
  • 网络Distance
  1. 摄影中拍摄距离与镜头焦距的运用

    The application of shooting distance and lens focus in photography

  2. 拍摄距离与镜头焦距是摄影中影响构图的两个重要因素。

    Shooting distance and lens focus are two important factors that affect composition of a picture in photography .

  3. 使用超级计算机模拟表明,当发生这种情况,大黑洞,结果是在高速拍摄距离。

    Simulations using supercomputers suggest that when this happens , the larger black hole that results is shot away at high speed .

  4. 水的散射作用是造成图像退化的最主要的因素。而且随着拍摄距离的增大,画面反差降低,也使水下光学成像变得十分困难。

    The scattering action of water is the main cause of image degeneration . Moreover , with the shooting distance increases , the imaging detail blurreds , and these factors make underwater imaging become very difficult .

  5. 然而,该视频却被发现是在2013年拍摄的,距离该电影发行很久以前。

    However , the video in question is thought to have been filmed in 2013 , long before the release of film .

  6. 但这些也只是没有办法的办法;如果录像时拍摄对象的距离不断变化,短暂糊片不可避免。

    But those are kludges ; if the distance to the subject changes while you 're filming , moments of blurriness are inevitable .

  7. 实际摄影测量过程中,普通数字摄像机在拍摄与镜头距离不同的多个目标时,无法同时聚焦到所有目标而使近景影像各处都清晰。

    In the actual photogrammetry process , the ordinary digital cameras can not focus all the targets then can not make sure that all close-range images are clear at the same time .

  8. 使自己与拍摄对象之间的距离不超过十英尺。

    Position yourself so subjects are no farther than ten feet away .

  9. 使用闪光灯时最常犯的错误就是拍摄对象处于有效距离之外。

    The number one flash mistake is taking pictures beyond the flash 's range .

  10. 天文学家需要不同的颜色来拍摄于星系的距离估计并研究他们的更多细节。

    Astronomers need the diverse colors to estimate the distances to lensed galaxies and study them in more detail .

  11. DV(digitalvideo)作为高科技时代数字化影像记录工具,其低成本和轻巧灵便的特点缩短了拍摄者和拍摄对象之间的距离,赋予更多人影像制作的权利。

    DV ( Digital Video ) being an instrument to record the digital images in the times of high technology ; its characteristics of low cost ; legerity and convenience shorten the distance between the photographer and his object ;

  12. 该团队的研究发现显示,“人类定位误差中值”——即一个人所猜的拍摄地距真正拍摄地的距离的中值——是2320.75公里。

    According to the team 's findings , the " median human localisation error " - meaning the median distance from where a person guessed the location of a picture , to where it was actually taken - is 2320.75km .