
  • 网络resistance form
  1. 而利用锌汀制备一定的固位形和抗力形,配合银汞合金修复无髓牙牙体大面积缺损。

    This study finds that there is good effect on restoring the large defect in pulpless teeth body with retention form and resistance form prepared by zinc phosphate cements , matching dental amalgam restoration .

  2. 基牙应具备良好固位形和抗力形;

    The base of the teeth should have good fixation and resistant figure ;

  3. 考虑抗力退化的T形截面既有受弯构件时变可靠度计算方法

    Calculating Method of Time-Dependent Reliability of Existing Bending Structure with T-Shape Section Considering Resistance Deterioration