
  • Thumbelina;Thumb Girl
  1. 但是小鱼能帮上拇指姑娘什么忙呢?

    But what could the little fish do to help Thumbelina ?

  2. 它们找到了托着那片绿叶的梗子拇指姑娘就坐在那上面。

    They found the green stem which held the leaf on which Thumbelina sat.

  3. “我的天啦!他是多么美啊!”拇指姑娘对燕子低声说。

    " oh , how beautiful he is !" whispered tiny to the swallow .

  4. 拇指姑娘感到非常害怕。

    The thumb girl was afraid very much .

  5. 但是拇指姑娘哭了起来,说她不愿意和这讨厌的鼹鼠结婚。

    Then Tiny wept , and said she would not marry the disagreeable mole .

  6. 拇指姑娘最后和谁结婚了?

    Who did thumb girl marry at last ?

  7. 当他看见小床里的拇指姑娘时,兴奋的呱呱大叫起来。

    When he saw little Thumbelina in her tiny cradle , he croaked with delight .

  8. 拇指姑娘感到很难过,她很喜欢鸟儿,他们整个夏天对她唱着美妙的歌;

    Thumbelina was very sorry for it , she was fond of all little birds ;

  9. 是的,等夏天过去以后,他就要跟拇指姑娘结婚了。

    As soon , as the summer was over , the wedding should take place .

  10. 所有的金龟子女士们不约而同的说着,然而拇指姑娘的确是非常美丽的。

    All the lady cockchafers said this , and yet Thumbelina was pretty after all .

  11. 除此之外小小拇指姑娘还赊求什么呢?

    What besides could little Thumbelina wish ?

  12. 他们搬走了小床,把拇指姑娘一个人留在那里。

    Then they took away the tiny little bed , and Thumbelina was left alone .

  13. 拇指姑娘真是太开心了!

    Now she was quite happy !

  14. 拇指姑娘哭花了她的小脸,眼泪滴进了小河里。

    How the tears stained her pretty little face ! How fast they fell into the stream !

  15. 大家叫她拇指姑娘。

    They called her Thumbelina .

  16. “拇指姑娘”是这些矮马当中的小矮马,而它的主人说这完全是偶然。

    Thumbelina was a dwarf among the dwarves , which her owner calls it a complete fluke .

  17. 拇指姑娘待他很好,非常喜欢他,鼹鼠和田鼠一点儿也不知道这事,因为他们不喜欢这只可怜的、独的燕子。

    Neither the mole nor the field-mouse knew anything about it , for they did not like swallows .

  18. 其中最有名的童话故事有白雪公主、小美人鱼、拇指姑娘以及丑小鸭。

    Among his best-known stories are The Snow Queen , The Little Mermaid , Thumbelina , and The Ugly Duckling .

  19. 一只美丽的蝴蝶飞了过来,她解开了腰带,带着拇指姑娘很快地飞离了这个地方。

    A beautiful butterfly flied here , she untied her waistband and quickly brought the thumb girl away from the area .

  20. 跟我一起飞吧,你,甜蜜的小拇指姑娘;当我在那个阴惨的地洞里冻得僵直的时候,你救了我的生命!

    Fly now with me , dear little Tiny ; you saved my life when I lay frozen in that dark passage .

  21. 好心的田鼠大嫂发现了拇指姑娘并收留了她,拇指姑娘就在洞里渡过了漫长的冬天。

    The kind-hearted field mouse found her and took her in . The thumb girl spent the endless winter in the cave .

  22. 拇指姑娘现在得摇起纺车来。鼹鼠聘请了四位蜘蛛,日夜为她纺纱和织布。

    Tiny had to turn the spindle , and the field-mouse hired four spiders , who were to weave day and night .

  23. 于是,龙虾钳断了荷叶梗子,让拇指姑娘坐在荷叶上漂走了。

    And then , the lobster cut off the lotus ' stem , making the thumb girl float away on the lotus leaf .

  24. 燕子唱着歌,向一个绿色的森林飞去。拇指姑娘感到非常难过。

    " Tweet , tweet ," sang the bird , as he flew out into the green woods , and Tiny felt very sad .

  25. 于是她抓起拇指姑娘正睡着的小摇篮,从破窗格子跳了出去,跳进了花园。

    And she lifted the little cradle , with Thumbelina in it , and hopped out through the broken window-pane , down into the garden .

  26. 蝴蝶在阳光下飞来飞去,一只很可爱的白蝴蝶飞落到拇指姑娘坐着的叶子上来,它是那么喜欢拇指姑娘于是它停在了她的身边。

    Butterflies were flitting here and there in the sunshine . A pretty little white one fluttered on to the leaf on which sat Thumbelina .

  27. 他头上戴着一顶最富丽的金制王冠,他肩上生着一双优美的翅膀,而他自身并不比拇指姑娘高大。

    He had a gold crown on his head , and delicate wings at his shoulders , and was not much larger than Tiny herself .

  28. 这么着,燕子就飞向空中,飞过森林,飞过大海,高高地飞过常年积雪的大山。在这寒冷的高空中,拇指姑娘冻得抖起来。

    Then the swallow rose in the air , and flew over forest and over sea , high above the highest mountains , covered with eternal snow .

  29. 小小拇指姑娘睡觉时躺在用紫罗兰花瓣垫着的胡桃壳里,盖的是粉色玫瑰花瓣。

    When she slept little Thumbelina lay in her cradle on a tiny heap of violets , with the petal of a pale pink rose to cover her .

  30. 拇指姑娘一早醒来的处境后,伤心的哭泣起来,她的四周水!怎么回到岸上呢?可怜的拇指姑娘啊!

    When she woke up early in the morning , how she wept ! Water all around her ! How could she reach the shore ? Poor little Thumbelina !