
  • 网络customs broker
  1. 报关企业接受委托人的委托办理报关手续的,应当对委托人所提供情况的真实性进行合理审查。

    The Customs broker so entrusted shall , as appropriate , verify the authenticity of the information provided by the principal .

  2. 常驻机构进出境公用物品,应当由本机构或其委托的报关企业向主管海关提交书面申请。

    If the permanent setups enter and exit goods for public use , they should submit written application to the competent customs by themselves or by their trusted customs broker .

  3. 铁路建立专业报关企业初探

    Approach to establishing Professional Customs Brokers Enterprise

  4. 本文运用了平衡记分卡的理论和层次分析法,列出报关企业的20个主要经营管理指标,并加以权重进行分析。

    This summary has list twenty guide lines of major management with balance billiard-marker theory and administrative levels analysis method to be analysed .

  5. 向海关办理申报手续的进出口货物的收发货人、受委托的报关企业应当预先在海关依法办理登记注册。

    The consignor and consignee of export and import goods and the agent declaration enterprises shall be registered at the customs in advance for going through customs declaration procedures .

  6. 委托人委托报关企业办理报关手续的,应当向报关企业提供所委托报关事项的真实情况;

    A principal shall , in the case of entrusting a Customs clearing agent to complete the Customs formalities , provide to the enterprise true information regarding the entrusted declaration .

  7. 出口货物发货人、受委托的报关企业应当在货物运抵海关监管区后、装货的二十四小时以前向海关申报。

    The consignor of import goods and the agent declaration enterprises shall declare to the customs after the goods arrive at the custody area of the customs but24 hours before loading .

  8. 报关企业和报关人员不得非法代理他人报关,或者超出其业务范围进行报关活动。

    Any Customs clearing agent and individual engaged in making a declaration to the Customs shall not illegally make Customs declaration on behalf of others or go beyond their approved business scope .

  9. 报关企业接受进出口货物收发货人的委托,以自己的名义办理报关手续的,应当承担与收发货人相同的法律责任。

    Where a customs clearing agent is entrusted by the importer or exporter of import or export goods to complete customs formalities in its own name , it shall bear the same legal liability as the importer or exporter .

  10. 从事报关业务的企业;

    Enterprises engaged in Customs declaration .

  11. 应持有关进出口货物的批准文件,委托有报关权的企业代理报关。

    Should hold the approval file of goods of concerned imports and exports , entrust have declare at customs the industry representative of authority declares at customs .

  12. 代理报检、代办产地证、代理企业退税、合同备案、提供买单报关单证、代办企业合同手册等。

    Providing service of imports and exports including agency inspection declaration , Certificate of origin , acting tax , recordal of license contract , and declaration documents etc.

  13. 第二条本规定所称的“报关单位”,是指:(1)直接向海关办理进、出口货物和进、出口运输工具报关手续的企业;

    Enterprises directly performing the customs procedures for imports and exports and customs formalities applicable to incoming and outgoing means of transport ;