
zhé kou
  • discount;allowance;rebate;reduction;abatement
折扣 [zhé kòu]
  • [discount] 买卖货物时按原价的若干成计价,如按九成,叫九折或九扣

  • 以汇票的折扣动用银行的基金

折扣[zhé kou]
  1. 折扣的大部分进了零售商的腰包,而顾客没有得到实惠。

    Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers .

  2. 1979年,LiquorBarn烈酒折扣店的生意十分红火。

    In 1979 , Liquor Barn thrived as a discount merchandiser .

  3. 他们对同行业的人给予折扣。

    They offer discounts to the trade .

  4. 鹰星公司给予年龄在55岁以上的顾客10%的折扣。

    Eagle Star offers a 10 % discount to the over-55s .

  5. 团体订座可享受折扣价。

    Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates .

  6. 全职员工享受20%的折扣。

    Full-time staff get a 20 per cent discount .

  7. 商品促销与产品折扣同样意味着可能会省下一大笔钱。

    Trade and product discounts can also mean big savings

  8. 在换季之初抢先购买通常会有折扣优惠。

    Early bird discounts are usually available at the beginning of the season .

  9. 商业折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争手段。

    Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty .

  10. 这个理论被打了折扣。

    This theory has now been discounted .

  11. 即便驾驶员在事故中没有过错,他们也可能失去无索赔折扣。

    Motorists could lose their no-claims discount , even if they are not at fault in an accident .

  12. 你听他的话要打个折扣。

    You should accept his statement with some discount . ; You should discount what he says .

  13. 你办此事不能打折扣。

    You can 't take it with a grain of salt .

  14. 你要说到做到,不能打折扣。

    You should do exactly as you say , without hedging .

  15. 欧盟认定英特尔使用这样的折扣必然有其险恶的目的。

    The EU reckons that intel 's use of such rebates was nefarious .

  16. 产生怀疑的不安全感本身就要给这种保证打折扣。

    The very insecurity that engenders the suspicion discounts the value of the assurance .

  17. 这篇文章使他的名誉打了折扣。

    This article lowered his reputation .

  18. 但由于北洋政府经济立法的历史局限性,它的经济立法活动受到了各种政治力量的张力制约,从而使其经济立法的历史推动作用大打了折扣。

    But owing to the Beiyang government 's historical limitations , its legislative activities had been restricted by the various political force tensions and its historical roles had been reduced .

  19. Dewalt推出了一个以旧换新计划,通过提供高达100美元的即时折扣来鼓励人们回收旧工具。

    By offering instant discounts worth as much as $ 100 , DeWalt launched a trade-in program to encourage people to bring back tools .

  20. 它已计划开设更多的“幕后梅西”,这个新的打折店可能有助于梅西百货更好地对抗野心勃勃的T。J。Maxx折扣店。

    It   has plans   to   open   more   locations   of   Macy 's   Backstage ,   a   newly-developed   off-price   concept   which might   help   it   better   compete   with   ambitious   T.   J.   Maxx .

  21. 为了鼓励到店顾客带来更多旧鞋,阿迪达斯巴西公司通过播放视频来宣传该活动,教育顾客,甚至在每次顾客带来旧鞋时提供折扣。

    To motivate visitors to bring in more old shoes , Adidas Brazil promotes the program in stores by showing videos to educate customers , and it even offers a discount each time a customer brings in an old pair of shoes .

  22. 吝啬的英国消费者们会从诸如阿尔迪和利德这样的折扣店里选择更加廉价的产品,而不是其他奢侈的店铺。

    Penny-pinching UK consumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidl rather than luxury alternatives .

  23. 歌剧荣誉会员享受艺术会员折扣。电话:241-2742。

    The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts . Phone : 241-2742 .

  24. 他们试图以大折扣吸引顾客。

    They try to attract shoppers with big discounts .

  25. 这类活动的时间有限,但折扣力度通常较大。商家们会用“aflashsale”作为标语来吸引顾客。例句如果你想买机票,可以关注一下圣诞节后常有的限时抢购。

    If you want to buy flight tickets , look out for the flash sales which are common after Christmas .

  26. Mealticket(饭票)可指在指定餐馆就餐的餐票,以此种方式就餐通常可以享受折扣;

    Meal ticket may refer to a ) a ticket that entitles the bearer to meals in a specified1 restaurant , especially when meals purchased in this manner are offered at reduced rates ;

  27. 如果想要的话我会给你打个折扣。

    I can give a discount2 if you really want one .

  28. 谄媚的画笔依从狭窄的画布把真理打了折扣

    The obsequious brush curtails truth deference to the canvas which is narrow .

  29. 付现金可以打折扣。

    You will have a reduction for cash .

  30. 你给我折扣吗?

    Would you give me a discount ?