
  • 网络stability against sliding
  1. 汾河二库增强大坝抗滑稳定性的工程措施

    Engineering measures for increasing stability against sliding of Reservoir II dam

  2. 介绍了程序的新功能、新特点以及程序在向家坝重力坝抗滑稳定性研究中的应用。

    An application of the new program to analyze the stability against sliding of Xiangjiaba gravity dam is presented .

  3. 齿坎式路基挡土墙抗滑稳定性的现场试验研究

    Stability research on retaining wall with notched sill by site testing

  4. 三峡左岸坝段三维抗滑稳定性分析

    3D stability analysis of Three Gorges dam foundation near left abutment

  5. 海堤结构型式及抗滑稳定性计算分析

    Analysis on structural shape of sea dyke and its sliding stability

  6. 区间有限元方法及其在抗滑稳定性分析中的应用

    Interval Finite Element Method and Its Application on Anti-Slide Stability Analysis

  7. 重力坝深层抗滑稳定性的空间刚体极限平衡分析

    Space limitation BANACE analysis on gravity dam stability against deep sliding

  8. 齿坎式挡土结构抗滑稳定性分析

    Numerical analysis for stability against sliding of retaining wall with notched sill

  9. 墩柱建筑物抗滑稳定性的可靠度分析

    Analysis on Reliability of Resistance to Sliding for a pier Column Structure

  10. 武都水库18号坝段深层抗滑稳定性分析

    The deep stability against sliding analysis of the No.18 dam of Wudu reservoir

  11. 齿坎式挡土墙提高了结构的抗滑稳定性,对减少墙体自重,减小结构断面尺寸具有显著的作用。

    The tenon retaining wall will improve the resisting slippery stability of structure .

  12. 高拱坝沿建基面抗滑稳定性的分析方法研究

    Methods for analyzing sliding resistance stability along the base surface of high arch dam

  13. 尾矿坝抗滑稳定性及影响因素敏感度分析研究

    Study on the Slide Stability of Tailings Dam and Sensitivity Analysis of Influencing Factors

  14. 卡姆斯沟水库坝基与坝肩稳定性分析汾河二库坝基深层抗滑稳定性评价

    Evaluation of the Deep Stability against Sliding of the Dam Base of Fenhe No.2 Reservoir

  15. 条带煤柱的抗滑稳定性分析

    Analysis of slide stability for strip pillars

  16. 复杂坝基上重力坝的渗流分析及深层抗滑稳定性安全评价

    Analysis of Seepage and Stability Against Deep Sliding for the Gravity Dam on Complex Foundation

  17. 雅砻江某水电站坝基抗滑稳定性初析

    Preliminary Study on Sliding Stability against Dam Foundation at a Hydropower Station on the Yalong River

  18. 用强度折减方法分析重力坝深层抗滑稳定性

    Analysis on the deep anti-sliding stability of concrete gravity dam foundation by FLAC strength reduction method

  19. 真空联合堆载加固软基的抗滑稳定性模型与应用

    A Model on Stability of Soft Foundation Improved by Vacuum - Pile Preloading Method and Its Application

  20. 三峡左厂3号坝段坝基深层抗滑稳定性有限元分析

    FEM simulation on deep sliding stability of No.3 dam foundation of left powerhouse of Three Georges Project

  21. 应力应变分析和坝基抗滑稳定性是重力坝设计中的重要内容。

    The stress 、 strain and sliding stability are important contents for the design of gravity dam .

  22. 层状基岩上坝体抗滑稳定性的塑性理论极限平衡法

    A plastic limit equilibrium method for the calculation of the stability of a dam on a layered rock

  23. 土石坝抗滑稳定性与砂层地基液化的可靠度理论与应用

    The Reliability Theory and Application on Slope Stability of Earth and Rock-Filled Dams and Liquefaction of Dams Foundation

  24. 采用有限元方法研究土石坝复合土工膜防渗斜墙的抗滑稳定性。

    For analysis stability against sliding of slope-wall rock dam with geomembrane , still adopting finite element method .

  25. 分析认为,关河大坝的抗滑稳定性总体上是安全的。

    From the analysis , the stability against sliding of Guanhe Dam is , in general , safe .

  26. 计算表明,进水塔的强度和抗滑稳定性满足规范要求。

    Calculation shows that the strength and the stability against sliding can meet the requirement of national codes .

  27. 通过有限元法分析坝坡在地震下的抗滑稳定性,并与拟静力法计算结果相比较,判断坝坡在地震过程中的安全稳定性。

    Compare the results get from traditional pseudo-static method and FEM method , and judge the stability of dam slop .

  28. 采用三维有限元方法,用强度储备系数,对江坪河双曲拱坝坝肩抗滑稳定性进行分析。

    The sliding stability of the abutments of Jiangpinghe double-curved arch dam is analyzed by3-D nonlinear FEM with strength safety coefficient .

  29. 介绍了堤身存在裂缝情况下,汛期水位骤降时堤防迎水坡抗滑稳定性的计算过程。

    This paper introduces the calculation process of the stability analysis under the condition of sudden drawdown of the water level .

  30. 本文还提出了板式橡胶支座厚度设计及抗滑稳定性验算的可靠指标计算公式。

    On this basis , the counting formulas of reliability index on design of thickness and antiskid stability checking are also put forward .