
  1. 今年,北京菜百首饰店的销售增长了60%,这一趋势受到无装饰投资金条销售的驱动。

    Sales at the Caibai jewellery store in Beijing are up 60 per cent this year , a trend driven by sales of undecorated bullion bars for investment .

  2. 上周五早上,在北京最大的金店菜百(Caibai),购买投资级金条的人们排起了长队。

    At Beijing 's largest gold store Caibai a long queue formed to buy investment-grade bullion on Friday morning .

  3. 由于缺少其它可行的投资渠道,金条和黄金产品便成为热门的投资选择。

    The lack of a viable alternative makes gold bars and products popular investment options .