

  26. 而这些问题制约了拓展训练更好的开展。

    And these problems restricted expansion training better development .

  27. 拓展训练对提高部队战斗力的探究

    Improving the Combat Effectiveness of Troops through Outward Bound

  28. 目的探讨拓展训练在基层军官疗养中的应用效果。

    Objective To study the effect of development training in basic-level officer recuperation .

  29. 企业培训新形式&素质拓展训练的研究

    Research on Outward Bound Training-New Mode of Enterprise Training

  30. 拓展训练在警察心理训练中的应用原理及模式探讨

    Application of the Principle and Mode of Outward Bound in Police Psychology Training