
  • 网络abstract and concrete
  1. 中专物理教学中的抽象与具体

    Abstract and Concrete in Physics Teaching for Secondary Technical School

  2. 工业产品设计的抽象与具体

    Abstract and Concrete in Industrial Product Design

  3. 浅析机械基础教学中抽象与具体的转化

    The Concretion of Abstract Knowledge in Mechanics Teaching

  4. 抽象与具体

    Abstract VS. Concrete Diction

  5. 这些都是混淆了抽象与具体,非科学地认识、看待作为科学理论的马克思主义的结果。

    All these have resulted because of confusing the abstract with the concrete and unscientifically treating Marxism as a scientific theory .

  6. 在研究上述问题时,我运用的是历史分析的方法、比较的方法、抽象与具体相结合的方法。

    I will use the historical analyzing method , comparative method , Combining abstract and concrete methods in studying the problems above .

  7. 学生抽象与具体化的表现较差,推理方面,数学学习障碍学生有一定的推理能力。

    The poor performance of students abstract and concrete reasoning , mathematics students with learning disabilities have a certain degree of reasoning ability .

  8. 感觉与数值化属于抽象与具体二个不同的范畴,但却相互依存,互相促进。

    Sense and numerization belongs to the concrete category and abstract category respectively , but they depend on each other and enhance mutually .

  9. 五味的实质是二者之间抽象与具体、包含与被包含的密切的内在联系。

    The essence of five flavours is the close internal relationship between taste and inference , abstract and concrete , including and being included .

  10. 在构思方面,恰当处理结构上的抽象与具体、疏与密的关系是应用文写作成功的关键。

    The key of writing is to deal with the relations between the abstract and concrete , the sparse and the dense on structure appropriately .

  11. 在系统中,我们采用了过程家族的概念,以可变点为中心,将刻画的模型分成抽象与具体。

    That is to say , we adopt the concept of process family , and divide models into abstract and specific ones in terms of variable points .

  12. 首先,本文采用理论借鉴与深化、抽象与具体、个体与整体分析相结合的方法。

    First , the article uses many methods and combines studying with deepening , abstract and concrete , individual method with integral method , and so on .

  13. 但是将证伪主义应用于经济学认识论时,存在着证伪与证实,抽象与具体,目标与手段,规范与实证方面的难题。

    However , when applying to economics epistemology , falsificationism has difficulties in falsification and verification , abstract and concrete , goals and means , formulations and demonstrations .

  14. 中外行政法学界对行政指导从功能视角、法律依据视角、抽象与具体等视角进行了可贵的探讨。

    Chinese and foreign academic circles of administration law have approached the subject from many angles , such as angle of function , legal basis , abstraction and concreteness etc.

  15. 正义是抽象与具体、主观与客观、相对与绝对、普遍与特殊、变与不变、历时与共时的辩证统一,是从低级向高级、不甚理想状态到更理想状态的阶梯式发展。

    Justice is a dialectical unity of abstract and concrete , subjective and objective , relative and absolute , universal and particular , changed and unchanged , diachronic and synchronic .

  16. 有限的判例有效主义可以解决法律规则的抽象与具体生活的变化之间的矛盾,与我国的法律思想与法律传统具有某种相合之处。

    Validity of limited cases can resolve the contradiction between the abstraction of legal rules and the changes of specific life . It is somewhat similar to Chinese legal thoughts and legal tradition .

  17. 通过视角和空间的转换以及人的积极参与,从而达到缩短抽象与具体、精神与肉体、主体与客体之间的差距。

    The shift of the perspectives and space as well as the active participation of human being narrow the gap between the abstract and concrete , mind and body , subject and object successfully .

  18. 分析研究的结果证明语素的自由与粘着、自主与非自主、可数与不可数、抽象与具体、有生命和无生命等性质对离析类型都有一定的影响。

    The analysis results proof that morpheme natures , free or adhesive , independent or dependent , countable or uncountable , abstract or concrete , animate or inanimate , etc. have certain effect on separated type .

  19. 功能论是通过产品功能的分析与综合,结构系统的抽象与具体,造型单元的变化与组合等途径,对这一问题加以解决的一种设计观念及方法。

    Function theory is a kind of design idea and methods that take into the solution to the problem by analyzing and synthesizing the product function , abstracting and embodying the construction system and the transformation and combination of shape units .

  20. 英汉词义存在着明显的差异。本文从词的多义性,抽象与具体及构词法三方面进行比较,并举例说明遇到各种情况的译法。

    There exist obvious differences between the meaning of English and Chinese words This paper is to compare them in three aspects-word ambiguity , word concrete and abstract , and word formation , and give examples on the translation in different situations .

  21. 把系统工程关于分解与合成的方法与面向对象的层次结构方法相结合,形成多重层次结构的表达方法和结构状态,包含着归纳与演绎、抽象与具体、主体与部分的动态关系。

    Combining the decomposition and composition method of system engineer with the layer theory of object-oriented , form the express method and structural state of Multi-layer structure , including the mobility relation of induction and deduction , abstraction and concretion , main and part .

  22. 虽然大陆法系的交往安全义务理论与英美法系的注意义务之间类似于抽象与具体的关系,但二者都扩大了不作为侵权责任的范围,扩张了作为义务的来源。

    Although the civil law theory of communication security obligations and common law duty of care is similar between the relationship between abstract and concrete , but both have expanded the scope is not as tort liability , the expansion as a source of obligations .

  23. 无疑,在1933年末,艾伦·图灵致力于量子物理和纯数学这两个领域,进行了非常深入的思考,试图建立抽象与具体,符号与实物之间的联系。

    Certainly , by the end of 1933 , Alan Turing had his teeth into two parallel problems of great depth . Both in quantum physics and in pure mathematics , the task was to relate the abstract and the physical , the symbolic and the real .

  24. 五脏实质是机体在应时而变调控过程中形成的功能性结构&生理调控摸板,它与NEI的关系是高层次与低层次、抽象化与具体化、调控软件与硬件的关系。

    The relationship between the five viscera of TCM and NEI is high and low levels , abstract and concrete , modulating software and hardware .

  25. 关于翻译标准的哲学思考&论翻译标准的抽象性与具体性

    Abstract and Specific Characters in Translation Standards

  26. 证据有抽象形态与具体形态,只能对具体形态的证据提出资格要求。

    Evidence can be in abstract forms or concrete forms , and we can only make competence requirements on concrete evidence .

  27. 最后便是抽象自由与具体自由的结合,即自由理念的生成与凝练。

    The last part is combination of abstract freedom and specific freedom , i.e. , birth and development of freedom philosophy .

  28. 本文第五部分着重分析了互为目的与手段的辩证统一的抽象人与具体人在和谐社会构建中的意义。

    First the thesis elaborates the theoretical significance of the dialectical unification of abstract person and concrete person in constructing harmonious society .

  29. 管理策略是管理智能的抽象,与具体的网络设备无关,因此保证了管理的可靠性和一致性。

    Being the abstract of management intelligence and independent of the concrete devices , Management policy can guarantee the dependability and consistency of management .

  30. 本文采用抽象理论与具体数据相结合、过程与状态相结合、规范分析以及因素分析等方法,立足于经济发展与就业的理论,结合中国经济社会的特点,全面系统的分析了两者之间的关系。

    In this paper , we use the research method combined abstract theory with concrete data , dynamic with static , normative with factor analysis . We can get to know the relationship between them comprehensively and systematically .